
I Bought a Discounted Ticket



I Bought A Discounted Ticket

A few years ago, when Lyle and I were living in California we stayed with our daughter whose husband deployed.

We traveled back to Canada for Christmas, to be with our daughters and their families. And finding a great flight at a discount was a bonus. Thinking it would be fun to take some candy treats back for everyone, the Jelly Belly jellybeans.

We located the Jelly Belly factory in the next town. And can you believe it when I arrived there was a great sale on the Jellybeans? Buying one bag and get two free. Don’t you just love bargains? I bought four bags, with the free bags I finished with 12 sacks, 2pds each, 24 pounds in all. 

While getting into the Christmas spirit I failed to remember we needed to pack them. On the way home, I later purchased three boxes of See’s Candy which added five more pounds. My poor husband started wondering how we would get it all in our bags. 

The night before we took off for the airport, we planned to leave at 5:00 a.m. Our flight left at 8:00 a.m. I stayed up half the night packing, trying to decide how to make our luggage lighter. At one point, we could not lift the luggage off the floor, so we included another suitcase.

 After a few hours’ sleep, we carried, or should I say dragged our baggage to the car. Three large suitcases, two larger overnight bags, one computer, and a book bag. And an enormous handbag and tote, everything fits. Although I had to sit on it to get it shut! To be honest, I jumped up and down on it is more like it. 

Our daughter dropped us off at the terminal and headed home. We didn’t manage the luggage by ourselves, we hired someone to help us. I couldn’t wait to get to Calgary and our hotel room and have a good night’s sleep before seeing our family. Only 15 days left.

With tickets and passports in hand, we ambled towards the airline counter, and the man pushing our luggage cart was straining to keep up. He helped us put our baggage on the weight scale, and I held my breath. It’s heavy (imagine that) the airline agent glanced at me and said sorry, she can’t confirm us in now?

I pulled out my e-ticket showing her our 8:00 a.m. departure. She responded,” we don’t check people in 12 hours early. Your flight leaves at 8:00 p.m. (No wonder the fight was so cheap!) At that moment a picture was worth a thousand words when I looked at Lyle’s face. His mouth dropped open and had that distinctive look that said, “You mean I have to do all this again tonight?” 

 I called my daughter who was happily enjoying her quiet drive home and told her of our circumstances. To which she replied, “I knew it was too easy, you and dad fly nowhere without something unusual happening.

After leaving our Airport at 8:30 p.m. we found ourselves delayed in Salt Lake until 1:30 a.m. Arriving in Calgary at 4:30 p.m. Lucky for us I had booked a hotel room near the airport and had guaranteed the room.

So at 5:15, we headed for our room, dragging all our luggage and promising ourselves we would make sure we checked the times of arrivals and departures before we ever bought another airline ticket. 

And to add insult to injury, as we climbed into bed and turned out the lights, we received a call from the front desk. Notifying us it was our good morning wake-up call, I must be a bad dream! I assured him he had made a mistake, we just climbed into bed! ©

When life turns upside down it has a way of giving you a whole new perspective on what is important. 

In reflection I have learned when life is tough, I need to focus on the priceless treasures in my life. God’s love, my family and friends who encourage and pray for me.  I am blessed.

“The best Christmas gift of all is the presence of our families and friends all wrapped up in love for one another.” I believe that is true, no matter what our circumstance or need.

This year as we come into the Christmas season, there will be joy and expectation knowing we have the presence of our loved ones and friends. And as we wrap our love around each one, we will lovingly remember those who could not be with us.

I wish each of you a Merry Christmas and pray that the Christ of Christmas will bless your homes as you prepare for the Holiday Season.©

Luke 2: 13 & 14

Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others-the armies of heaven—praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in highest heaven,
    and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”

Lovingly, Karan Gleddie

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me,

Have a wonderful Holiday Season, be safe.

Hugs to all.

Do You Hear Me, God?



Do You Hear Me, God?

A child’s evening prayer. “Dear God, please take care of my daddy and my mommy and my sister and my brother and my doggy and me. Oh, please take care of yourself, God. If anything happens to you, we’re gonna be in a big mess.”

I’m sure we all feel like that these days when the world is in so much turmoil and distress. I have struggled for years trying to have a consistent prayer life that seems to be more hit and miss, than anything else.

I have felt guilty; I did not pray enough, or long enough.

I feel like I am not good enough, why would God listen to me, I have failed him so many times.

I don’t have enough time; I have a family, my work, and rarely sit down, and when I do I fall asleep.

We all know that the only time to pray is early in the morning.

However, I’m not an early bird. I just stare at my open bible then fall asleep, then feel worse…

Only to become discouraged and give up.  God, why did you make me like this? I can’t stay vigilant in the morning for prayer, I must be your worst child, one who doesn’t merit your constant love and grace.

I invested money in seminars and books that would help me get it right, so many formulas on how I should pray. But it never was intimate for me until I discovered a story about Susanna Wesley who raised 19 children and yet found time to pray.

With a busy family, Susanna found it challenging to find private time. Her life was hard, but she recognized the importance of praying for her family.  The children soon understood that any time their mother’s apron was over her head she was praying. So they left the room leaving her undisturbed.

This treasured story taught me it doesn’t matter where you pray or when.  I just need to talk to God like a dear friend, anytime or anyplace, he is only a prayer away.  Have you struggled with finding the right time or place to pray?©

Mark 11:24 (NLT)

 I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.

” We are put on this earth, not to see through one another,
But to see one another through.

Smile, God Love You

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend.

Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan

Can Our Sense of Humor Be Off?




Can Our Sense of Humor Be Off?

“My sense of humor is slightly off this month. The adjoining apartment flooded, and my bathroom and part of my bedroom had damage. No one was living in the apartment.  A cracked toilet went undiscovered until a few days later when people noticed water rushing down the halls.

The last few months I’ve been waiting for apartment insurance approval and workers to show up and start  working. Then, when they finally inspected the damage, they discovered the dreaded asbestos. They spread plastic tents all over everything and fans are blowing full blast!  

Moving out on August 2nd and have been living with my daughter on their farm/ranch, about 12 miles out of town.

One weekend I decided I would try to stay in the apartment. Brushing my teeth and washing up in the kitchen, would be just like a camping.

However, the toilet became unusable, because they put it into the bathtub. The three brave tradesmen suggested I could run down the hall to the public restroom.

Somehow the idea of scurrying down the hall at night in my pajama didn’t appeal to me. I almost burst out laughing when I realized they were serious! Apparently, they did not understand a mature bladder

I’m uncertain when I will be back in my apartment. I now have been out close to three months.

The last few months have been very discouraging and frustrating but I have a beautiful place to stay with a warm bed and wonderful food and company. To be honest, there is nothing to complain about.

Life can be like that for so many of us. We all make our plans but when unexpected events disrupt our agenda, we become upset. Besides, doesn’t God know he needs to deliver a memo first? We need time to prepare and schedule an interruption, right?

When our schedules get messed-up and things get Crazy, I wonder if God just busts out laughing; He is the one in control of the universe, not me. He sees the Big Picture. God always takes care of us with his everlasting love and care. 

I love this verse it is so simple and encouraging.

We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it.  Proverbs 16:9

Faith never knows where it is being led, but it knows and loves the one who is leading. Thank you, Father for loving me.

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
I love you all and am praying. 

Lovingly, Karan




Does God Ever Give Up on Us?



Reflections: Does God Ever Give Up On Us?

I love the Thanksgiving season, expecting the cherished times with family and friends that no amount of money would buy. And besides no one diets on Thanksgiving! 

The smell of a turkey baking, pumpkin pies and the beautiful fall colored trees is my favorite time of year.  I love the family gatherings as I remember each loved one who joins us and the cherished ones we lost. 

Over the years, there were many tears, failures, and fears as I struggled to learn God’s lessons in waiting. I think waiting will be a constant pursuit for me because I seem to be a slow learner. God never gives up on me; but gives me a desire to learn and understand his purposes for my life. 

Gratefully there are daily reminders of His love and promises. I may get discouraged, angry and emotional, yet God is always with me, and continues to love me.  Even when I fail, I can never go beyond God’s love.

As God’s peace fills my soul, I can be assured that everything is all right. God’s plans are deeper, wider, and higher than anything, I could imagine, and in the loving arms of a faithful and trustworthy God, I know we will be safe. Ephesians 3:18-19 (ERV)                                                                                    

Reflecting on this last year, I am reminded of all the love, encouragement and prayers of family and friends. What an extraordinary year. I read a little quote that said, “Dark fears flee in the light of God’s presence”. What a beautiful picture of comfort and peace as God brings us to this year’s Thanksgiving.

Praying for a blessed Thanksgiving with your family and friends Canada. American Thanksgiving is next month, November 28th. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your time with me today. ©

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week Canada, Travel safe.

HUGS,  Lovingly, Karan

Do You See What I See?



Do You See What I See?

Have you taken a fun day with friends to go shopping, and find the perfect outfit but are afraid to try it on? I hate trying clothes on at the store. I’m always afraid it will look horrible and not fit all right.

You see my self-image has always been a little distorted and spending extended lengths of times in the “chamber of horrors” (the fitting room)  usually leaves me depressed and sometimes there are a few tears. Or I  leave wishing I was taller, thinner, had a flatter stomach and no muffin top around my waist.

The dressing rooms with the three-sided mirrors always seem to show my worst faults. Instead of a fun day shopping, I go home wishing I was someone else.

Occasionally I even toy with the idea 0f a major overhaul, from top to bottom.  You know the kind, where they pull everything up, starting at the knees.  (Somehow the image of my navel in the middle of my forehead has kept me from taking the final step)

I think God must have a sense of humor; after all, He made us.  Have you ever stood naked in front of a mirror and quoted Psalm 139: 14a “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” Personally, I could not get past the fearful!

 Our confidence comes from knowing that God made us in His image, he knew what we would look like before we were born and loved us, anyway.

The Bible says: 

    You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.  Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!

    Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.  You saw me before I was born.

          Psalm 139: 13-16a (NLT)

When he looks at us, we are perfect in his eyes; he sees each one is of us is unique and special. ©

  God loves you.   

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 

 Lovingly, Karan