Music Is A Life Saver? ~ Being A Mom

Music Is A Life Saver?

Little Ben came into the house with a new harmonica. “Grandpa, do you mind if I play this here?” He asked.  Grandpa replied, “Of course not Ben, I love music.

In fact, when Grandma and I were young, music saved my life.  Ben asked, “What happened?”  Grandpa Explained, “Well, it was during the famous Johnston flood.  

The dam broke, and when the water hit our house, it knocked it right off the foundation.  Grandma got on the dining room table and floated out safely, and I accompanied her on the piano.” Author Unknown





Reflections: Being A Mom

As a young mom, I loved to find time for those relaxing hot baths. Which I never seemed to have enough. Just some peace and quiet from endless dishes, piles of dirty clothes, backpacks filled to overflowing. With continuous games, parties, and constant racing to be somewhere quick I never thought my life would ever slow down.  

Always wishing for five minutes of peace and quiet, and telling myself someday I would have time. Time for a long, hot bubble bath with candles in a dimly lit room. The kind of bath that will soak all your stress away with the right candles, bath oil, and music that will relax your soul.

However, I had three vivacious daughters, who loved to sit in the bathroom telling me about their day at school, making funny impressions (of teachers, boys, and friends), and regaling me with their newest jokes and stories.

As I look back, I see that my daughters thought my quiet time was their time, because I was not talking on the phone, doing business, or attending to someone else’s needs.  When I was in the bathtub under all the bubbles, my daughters knew they had my full attention.

As the years passed and I kept holding on to my dream, which always seemed so far away.  A long, hot bubble bath.  Candles and soft music with no interruptions.  Resting quietly, stress-free. However, a funny thing happened along the road to maturity.  I do not take baths anymore.  I find they are not as much fun as they use to be.  The water gets cold too fast, and it is far too quiet.

It was something I wished for all my life, but it is something I no longer enjoy.  I loved those times of laughter, stories, and heart-to-heart talks.  I am a shower girl now. God must have a sense of humor.

      Psalm 126:2
We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.”

Many times in my life with all the craziness, if I could not laugh, I would have cried.  Even when things are tough, to find humor in the little things gives me hope. ©      

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.  Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs to all.
Have a great week, HUGS

Lovingly, Karan

One comment on “Music Is A Life Saver? ~ Being A Mom

  1. Joanna Henning

    Love that story about music ! Hope you are doing well today and had a enjoyable Mother’s Day. Let’s make a
    plan to hang out together. Love you

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