You May Live In Canada If…

You may live in Canada if:

If you’ve worn shorts and a parka at the same time.

If you’ve had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number.

If you measure distance in hour

If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.

If you have switched from ‘heat’ to ‘A/C’ In the same day and back again.

If you can drive 56 miles/hr. through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching.

If you carry jumper cables in your car, and your wife knows how to use them.

If you design your kid’s Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.

If the speed limit on the highway is 50 miles/hr. and you’re going 60 and everybody is passing you.

If you know all 4 seasons:
Almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction. 

If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car.

If you find -2oF degrees ‘a little chilly’. author unknown



Canadian Happy for Spring




Reflections: Happy Birthday!

Who would have ever believed a California Girl would turn in her flip-flops for a pair of cowboy boots and the lure of the Alberta Prairies? When this California beach bunny met a handsome Canadian Cowboy, it was like “John Wayne meets California Bling Queen” two different worlds collided.  I still love my boots, but I haven’t given up the flip-flops either.  You might say I’m a little bit country, however there is still a dash of Bling even after all these years.

When I moved to Canada, I found some cultural  differences, but the people were friendly and forgiving as I made mistakes. They were always willing to give me advice, help and a warm listening ear.  I cherish the friends and family who made my transition in a new country a fun journey.

So “Happy Birthday Canada” today is your day.  July 1, 1867, one-hundred and fifty years ago. You became a nation, and what a beautiful, welcoming country you are. 

What a joy and a privilege to be blessed with such a magnificent heritage of living and being a part of two countries where freedom  is valued. 

They say “Freedom is never free,” but there is always a price.  I am humbled and honored to thank the brave soldiers who fight for my freedoms. Thank You.©

“It is easy to take liberty for granted when you have never had it taken from you.” Author unknown

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend be safe. Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan

Have you ever visited, or do you live in Canada, What is your favorite place? Let me know I would love to hear.

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