THE BBQ RULES~ Singing My Song



 I laughed my mascara and eyeliner off.   I hope you enjoy the “Rules” too.

We are about to enter the summer and BBQ season. Therefore it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking activity, as it’s the only type of cooking a ‘real’ man will do, probably because there is an element of danger involved.

When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of events are put into motion:


(1) The woman buys the food.
(2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert.
(3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill – cold drink in hand.

 Here comes the important part:


 More routine….

(5) The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.
(6) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He thanks her and asks if she will bring another cold drink while he deals with the situation.

 Important again:

(8) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces, and brings them to the table.
(9) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.

 And most important of all:

(10) Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts

(11) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed ‘her night off.’ And, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there’s just no pleasing some women.  Author unknown





Reflections:  Singing My Song

Living on the ranch in Tilley, AB Canada was an incredible experience for me. When out first daughter was born, it was great fun to have grandma and grandpa Gleddie living so close. 

Every day she would go out to the ranch yard to see the animals.  She loved them all so much it was only natural that we would practice and learn “Ole Mac Donald Had a Farm.”  She also learned “Jesus loves me at Sunday school.” 

We wanted to surprise Grandma and Grandpa with the singing talents of their first grandchild.  And surprise them we did!

One Saturday we all rode to town for our weekly groceries, and on the way home, we decided it was the perfect time for a concert. Our daughter would start with “Jesus Loves Me, ” and next do “Ole Mac Donald Had a Farm.”  She belted out the Song, (you can sing along)

Jesus Loves me this I Know,

For the Bible tells me so,

Little ones to Him belong,

Ole MacDonald had a Farm!

I must say that there was a moment of silence as we tried to process the words, then there was a burst of laughter.  All the words had fit perfectly with the tune.  She’s a Genius!

Do you step onto the stage of life every day striving for the perfect appearance and performing your best for love, acceptance, and approval of others?

There have been times when I have rushed ahead of God, making my own plans.  Trying to fit the Lord into my will and wants.  Only to realize that I messed up trying to impress God that I am worthy enough to be loved.  Wow, really?

God knows the secret longings of our hearts. He knows all about our unfulfilled desires and dreams, our feelings of loneliness and fears for the future. He alone knows our joy and pain, our successes, failures, and doubts. He knows everything about you, inside and out, past, present and future.

Although every life is different, and your circumstances are not the same as mine, you may have had some of the same feelings.

I have news for you,


I sometimes get in such a rush I forget that I can never work, buy or beg enough for God’s love.  He gives Love, life, and forgiveness freely if I ask. 

Psalm 118:6-7b NLT

6. The Lord is for me so that I will have no fear.

What can mere people do to me?

7b. Yes the Lord is for me, He will help me.


Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend.

 Do You find yourself running ahead of God sometimes, like me? 

Smile, God Love You. Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan


You’re a Mom When …

 You’re a Mom When

  • Your feet stick to the kitchen floor…..and you don’t care.
  • You can’t find your cordless phone, so you ask a friend to call you, and you run around the house madly, following the sound until you locate the phone downstairs in the laundry basket.
  • Your favorite television show is a cartoon.
  • You’re willing to kiss your child’s boo-boo, regardless of where it is.
  • Your baby’s pacifier falls on the floor and you give it back to her after you suck the dirt off of it because you’re too busy to wash it off.

  • Your kids make jokes about farting, burping, pooping, etc. and you think it’s funny.
  • You’re so desperate for adult conversation that you spill your guts to the telemarketer that calls and HE hung up on YOU!


The closest you get to gourmet cooking is making Rice Crispies bars

  • You are out for a nice romantic meal with your husband, enjoying some real adult conversation when suddenly you realize that you’ve reached over and started to cut up his steak.


  • You spend a half hour searching for your sunglasses only to have your teenager say, “Mom, why don’t you wear the ones you pushed up on your head?”
  • You weep through the scene in Dumbo when his mom is taken away, not to mention what Bambi does to you.
  • You can never go to the bathroom alone without someone screaming outside the door.


  • You find yourself humming the Barney song as you do the dishes.
  • You hear a baby cry in the grocery store, and you start to gently sway back and forth, back and forth. However, your children are still at school! Author Unknown





Reflections:  Are You Like Your Mother”                                                                      

People would say, “You’re just like your mother” and I would cringe. At the ripe old age of 15, 20 and 28, those were not the words I wanted to hear. I wanted to be a super mom, you know, the woman that did and had it all. I was going to be organized, clever and insightful at life. No traumatic crisis for me.

My mother came from a harsh background; I think she spent her life trying to work through the difficulties she encountered as a child. She strived to be understanding and kind towards others. Unlike her parents, she achieved her goal. There were painful personal and emotional struggles in her life, as well as great highs. Mother was always optimistic no matter what life handed her. Her motto was: Tomorrow’s a brand new day.”

She worked hard to put a roof over our heads and food on the table, never giving up or expecting handouts. Although others13 thought we were poor, I can’t say that we ever thought we were. We always had enough, when we outgrew our shoes and clothing; she made sure we had something new to replace the old. I often wondered how she worked her magic with the budget, but as I look back I realize she went without so that my sisters and I would have more opportunities and a few extras.

Mother loved a good deal, so thrift stores, Salvation Army, garage sales and flea markets were thrilling when she found the ultimate bargain.

She loved her flower beds and gardening much better than house cleaning and often said she felt closer to God outside. She loved to spend time talking to Him in the quietness of the morning as the sun rose on a new day.

We knew mother loved us and loved God too. She trusted Him, leaned on Him, and believed His promises would sustain her throughout life. She taught us daily about God’s grace, forgiveness, and love. Through her life, we were able to see how God faithfully protected and care for our needs. My mother has given me a lifetime of wonderful memories that are worth more to me than silver and gold. 

Now when I hear “You’re just like your Mother,” I say thank you. I pray that my children will know how much they are loved and that they would see the light of God’s love in my life too.©


 Thank you for sharing your time with me dear friend, what are your special Mother’s Day memories of your mother?

Happy Mother’s Day!

Lovingly, Karan

Non-Athletic Exercising

Non-Athletic Exercising

A calorie guide citing a recent medical association report: “Proper weight control and physical fitness cannot be attained by dieting alone.

Many people who engage in sedentary occupations do not realize calories can be burned by the hundreds by engaging in strenuous activities that do not require physical exercise.”

Here’s the guide to calorie-burning activities and the number of calories per hour they consume.

Beating around the bush………………… 75
Jumping to conclusions………………….100
Climbing the walls……………………..150
Swallowing your pride………………….. 50
Passing the buck………………………. 25
Throwing your weight around
(depending on your weight)……….50-300
Dragging your heels…………………….100
Pushing your luck………………………250
Making mountains out of molehills………..500
Hitting the nail on the head……………. 50
Wading through paperwork………………..300
Bending over backward…………………. 75
Jumping on the bandwagon………………..200
Running around in circles……………….350
Eating crow……………………………225
Tooting your own horn………………….. 25
Adding fuel to the fire…………………150
Opening a can of worms…………………. 50

Source Unknown. 




Every year when spring arrives, I tell myself that this is the year I am going to take it easy and relax more. Taking time to smell the roses and enjoying a quieter pace. However, by the summer’s end, I find I need a vacation away from my vacation.

Many times over the years I have toyed with the idea of booking a room at the retirement lodge for a month. To recuperate from the wear and tear of life, sitting quietly on a porch rocking peacefully singing “Blessed Quietness.” When your life feels out of control, have you ever felt like running away? 

My life has been a roller coaster for the last few years, and when my to-do list hits overflow, I become overwhelmed. At this point, I feel guilty and decide not to look at my list anymore. (No, I ‘m not feeling better yet) Throwing the to-do list away now becomes a real option. I could start a new list, and forget how far behind I am.

The problem is, I often cannot face failure or rejection. I would rather not try than to risk failure. I want to see the big picture and know success is inevitable. However, nothing in life is guaranteed, when my financial prospects are bleak, the job market is uncertain, and I struggle with health issues, it is easy to become overwhelmed.

Sometimes, I wish God would send me an e-mail, as a quick reminder that He is still in control and cares. However, he only asks me to trust him. Can I trust him to help me with my to-do-lists, concerns, and fears? 

Psalm 46: 1-2 says, “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.

He is my strength, and light in a troubled world, I will not fear? ©  

 God’s love does not keep us from trials; it helps us to get through them.

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me,

Have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs to all.  Lovingly, Karan

Moses Has a Walkie-Talkie.

Moses Has a Walkie-Talkie?

Nine-year-old Kyle was asked by his mother what he had learned at Sunday school.

moses“Well, mom, our teacher told us how God sent Moses behind enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.”

When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely.

Then he used his walkie-talkie to radio headquarters for reinforcements.  They sent bombers to blow up the bridge and the Israelites were saved.

“Now, Kyle, is that really what your teacher taught you?” his mother asked.

“Well, no. But if I told it the way the teacher did, you’d never believe it!”





This week I will have another birthday, nothing helps you to reevaluate your life than a milestone on the calendar.  I knew my birthday was approaching because for the last six months I have been receiving emails about burial plots, death insurance, plastic surgery plans and wrinkle removers.  Wow, I didn’t think I was that old and thanks for the reminder! Lol.

I am 50 + and loving it and my mind has not left me yet, thank goodness.   I read a quote the other day that said,” I would rather be a vivacious, confident, and a young at heart 70 year old, then an old 40-year-old.

I thought it was a funny quote until I started remembering when I was 40.  Do you remember your 40’s?  I was the ranch gopher, cook, mother of 3 teenage daughters, rancher’s wife, hostess, tour guide, chauffeur, and entertainment committee all in one.  I never seemed to have enough sleep. My theme song during those days was the Garth Brooks, song, “I’m too young to feel this damn old.” Do you feel like that?

I am sure God must have a sense of humor, looking down on us. With all the wild and crazy misadventure of life, we are still here.

God gave me the privilege of raising our three wonderful daughters. Then He gave me the courage to let them fly the nest, and become the special women that God planned for them to be.  It is hard to believe there were times when I wished everyone would hurry and grow up.  

I have news for you; the best is yet to come! ©

Psalm 18:30 (NLT)

 God’s way is perfect.
    All the Lord’s promises prove true.
    He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.

Have a great week!

Lovingly, Karan 

Thank you for dropping by and sharing your time with me.  Do you ever feel too tired and weary you forget to enjoy life? I would love to hear from you.


The Reindeer Games

The Reindeer Games

The game show contestant was only 200 points behind the leader and about to answer the final question – worth 500 points!”

reindeerTo be today’s champion,” the show’s smiling host intoned,”name two of Santa’s reindeer.”The contestant, a man in his early thirties, gave a sigh of relief, gratified that he had drawn such an easy question. “Rudolph!” he said confidently, “and, …Olive!”

The studio audience started to applaud (like the little sign above their heads said to do,) but the clapping quickly faded into mumbling, and the confused host replied, “Yes, we’ll accept Rudolph, but could you please explain…’Olive?!?'”

“You know,” the man circled his hand forward impatiently and began to sing, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer – had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw it, you would even say it glowed. *Olive,* the other reindeer…” Author unknown








This last year has had many highs and lows for me as well as being a year of reflection.  As I have traveled this last year, I am constantly aware people seem unsettled and fear their future. I’ve often said, “Life is tough if I wasn’t laughing I would be crying”. I think others are feeling the same way.

Whcoffee-and-meen your life turns upside down it has a way of giving you a whole new perspective on what is important. 

In reflection I have learned when life is tough I need to focus on the priceless treasures in my life. God’s love, my family and friends who encourage and pray for me.  I am blessed.

The lessons I have learned about myself this year have been enlightening, as I struggle to do better with God’s help:

  • I need to learn to be a better friend and family member by keeping closer contact and letting each person know how much I love and appreciate them.
  • I need to be more faithful in my accountability to writing, which I know God has called me to do.
  • I need to answer emails quickly. I am a procrastinator, then I feel embarrassed because time has slipped away from me. (To those who have written please forgive me, it was not intentional, I am just embarrassed) I will do better.
  • I need to have more faith and trust God as I march into the future. (He sees the BIG picture I don’t) I’m a memo girl, but unfortunately, God doesn’t send memos.


“The best Christmas gift of all is the presence of our families and friends all wrapped up in love for one another “. I believe that is true, no matter what our circumstance or need.

This year as we come into the Christmas season, there will be joy and expectation knowing we have the presence of our loved ones and friends. And as we wrap our love around each one, we will lovingly remember those who could not be with us.

I wish each of you a Merry Christmas and pray that the Christ of Christmas will bless your homes as you prepare for the Holiday Season.©

Luke 2: 13 & 14

Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in highest heaven,
    and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”

Lovingly, Karan Gleddie

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me,

Have a wonderful weekend be safe. Hugs to all.