
Special Made

Special Made

How do You beat the Heat?

I’m not sure my trash bin is big enough.



Special Made

The heat in Southern Alberta is about 90 today and the flowers and grass are feeling the burn. This last week a dear neighbor shared some of her annual plants with me, making my empty flower containers look beautiful.

As the plants along with the grass were starting to suffer I went out to water and ended up having a fight with the sprinkler after trying to set it. Consequently, my pants are hanging by the door sopping wet and my hair is all frizzed up again after spending 40 minutes straightening it yesterday. Lol

As most of you have guessed, I am not a gardener, but I love flowers and admire people who have great gardening skills. I always try to learn all I can from them and I get some great tips too.

So, with a new porch almost finished last week, I am inspired again to turn something plain into a peaceful and serene space for morning coffee. I’ll keep you posted on how it turns out.

Often I get discouraged about the things I don’t do well. I look at others’ talents and gifts and wish I could be more like them. Forgetting to be thankful for the gifts God has given me. So much time has been spent wishing instead of praising God for the blessings I already have.

I love the verse in: 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 

There are different spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. 

There are different ways of serving, and yet the same Lord is served. 

There are different types of work to do, but the same God produces every gift in every person.

God has not left me out, he has allowed me to have a special gift to serve him and tell others of his amazing love and grace. Like each flower or plant, each one of us is different and beautiful. In God’s eyes, we are uniquely special and precious to Him.

No matter what our circumstances are or the road each of us travels, knowing that I have a special place in God’s heart and plan gives me security as I live my life for Him.©


Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 
Lovingly, Karan

The Traveling Tourist ~ Vacation

The Traveling Tourist

A man was driving along the highway, and saw a rabbit hopping across the middle of the road. He swerved to avoid hitting the rabbit, but unfortunately the rabbit jumped in front of the car and was hit.

The driver, being a sensitive man as well as an animal lover, pulled over to the side of the road and got out to see what had become of the rabbit. Much to his dismay, the rabbit was dead. The driver felt so awful he began to cry.

 A woman driving down the highway saw the man crying on the side of the road and pulled over. She stepped out of her car and asked the man what was wrong. “I accidentally hit this rabbit and killed it.”

 The woman told the man not to worry. She knew what to do. She went to her car trunk and pulled out a spray can. She walked over to the limp, dead rabbit, and sprayed the contents of the can onto the rabbit. Miraculously, the rabbit came to life, jumped up, waved its paw at the two humans and hopped down the road.

50 feet away the rabbit stopped, turned around, waved at the two again, hopped down the road another 50 feet, turned, waved, and hopped another 50 feet.

The man was astonished. He couldn’t figure out what substance could be in the woman’s spray can! He ran over to the woman and demanded,” What was in your spray can? What did you spray onto that rabbit?”

The woman turned the can around so that the man could read the label. It said:” Hair Spray Restores Life to Dead Hair. 

Author unknown



Reflections: Vacation

The middle of April, my sister, Joanna and her husband invited me to enjoy some time with them in the San Juan Islands, Washington. What a beautiful and restful time. We spent time together exploring new restaurants, second hand stores and even found some real bargains

I enjoyed a ride on a float plane from the island to Seattle (my first time) and then on to San Diego, California where my sister lives most of the year.

Although I was born in San Francisco, most of my early years were spent in San Diego.

Going back to the San Diego area and seeing family and remembering the places that I loved as a youth was fun. It was like a blast from the past. It’s funny, things don’t stay the same. Neighborhoods change, people move away, stores close and new ones open. Time truly does march on.

I am now with my youngest daughter and her husband in northern California, enjoying their beautiful home, warm weather and contemplating life. I will be here for a few weeks and then back home to Alberta, Canada.

There are many times in life where I have been blessed beyond words from the generosity of others. Many of you know these last few years have been a difficult time and I know it has been the same for many of you too.

Sometimes it is easy to slide into discouragement, fear and loneliness at our situations. I’ve often said, “It can be a long way from my head to my heart.”  When my head reminds me of all the verses of God’s love and compassion, and my heart still says, “Why?

Have you ever had those days when you wonder about God’s plan for you?  I love Bible verses that I can hold on to tightly and rely on their promises.

Psalm 73: 23-25

Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand.

You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.

Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth.


It has been and continues to be a special time away for me.

I know that God blessed me through the kindness of others, Thank you Lord.

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 

Lovingly, Karan

Look Who’s Talking ~ Can I Call You Dad?

Look Who’s Talking!

A Ventriloquist was touring the clubs in Florida. With his dummy on his knees, he’s going through his usual dumb blonde jokes when a blonde woman in the audience stands on her chair and shoots.

“I’ve heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes. 

What does the color of a persons hair have to do with her worth as a human being? It’s guys like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and reaching our full potential!”

The embarrassed ventriloquist starts to apologize when the blonde yells, “You stay out of this, mister! I’m talking to that little jerk sitting on your knee.  Author unknown



Reflections: Can I Call You Dad?

As a child growing up, I always wondered about the father I never knew. Did he have blonde hair, was I like him? My mother never talked about him, and I never inquired because it caused her great sadness to discuss that time in her life.

For years, I would think about meeting him, and dream about our wonderful reunion. But that scenario would not happen. I had found out that he had passed away many years before I had started to look for him. I was so disappointed, all my questions would go unanswered.

I remember at church the minister talked about how much God cares for each of us, and he knows our pain and hurt in the secret places where only he can see. And he quoted a Bible verse that I never forgot:

God in His holy house is a father to those who have no father.

And He keeps the women safe whose husbands have died.

God makes a home for those who are alone.

Psalm 67:5 & 6a

I found great comfort in that verse but wondered if it would happen for me.

Little did I know that God had prepared a father for me in Alberta, Canada. When I married Lyle, I not only got a husband but a new father who became my dad.

Trygve was a kind, loving and humble man who loved life and loved me. As the years passed by it amazed me, how much alike we were. We both loved books, collected funny stories and loved humor. He loved to sing, loved people and most of all loved God.

Trig passed away in 2000; there is not a day that goes by that I don’t reflect on all the times we spent together. We would both cry through “Little House on the Prairie”, sad movies and touching books. We liked to laugh, sing in the car, go shopping, eating out and share the important family stories and our walk with God. How I loved and missed him.

I am thankful for the great privilege to call him my DAD.
God gave me the desire of my heart, and his timing is perfect.

Thank you, Lord, for your wonderful gift.  What are some of your favorite memories?©

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
My love to all and am praying you each have a fabulous week. 
Lovingly, Karan


I Think I Missed A Letter ~ I Love Chocolate!

“I Think I Missed A Letter”

An Illinois man left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email.

Unfortunately, when typing her address, he missed one letter, and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher’s wife whose husband had passed away only the day before.

When the grieving widow checked her email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint.

At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:

Dearest Wife Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow. P.S. Sure is hot down here. Author unknown






Reflections:  I Love Chocolate!

I love Valentine’s Day, especially the chocolate, I think Chocolate makes everything better, don’t you? Have you ever noticed when you are feeling a little off, depressed, or just plain grumpy, chocolate helps immediately. Even if I’m feeling fat, Chocolate helps. Lol, What is that?

I remembered many years ago; I tried to wean myself of a secret chocolate habit. Attempting to be firm I would self-talk listing all the pros and cons of learning to control my sweet tooth. However once in a while, I would secretly make a whole recipe of fudge just for me, eating the entire batch out of the pot. It would never get to the pan and have time to set.

My husband would drive me crazy; he could have one piece of chocolate at a time and save the rest for weeks. While I would eat mine at one setting, and want some of his to share too.

Now after all these years he often brings us home some chocolate bars in a bag of groceries, and we both sit down and enjoy them. No guilt, no worries, just pure enjoyment of a special moment together.

When Forest Gump said,” Life is like a box of chocolates, and we never know what you’re going to get. No truer words were said.

We hit times of crises, and circumstances we don’t understand, that seems to be the world we live in these days. But through these time, we can stand firm knowing that we have a God, who loves, cares and protects us from the storms we face. I read this quote the other day that puts everything in perspective for me it says:

“We can endure life’s wrongs because we know that God will make all things right.”

What a relief, He is in Control!

We Win!

Lovingly, Karan

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day Wednesday. Hugs to all

Christmas at Grandma’s ~ Humbug!

 Christmas at Grandma’s


Christmas at Grandmother’s little Jimmy asked, her how old she was.  

She responded, “I’m thirty-nine and holding.”

The little tyke thought for a moment,  then said, ” How old would you be if you let go?






Christmas Has Been Canceled

It’s all YOUR fault!

You told Santa that you were GOOD this year…







Reflections:  Humbug! 

Each year at the holiday season our family watches “A Christmas Carol”. We love the black and white version with Alabaster Simms, as Ebenezer Scrooge. As the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future each pay their nightly visit to Ebenezer; he is traumatized by his nightmares.                                                                         

However, in the morning daylight, things don’t look so grim, and he rejects the nightmares, saying: Bah, humbug, I think the reason I love “A Christmas Carol” is because it causes me to reflect on my own past, present and future

The smell of Christmas baking, the glowing tree with the Angel on top, I would love to keep the tree up all year long if I could. It is so relaxing to sit under the glow of lights and meditate and reflect on the past years. And reflect on God’s love and grace to me.

Over the year, there have been many tears, frustration and fears as I have tried to learn God’s love lessons in patience. I think patience is going to be a lifelong pursuit for me because I seem to be such a slow learner. I am so thankful that God doesn’t give up on me, as he lovingly helps me to understand his purposes for my life.

As I reflect on this last year, I am reminded of all the love, encouragement and prayers of family and friends. What an extraordinary year. I read a little quote that said, “Dark fears flee in the light of God’s presence”. What a beautiful thought of comfort and peace God brings to us as we look forward to 2018.©

Praying you have a wonderful Christmas season with your family and friends.

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your time with me today.

What is your favorite Christmas Traditions?

Sending love to you all, Merry Christmas.

Lovingly, Karan