Remembering ~ The Wallpaper Crises


    I want to remember every day the soldiers and families who serve our great country with their sacrifice.

To remember them daily is an Honor.

John 15:13
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.






Reflections: The Wallpaper Crises

I have always loved wallpaper. Over the years you could find different types of it in each of our homes. So, when we moved to Foremost, Alberta in the spring of 2011, I again looked for some wallpaper for our home.

I found a charming pre-pasted vinyl in the pattern and color I wanted and couldn’t wait to get it up on the wall.

Now, seven years later I decided to get to work on it. Speedy I’m not. When life gets busy the more important activities take precedence. I’m sure you can attest to that too.

First I needed to find my supplies, but they were nowhere in sight. I must have loaned them out but to who?  I can’t remember.  So after buying new supplies, I started to get excited and inspired.  I put towels on the floor, filled the water trough, put the ladder up and laid my scissors, sponge and measuring tape where I could reach them.  Finally, I was ready.

Being a seasoned wallpaper enthusiast, I decided to measure and match the pattern before getting the paper wet and on to the wall. All seven pieces each eight feet long. I thought I was a genius to even think of this time-saving step. Wrong!

The first three lengths were on the wall looking great, but due to the late hours, I decided to go to bed.  And due to previous commitments, it was two and a half weeks later before I got back to it.  Feeling inspired again, I picked up the fourth length of wallpaper, put it through the water trough and proceeded to hang it on the wall, however, the wallpaper was not matching very well and looked a little off. I decided to let it dry a little hoping it might look better.

After an hour I looked at it again and noticed it looked like a different color, and at closer inspection, I realized the pattern was upside down. Ugh!  I gently pulled the paper off the wall hoping to turn it right side up and save it.  As I stood on the ladder I tried to lay the paper flat with the paste-up thinking when I was down from the ladder I would fold it paste to paste to preserve the paper.  As I stepped off the ladder, my socks caught the edge of the wallpaper glue and I landed on the paper and slid the whole eight feet on my backside.  I had glue all over my clothes, hands and in my hair.  Of course, the paper was crumpled up so bad it was never going to see the wall again. 

At this moment I must confess I am a little nervous about the whole wallpaper idea.  And yes I am still looking at my wall half papered and half not.  Lol, I’m waiting for my inspiration to return!

When things don’t go as I would like and time seems in short supply, I tend to get discouraged and wish the world would stop for awhile and let you off. To have a chance to regroup and collect our thoughts?

When those times come for me I know that I can talk to God about any situation and he will calm my spirit and give me hope to keep moving forward. I love the promises he gives to us to hold on to. Where would I be without him in my life.©

Psalm 62:5-6  NLT

Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
for my hope is in him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress where I will not be shaken.

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 
Lovingly, Karan

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