Special Made

Special Made

How do You beat the Heat?

I’m not sure my trash bin is big enough.



Special Made

The heat in Southern Alberta is about 90 today and the flowers and grass are feeling the burn. This last week a dear neighbor shared some of her annual plants with me, making my empty flower containers look beautiful.

As the plants along with the grass were starting to suffer I went out to water and ended up having a fight with the sprinkler after trying to set it. Consequently, my pants are hanging by the door sopping wet and my hair is all frizzed up again after spending 40 minutes straightening it yesterday. Lol

As most of you have guessed, I am not a gardener, but I love flowers and admire people who have great gardening skills. I always try to learn all I can from them and I get some great tips too.

So, with a new porch almost finished last week, I am inspired again to turn something plain into a peaceful and serene space for morning coffee. I’ll keep you posted on how it turns out.

Often I get discouraged about the things I don’t do well. I look at others’ talents and gifts and wish I could be more like them. Forgetting to be thankful for the gifts God has given me. So much time has been spent wishing instead of praising God for the blessings I already have.

I love the verse in: 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 

There are different spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. 

There are different ways of serving, and yet the same Lord is served. 

There are different types of work to do, but the same God produces every gift in every person.

God has not left me out, he has allowed me to have a special gift to serve him and tell others of his amazing love and grace. Like each flower or plant, each one of us is different and beautiful. In God’s eyes, we are uniquely special and precious to Him.

No matter what our circumstances are or the road each of us travels, knowing that I have a special place in God’s heart and plan gives me security as I live my life for Him.©


Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 
Lovingly, Karan

What Are You Waiting For? 




What Are You Waiting For? 

I have often put my life and dreams on hold using one word,

LATER.  I wonder if others do the same.  See if any of my excuses are ones you can relate too.

  • LATER: when the office is clean, I will have time to write.
  • LATER: when the house is clean, I will invite company for dinner.
  • LATER: when I lose weight, I will buy a swimsuit.
  • LATER: when my children are out of school, I will have more time to study the Bible.
  • LATER: when I catch up on all my TV series, I will have time to visit friends.
  • LATER: when I clean the garage, I will have a place to park the car.
  • LATER: when I get a treadmill, I will start exercising.


Recently, I had a realization, or a blonde epiphany, (is that legal?) 

  • I realized the office will never be clean enough.
  • I realized the house will never be perfect enough.
  • I realized no matter how much weight I lose or gain, I will never buy a swimsuit.
  • I realized when my children finish school, marry, and have children of their own we will never have time. We will be too busy attending ball games, recitals, soccer, having sleepovers, taking pictures and having fun.  Grandchildren automatically move to top priority.
  • I realized a TV-series is never done; there is always another new one to watch.
  • I realized landscaping and yard work is a weekly task, the weeds and grass just keep growing.
  • I realized if the garage is cleaned out we will have to rent a large storage unit.  Besides the car looks good outside and everyone knows where we live.
  • I realized I will never start exercising when I get a treadmill, bicycle, or the Wii.  If I haven’t started before now nothing else will help. 

I have wasted a lot of time waiting for the “LATER” to get done so I could move onto the important in life.  The Bible says now is the time to use what we have to serve and honor God.  I don’t want my life to get stuck with the later and never get to the serving of others.  I want to keep moving forward, onward and upward, running the race well. ©

Philippians 2:16 (NLT)

Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.

    1 Corinthians 9:16

Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize?

So run to win!      


What are your favorite “LATER” excuses?  I would love to hear from you and get your opinion on these thoughts.


Dear Friends, thank you for stopping by and spending your time with me today, I love each of you. 

Hugs to All, Lovingly Karan


How does your garden grow?

How does your garden grow?






Spring has finally come to Alberta, although the evenings and mornings are cool, everyone is starting to plant their gardens. Many years ago I did try to grow a small garden and despite my lack of knowledge, some plants did grow. Lol.

My mother was so talented and loved flowers, she could grow anything. I always loved my plants too much, I either watered them to death or not enough. It has been said that talents often skip a generation, and I’m sure that must be the case because my daughters each have their grandmother’s green thumb.

While working in the yard the other day, I mowed the lawns and planted flowers pots, I wore myself out. By evening I could hardly walk, I had used muscles I didn’t remember I had, everything hurt. It’s an actual reality check when you suddenly realize you’re not as young and agile as I use to be. In fact, I don’t even bounce like I use to either!

My backside was so painful, the only satisfaction for me was the thought I might get a little lift from the exercise. At my age, any lift is good since everything else is moving south. LOL

When life gets so busy, it is a delight to spend time in God’s creation enjoying the peacefulness of each day. When I am quiet and listen, I can feel God whisper about his plans for me. But many times, I feel I need to remind God, I have my own plans for the day. Sometimes I have so many plans and goals I don’t want to have my day interrupted. Have you ever felt like that?

Do I choose my plans which are essential to business and ministry? Or choose God’s plan for me, stepping out in faith to trust Him. Serving Him is to enjoy the great adventures He has planned for me and knowing I have obeyed his call gives me great happiness.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding. 

Seek his will in all you do,

and he will show you which path to take. ~ Proverbs 3:5 & 6

He is my peace and safe place, the one who loves and protects me. Could I offer him anything less than my obedience in choosing to follow Him? Each new day gives us a reason to love and praise God.©

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 
Lovingly, Karan

Can I Paint you a picture?

Can I Paint you a picture?




Reflections: Can I Paint you a picture?

My dear friend Jeanne signed us up for a painting class on “How to paint sunflowers”.  Since I hadn’t oil painted for over thirty years I was game. Besides, I had never used acrylic paints and thought it would be an adventure.

We arrived at the class just in time to get our aprons, paint, water, and easels set up. As our teacher started to explain about her class, she wondered how many first timers were there, or those who already painted. She also inquired if there was anyone who was an OCD painter. At that point, I should have put my hand up. How did she know?

Thirty years ago, I loved to paint.  My favorites were landscapes and florals. But there came a time I had to set painting aside and eventually quit altogether.  I would become so obsessive about a painting that I couldn’t stop rearranging or fixing it. Then I would be up half the night and wouldn’t be able to sleep for thinking about what I could do better. Although I had painted pictures for other people, I always felt they were never as good as they could have been. If only I had just a little more time.

I laugh now when I think about one of my daughters’ grade school art assignments.  It was during the month of October, so she made a black and white picture with trees and tombstones in a cemetery with a concerted effort to make it look scary.  When I asked how the teacher liked her picture, she said: “no one commented on it”.

Three weeks later at the teacher-parent conference, there on the bulletin board was our daughters Halloween picture. She had won first prize for her “Remembrance Day” picture. She didn’t even care that they had mixed it up.  How I wish my attitude would have been more like hers during my early painting years. Lol

As I began painting again recently, some of those old feelings came back; “it’s not good enough” or “it looks horrible”.  I wonder where those feelings come from.  Could it be from wanting everything perfect and struggling to measure up?  Even after all these years, those old feelings still bubble up.

I am so thankful that God reached down and saved me.  He loves me and forgives me with His perfect grace. Where would I be without Him in my life?  In an imperfect world, He is perfect. ©

I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.

Psalm 62: 1,2 & 5

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 
Lovingly, Karan


Grandma’s Makeup Routine ~ Computer Hero’s

Grandma’s Makeup Routine

Grandma was in the bathroom, putting on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young

granddaughter as she’d done many times before.

After she applied her lipstick and started to leave, the little one said,

“But Gramma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!” Unknown





 Reflections: Computer Hero’s

I love my computer and learning all the different programs and research that I can do with it. It is like traveling the world, visiting family and friends and never leaving the house. How our world has changed over the years.

However, I am not very good with the technical side of the computer, if something goes wrong, I am stumped. And when the Internet specialist starts talking Technical terms they might as well be speaking Greek. My eyes just start to glaze over.

I must confess though I have a secret weapon, my son-in-law. He can fix anything that I mess up. And you guessed it I took my computer to the states this last month because it was in a desperate need of an intervention.

I am always amazed when my hero the Specialist sees me carrying my computer under my arm that he doesn’t run in the opposite direction fast. He is gracious, understanding and kind. I am so thankful for him and the many talents he has been given.

While I find this technology age so amazing, nothing can compare to what God has done for me in my life. When I remember over the years how he has come to my rescue, always ready to help me when I make a mess. And I know He is near ready to protect, comfort and hear to me, I am so thankful for His patience.

Where would I be without his love and constant care? Like my favorite computer technician, he takes control of my life if I allow him and fixes the area’s that need work and replaces the broken pieces gently with his healing love.© Ephesians 3:20 says,

          Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.

I know God’s promises can be trusted because he has been faithful to me through all my years. He is enough for me! ©

Lovingly Karan

Thank you for sharing your time with me I love the privilege of hearing for each of you.

You bless my life. Have a wonderful weekend with the ones you love.
