Happy New Tear – A living Legacy


Happy New Year – A living Legacy



A living Legacy

I have always loved Genealogy and learning about my ancestors.  Following their paths from Europe, Russia, and Scandinavia and beyond and documenting their quests for a better life for their families and freedom to choose. It has always fascinated me; their willingness to sacrifice and endure suffering and hardship to reach their goal.

Great-grandfather Christopher immigrated from Norway to the United States in 1900.   Arriving at Ellis Island, New York, with experience in shipbuilding he soon found work helping to build the Brooklyn Bridge.  However, when great-grandfather heard about free land in the state of Wisconsin, he moved his family west. In a few years, he had saved enough to buy a small farm for his family. 

Farming was hard during those years; every acre needed to be cleared of the dense forest before he could plant his precious seed. The tree removal was backbreaking, slow and often dangerous. So naturally, when great-grandfather heard about free land on the prairies in Alberta, Canada, he was interested. No more tree removal!

In 1908, he moved his three young sons and wife to Alberta, Canada by train to start a new life.  The land was beautiful and rugged but cruel in the winter.  Months after arriving in Canada he buried his young wife, who died from Diphtheria. He endured the loss of two more wonderful helpmates, prairie fires, theft, and many hardships, yet the one thing that all his children remember most about their father is his great faith and love for God, no matter what happened in his life.

One freezing night the barn burned down, and all the animals and winter supplies were left lying in ashes. As great-grandfather watched the flames die down, his children heard him say, “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1: 21b).  The stories of great-grandfather’s faithfulness and love for God have been remembered for four generations now.  And today, because of his faithfulness, our families are reminded daily of God’s faithfulness too. What a legacy to remember!

“Remembering God’s Faithfulness in the past will give us confidence for the future”

Father, help me to walk faithfully in your ways so that my life will point my family and others to you.

I want to leave a remembered legacy too, that will point my family to God’s Amazing Grace, love and forgiveness. 

That is my prayer.©

 Happy New Year 2020, travel safe

 Love to all. Hugs!

Lovingly,  Karan

Any Regrets?




Any Regrets

I have often looked back over my life and the opportunities I have been given.  I wonder if others do the same.  Some I have taken, others I have been too afraid to attempt. What if I fail, what will people think? Can I afford it, do have time? Life seems to be a long line of opportunities and ones that are missed. I have heard it said: “One of Satan’s most effective tools is to distract, disable and ultimately destroy God’s people with this one phrase: “IF ONLY”

I can certainly attest to that quote.

  • If Only I hadn’t waited so long until it was too late.
  • If Only I was more disciplined, I could have made more time.
  • If Only I had spent more time with loved ones and friends.
  • If Only I had spent more time writing and finishing those books
  • If Only I had listened more and talked less with family members who have died. Always thinking I had more time with them.
  • If Only I had exercised more and taken better care of my body.


I am sure we each have our own regrets and opportunists missed and wasted time on our “If Only.” I am so thankful that each day with God is a clean slate, a new day.  I can decide how I want to live each day. Will I choose regrets, discouragement and get carried away with distractions?

Or choose to pursue God’s plan for me by honoring Him, serving others and joyfully taking the opportunities that God gives me each day.  

The Bible says “Now is the time to use what we have to serve and honor God.”  I don’t want my life to get stuck with the “If Only” I want to keep moving forward, onward and upward, running the race well with no regrets. 

  • Loving others unconditionally.
  • Laughing with joyful abandonment.
  • Dancing freely like no one is watching.
  • Living my life loving and pleasing God.©


I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.

Philippians 4: 11-13

Let the Adventure Begin! 


Dear Friends, thank you for stopping by and spending your time with me today, I love each of you. 

Lovingly, Karan

What is your “If Only”  regrets?  I would love to hear your opinions. 

Are Memories Timeless Treasures?


 Dining Out in Style    

‘We’d been invited out to dinner one chilly evening, and I wanted to look elegant.” Elaine admits.           

I dressed carefullyFinally, my husband, growing impatient said he was going to warm up the car.

Hurrying, I reached in the dresser for my soft white shawl.

I flung it around my shoulders, quickly tied the ends in front and without bothering to look in the mirror ran downstairs.

It was only after I got in the car that I realized in my haste, I’d pulled a pair of thermal underwear from the drawer instead of a shawl…and knotted the legs in front! 

My Husband is still laughing…   

                                                            © Elaine Fowler Palencia of Champaign, Illinois, USA.   


Thank you, Elaine



“Are Memories Timeless Treasures” 

While visiting my sister in San Diego, California a few years ago, I needed to go to the mall for a few things. My sister was busy and recommended I take her car for the afternoon and enjoy some retail therapy. I was grateful for the time to just browse the shops and seeing the different stores and shops we don’t get in Canada.

I needed to be home by 4:30 to meet my sister, so I gave myself plenty of time and headed for the car at 3:00 pm. As I headed to the parking lot, I could not remember where I parked my car.  

I walked back and forth down the aisles of the parking lot twice, and couldn’t find the car. Panicked; it occurred me, I might have to contact the police and report the car stolen.

After having a total meltdown, and no cell phone I walked the aisles one more time. And finally found my sister’s car, a white Buick. I was looking for my gray Chrysler, which was in Canada. I was two hours late; my family was worried and about to send a search party after me! Whew, what a day.

A funny thing happened on this journey to maturity. I learned that “normal is just a setting on the dryer” and aging is not a scary process but an extraordinary adventure. I can look back at the love lessons God has taught me, both the hard and enjoyable. And each memory has become a timeless treasure hidden in my heart. I have seen how he has been faithful to his promises and walked with me every step of my journey. I have never been alone.

Although my Blonde hair is becoming whiter, and my body isn’t the same as it once was, I am never too old to serve God. I can still encourage, love and help others. God has blessed me with many memories and experiences to share. And besides, today is a fabulous day, and I don’t feel so old! LOL©

What are your favorite memories?  I would love to hear about them

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 
Lovingly, Karan



Grandma’s Makeup Routine ~ Computer Hero’s

Grandma’s Makeup Routine

Grandma was in the bathroom, putting on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young

granddaughter as she’d done many times before.

After she applied her lipstick and started to leave, the little one said,

“But Gramma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!” Unknown





 Reflections: Computer Hero’s

I love my computer and learning all the different programs and research that I can do with it. It is like traveling the world, visiting family and friends and never leaving the house. How our world has changed over the years.

However, I am not very good with the technical side of the computer, if something goes wrong, I am stumped. And when the Internet specialist starts talking Technical terms they might as well be speaking Greek. My eyes just start to glaze over.

I must confess though I have a secret weapon, my son-in-law. He can fix anything that I mess up. And you guessed it I took my computer to the states this last month because it was in a desperate need of an intervention.

I am always amazed when my hero the Specialist sees me carrying my computer under my arm that he doesn’t run in the opposite direction fast. He is gracious, understanding and kind. I am so thankful for him and the many talents he has been given.

While I find this technology age so amazing, nothing can compare to what God has done for me in my life. When I remember over the years how he has come to my rescue, always ready to help me when I make a mess. And I know He is near ready to protect, comfort and hear to me, I am so thankful for His patience.

Where would I be without his love and constant care? Like my favorite computer technician, he takes control of my life if I allow him and fixes the area’s that need work and replaces the broken pieces gently with his healing love.© Ephesians 3:20 says,

          Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.

I know God’s promises can be trusted because he has been faithful to me through all my years. He is enough for me! ©

Lovingly Karan

Thank you for sharing your time with me I love the privilege of hearing for each of you.

You bless my life. Have a wonderful weekend with the ones you love.


Good Afternoon Officer, Anything Wrong?

Good Afternoon Officer, Anything Wrong?

I have struggled with time management over the years and usually, thinking I have more time than I do. And yes my heavy foot has caused the highway patrol and I have our discussions over several tickets. Sometimes as I hurry down the highway occasionally my California roots bust out and I envision myself at a Nascar race. Lol.

I always try to be respectful but sometimes I grumbled about the tickets I didn’t think I deserve. Although in my heart I know I deserved far more tickets than I actually received. How about you? I remembered a time when I was on my way to a speaking engagement and a police officer pulled me over.

For once I knew I had not been speeding (thank goodness for the speed control) and surprised to learn my taillight was not working.

The officer walked back to his patrol car and check my registration and data. As I watch him walk back a thought occurred to me, how thankless his job must be. I couldn’t imagine many people are grateful for their tickets. I sure wasn’t!

When the officer came back to my car he handed me my license, insurance card, and a new ticket. I thanked him for his service, for my ticket and for the good job he does to make our highways safe. He was speechless for a moment and then, thank me and said no one had ever said that to him before. How sad. As I drove away I giggled and wished I had taken a picture of his face. 

Makes me want to do it again. LOL. Isn’t it fun to honor someone else and you get the joy in the deepest part of your soul?

The Bible says:        Lord, we show our trust in you by obeying your laws; our heart’s desire is to glorify your name.”

Isaiah 26:8 NLT

I am so glad that I didn’t react like I felt I wanted to. After all, I was in a hurry to do God’s work. But while I am here on earth, I am to trust the Lord, obey his laws and the laws of the land. And to bring honor and glorify His name. That is my true purpose as I walk daily close to him. ©

If you don’t learn to laugh at trouble, you won’t have anything to laugh at when you’re old.’
Edgar Watson Howe 

Attention: ***** If you would like to receive our entire letter please subscribe and have it delivered to your mailbox each week, and don’t miss out on the fun stories, blonde jokes, and encouragement with a dash of warmth. 

Lovingly, Karan

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
Have a wonderful weekend.