I’ve Embarrassed Myself! ~ News Flash!


Reflections: I’ve Embarrassed Myself!

Did I cause your hearts to stop sending out a Father’s Day newsletter last weekend? I somehow thought it was last week; I was so proud of myself for remembering the date. Wrong, Lol.

My husband and I spent the whole weekend having an enjoyable Father’s day celebration. We went to church, and as we walked home I mentioned it, Lyle, how strange it was no one talked about Father’s day, to which he replied: “It’s usually Mother’s day everyone makes a fuss over, not Father’s day.” We laughed at that observation, had a lovely afternoon meal and he had a Father’s day nap.

Later in the evening, we were to Skype with our daughter in California. She phoned to coordinate our time for later in the evening. I asked her if she had read the Father’s day blog? She started Laughing and said she had forgotten it was Father’s day herself.

Earlier in the afternoon, she reminded her husband to call his dad and wish him a good day, which he did. He called his father who was vacationing in Finland and wished him a happy Father’s day; it was then they found out it was the wrong weekend. Who knew?

My Husband Lyle’s Happy, this year he gets to enjoy two weekends of Father’s day. I hope I didn’t send any of you out on the wrong weekend to find cards and gifts if you did you were prepared early like me. Lol. Preparedness is always good; I seem to be the last minute rose.

I am a procrastinator, I tend to get motivated under pressure, but it has also caused many problems. You know, “When in trouble, fear or doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!!”

I have learned over the years that God is my refuge in the circumstances, troubles and mistakes I often find myself in. He is the one person I count on. His Love and forgiveness if constant, forever and eternal. ©

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1

But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.

Psalm 59:16

Are you a procrastinator or a planner? Do you ever misjudge your time? I would love to hear your thoughts

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
Have a great week, HUGS
Lovingly, Karan




Attention: News Flash!

If you have written to me on my Website and have not had a reply, would you let me know? We have made some adjustment and hope we have alleviated the problem.

It was my mistake, I assumed everyone received a reply, I am sorry to each of you who wrote and did not hear from me. Please don’t give up on giving your thoughts and questions, I love hearing from each of you.

Sending much love, Karan

2 comments on “I’ve Embarrassed Myself! ~ News Flash!

  1. The Sidekick

    Ahhh, dear Karan — I am a procrastinator … I misjudge my time … but Psalm 46 is my passage of the year. Thank you for this translation of verse 1. Therein I have hope!

    1. Karan Gleddie

      Hi Karyn, I knew we were kindred sisters…Isn’t it wonderful we have precious promises to give us hope for each day, they make life so much sweeter? Praying you have a great week, Hugs

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