The Fast Lane ~ Flu Season? Not Me I Got My Shot!



The Fast Lane 

The Sunday teacher described how Lot’s wife looked Sodom and was turned into a pillar of salt.

Suddenly Jimmy interrupted.

“My mom looked back once while she was driving,” he announced triumphantly,

and she turned into a telephone pole!” Author unknown





Reflections:  Flu Season? Not Me I Got My Shot!

Every year about September, we start hearing about getting the flu shot which always includes a promise to keep us safe from that particular year’s seasonal virus. I am faithful each year to get my shot because of an Auto-immune disease that I struggle with.  Now Lyle, who never gets the flu shot, thinks it’s a waste of time, besides he never gets sick.

However, after receiving the shot something went wrong.   You guessed it, two days after Christmas I got the flu which lasted about three weeks.  My family decided I would get well sooner if I would try their flu and cold zapping home remedy.  At that point, I was willing to try anything, well almost. 

A cup of hot water, one teaspoon of chopped garlic, one teaspoon of honey and one-quarter cup of lemon juice.  Two cups a day, morning and evening weren’t too awful, and it did seem to help some.  After a few weeks of feeling incarcerated in my home, I was so excited to go to the grocery store and see people. Yeah!  Of course, I was hoping no one would detect the cloud of garlic following me up and down the aisles.

Today I still smell like a garlic bulb, but I think I’m going to make it. Lol

I am still amazed how fast my joy flew out the window.  I moped around the house sniffling and sneezing with my hair uncombed and it even hurt to blink my eyes. My Joy went from 85 to zero in no time at all.  I am embarrassed to even think about it!  Instead of resting on God’s promises I became self-absorbed.                 

Can I choose to be joyful in all circumstances even if I don’t feel like it? Life is a matter of choices and God’s compassion never fails. I  know I will never walk alone.

It helps me remember when I look back and see the journey God has taken me on.  All I see are His promises of faithfulness, love, and grace, what more could I ask for?


 Always be joyful.1 Thess. 5:16

Has the flu come your way yet? How is your joy today? 

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 
Lovingly, Karan

A Bad Dream~Be Kind to Yourself

A Bad Dream?

Martha was taking an afternoon nap on New Year’s Eve before the festivities.

After she woke up, she confided to Max, her husband, ‘I just dreamed that you gave me a diamond ring for a New Year’s present.

What do you think it all means?’

‘Aha, you’ll know tonight,’ answered Max smiling broadly.

At midnight, as the New Year was chiming, Max approached Marhta and handed her small package. 

Delighted and excited she opened it quickly. There in her hand rested a book entitled: ‘The meaning of dreams’.

Author unknown





Reflections: Be Kind to Yourself

As another  New Year approaches it can be a stressful time. With all the changes in our lives over the last few years, it is hard to imagine what is ahead for 2018.

Over the years I have learned when life is tough I need to focus on the rich treasures of my life instead of the circumstances that would drown me. God’s love, my family, and friends who encourage and pray for me are a constant joy,

The lessons I have learned about myself over the years are revealing. Struggling to do better with God’s help, I see that I still fail to rest fully on him.  I sometimes feel like I don’t want to bother God with my little problems when he has the whole world to take care of. 

Many times I run ahead of him trying to help him out, and make a mess, waiting is hard for me.  But, you know what God doesn’t need help, He is my shelter and rock. When there is no place else to run. Do you have some of those same feelings?

This year I want to be faithful in these areas;

1.  I need to learn to be a better friend and family member by keeping closer contact and letting each person know how much I love and appreciate them.

 2.  I need to be more faithful in my accountability to writing, which I know God has called me to do.

3.  I need to answer emails quickly. I am a procrastinator, then I feel embarrassed because time has slipped away from me. (To those who have written please forgive me, it was not intentional, I am just embarrassed) I will do better.

4.  I need to have more faith and trust God as I march into the future. (He sees the BIG picture I don’t) I’m a memo girl, but unfortunately, God doesn’t send memos.

5.  I need to be kind to myself, it has always been easier for me to forgive others failures, but I tend to browbeat myself with my own.  If God has forgiven me and extended his grace to me, I need to give myself a little grace also.

“The best New Year gifts of all is the presence of our families and friends all wrapped up in love for one another.” I believe that is true, no matter what our circumstance or need.

This year as we come into the New Year, there will be joy and expectation knowing we have the presence of our loved ones and friends. And as we wrap our love around each one, we will lovingly remember those who could not be with us.

I wish each of you a Happy New Year and pray that the Christ of new beginnings will bless your homes as you welcome 2018.©

Galatians 1:3   May God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.

Lovingly, Karan Gleddie

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me,

Have a wonderful weekend be safe. Hugs to all


Christmas at Grandma’s ~ Humbug!

 Christmas at Grandma’s


Christmas at Grandmother’s little Jimmy asked, her how old she was.  

She responded, “I’m thirty-nine and holding.”

The little tyke thought for a moment,  then said, ” How old would you be if you let go?






Christmas Has Been Canceled

It’s all YOUR fault!

You told Santa that you were GOOD this year…







Reflections:  Humbug! 

Each year at the holiday season our family watches “A Christmas Carol”. We love the black and white version with Alabaster Simms, as Ebenezer Scrooge. As the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future each pay their nightly visit to Ebenezer; he is traumatized by his nightmares.                                                                         

However, in the morning daylight, things don’t look so grim, and he rejects the nightmares, saying: Bah, humbug, I think the reason I love “A Christmas Carol” is because it causes me to reflect on my own past, present and future

The smell of Christmas baking, the glowing tree with the Angel on top, I would love to keep the tree up all year long if I could. It is so relaxing to sit under the glow of lights and meditate and reflect on the past years. And reflect on God’s love and grace to me.

Over the year, there have been many tears, frustration and fears as I have tried to learn God’s love lessons in patience. I think patience is going to be a lifelong pursuit for me because I seem to be such a slow learner. I am so thankful that God doesn’t give up on me, as he lovingly helps me to understand his purposes for my life.

As I reflect on this last year, I am reminded of all the love, encouragement and prayers of family and friends. What an extraordinary year. I read a little quote that said, “Dark fears flee in the light of God’s presence”. What a beautiful thought of comfort and peace God brings to us as we look forward to 2018.©

Praying you have a wonderful Christmas season with your family and friends.

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your time with me today.

What is your favorite Christmas Traditions?

Sending love to you all, Merry Christmas.

Lovingly, Karan

No One Diets on Thanksgiving


“To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone.”
~Reba McEntire ~


Stuff The Turkey

Baby Bruno was sitting in his grandmother’s kitchen, watching her prepare the Thanksgiving meal.

What are you doing?” Bruno asked.

“Oh, I’m just stuffing the turkey,” his grandmother replied.

“That’s cool!” Bruno said. “Are you going to hang it next to the deer?”






No One Diets On Thanksgiving

I love The Thanksgiving season, anticipating the cherished times with family and friends that no amount of money could buy. And besides no one diets on Thanksgiving! 

The smell of a turkey baking, pumpkin pies and the beautiful fall colored trees of November is my favorite time of year.  I love the family gatherings as we remembering each loved one who joins us and the cherished ones we have lost these past years. We can also reflect on God’s love and grace. 

Over the year, there have been many tears, frustration, and fears as I have tried to learn God’s love lessons in waiting. I think waiting is going to be a lifelong pursuit for me because I seem to be such a slow learner. I am so thankful that God doesn’t give up on me, as he lovingly helps me to understand his purposes in my life.

And I pray that you and all God’s holy people will have the power to understand the greatness of Christ’s love—how wide, how long, how high, and how deep that love is.  Christ’s love is greater than anyone can ever know, but I pray that you will be able to know that love.  Then you can be filled with everything God has for you.  

Ephesians 3:18-19 ERV

As God’s peace fills my soul I know that everything is all right. God’s plans are deeper, wider, and higher than anything, I could imagine, and in the loving arms of a faithful and trustworthy God, I know we will be safe.

As I reflected on this last year, I am reminded of all the love, encouragement and prayers of family and friends. What an extraordinary year. I read a little quote that said, “Dark fears flee in the light of God’s presence”. What a beautiful thought of comfort and peace as God brings us soon to another year.

Praying you have a wonderful Thanksgiving season with your family and friends. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your time with me today.©

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week, Travel safe
Sending love to you all. HUGS,
Lovingly, Karan 

***What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving?

****And yes in Canada we have snow, Burrrrrr. LOL

Two elderly gentlemen ~ Sew and Sew

Two elderly gentlemen were sitting under a tree, watching the sun go down.

One says, “You know, I’m 84 years old and my body is full of aches and pains.

You’re about my age. How do you feel?”

The other guy says, “Oh, I feel like a newborn baby.”

“Really,” says the first guy.

“Yep,” says the second one. “No teeth, no hair and I think I just wet my pants.”




This is definitely me, Is anyone else with me?




Reflections: Sew and Sew

I sewed my first quilt it was many years ago;  it was so simple I never made another one. Lol.

But as time passed, I decided to try again. Cutting, splicing, and sewing blocks all the while trying to keep everything in a perfect square. It was difficult because I didn’t know what I was doing and trying to learn how to quilt from the internet was confusing.

Taking on this endeavor, I talked to quilters in our area which were both encouraging and helpful.  However, after seeing some of their beautiful quilts and pictures, I started to feel a little insecure in my abilities.  I wondered if my quilt would look alright and be acceptable. In my heart I knew it would not win any prizes, all I could see were the flaws.  I worried about everything on that quilt.  Could I do the binding right, would my hand stitches be even, would anyone even notice?

Do you ever doubt your abilities when you look at others and admire their talents and perfection?  Only to find yourself grumbling how your talent doesn’t measure up to their perfection. Instead of thanking God for the privilege that he gave you to serve him in your special way, and enjoying the process. 

When my son-in-law came for a visit, he showed me how to square the quilt preparing it for the binding. He helped me to see a new quilting angle. Pointing out all the flaws and mistakes I had made, he said,” it adds character, everyone will know it is an original homemade quilt made with love.” 

Thank you, Lord, for those words of wisdom to remind me that love can transcend time and eternity because of you.  My son-in-law was right; every stitch began with the love for a particular individual.  And it was fun to see the process unfolded.   I wonder if God loves to see the process of our lives unfold too. ©

Lovingly, Karan

How do you deal with doubting your abilities and comparisons to others? Let me know if you do that too.

Thank you, dear friends, for sharing your time with me today,

wishing you a wonderful weekend with your friends and family. Hugs to all!