
Computer 911 ~ Help

Computer 911

Becky was 73 and just got her first computer. After her son had spent over 2 hours teaching her how to use it, she was sure she knew everything there was to know about computers.

Unfortunately though, one day she couldn’t get it to start so she promptly called an Internet Tech guy to come over and take a look at it. The IT guy managed to fix the issue in a few minutes and was on his way.

Becky was proud when she overheard the IT guy on the phone with his boss telling him about the issue; she was sure it meant it was a serious problem and he took care of it the right way.

“Excuse me if you don’t mind me asking,” asked Becky to the man on his way out. “I couldn’t help overhearing you on the phone with your boss. What exactly is an Id ten T problem? So that I can tell my son.” The man smiled, took out a pen, “it stands for this: I-D -1-0-T”.    Author unknown



Reflections:  Love the Shoes

I remember a while back, I dressed up and went out for dinner with some friends. I dressed with care and felt pretty good about my outfit, and was looking forward to a night out.   At the end of the evening, my sweet friend leaned over and told me, with a giggle, that I had two different black heels on. 

As I looked down at my shoes, I not only had two different shoe styles on, but they were two separate heights! Now how could that happen? I walked around all evening and didn’t even notice.  I wonder if I am a little off kilter.  Don’t answer that. Lol


I love the beautiful friendships that have come to my life.  The people who make me laugh when I feel like crying and encourage me when I am in a fog.  


They help me to see the blessings with kindness and not rebuke and love me when I am unlovely.  Many times our friends can show us God’s love, as we ourselves learn to pass God’s love onto others.


I often think about Jesus and His friends while He walked this earth many years ago. I imagine they laughed together and enjoyed fun times as they walked the dusty roads. They learned to help people and serve others from the Master. 


God showed them the way to live with open hands and how to love and encourage those around them. The Bible says:

John 15:12-14 (NLT)

12 This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. 13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command.

I wonder do I show that kind of love to my friends, as I try to serve God?©

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another:

‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”  C.S. Lewis

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me. What have your friends taught you?
Have a great week, HUGS
Lovingly, Karan

The Easter Eggs


Happy Easter Everyone!


  The Easter Eggs: 


Philip was born with Downs Syndrome. He was a pleasant child . . .happy it seemed . . . but increasingly aware of the difference between himself and other children. Philip went to Sunday school faithfully every week. He was in the third grade class with nine other eight-year olds. 

You know eight-year olds. And Philip, with his differences, was not readily accepted. But his teacher was sensitive to Philip and he helped this group of eight-year olds to love each other as best they could, under the circumstances. They learned, they laughed, and they played together. And they really cared about one another, even though eight-year olds don’t say they care about one another out loud. 

But don’t forget. There was an exception to all this. Philip was not really a part of the group. Philip did not choose, nor did he want to be different. He just was. And that was the way things were. 

His teacher had a marvelous idea for his class the Sunday after Easter. You know those things that pantyhose come in . . . the containers that look like great big eggs? The teacher collected ten of them. The children loved it when he brought them into the room and gave one to each child. 

It was a beautiful spring day, and the assignment was for each child to go outside, find the symbol for new life, put it into the egg, and bring it back to the classroom They would then open and share their new life symbols and surprises, one by one. 

It was glorious. It was confusing. It was wild. They ran all around the church grounds, gathering their symbols, and returned to the classroom. 

They put all the eggs on a table, and then the teacher began to open them. All the children gathered around the table. He opened one and there was a flower, and they ooh-ed and aah-ed. He opened another and there was a little butterfly.

“Beautiful!” the girls all said, since it is hard for eight-year old boys to say ‘beautiful.’ He opened another and there was a rock. And as third-graders will, some laughed, and some said, “That’s crazy! How’s a rock supposed to be like new life?” But the smart little boy who’d put it in there spoke up: “That’s mine. And I knew all of you would get flowers and buds and leaves and butterflies and stuff like that. So I got a rock because I wanted to be different. And for me, that’s new life.” They all laughed. 

The teacher said something about the wisdom of eight-year olds and opened the next one. There was nothing inside. The children, as eight-year olds will, said, “That’s not fair. That’s stupid! Somebody didn’t do it right.” 

Then the teacher felt a tug on his shirt, and he looked down. “It’s mine, Philip said. It’s mine.” 

And the children said, “You don’t ever do things right, Philip. There’s nothing there!” 

“I did so do it right!” Philip said. “I did do it right. The tomb is empty!” 

There was silence, a very full silence. And for you people who don’t believe in miracles, I want to tell you that one happened that day. From that time on, it was different. Philip suddenly became a part of that group of eight-year old children. They took him in. He was set free from the tomb of his differences. 

Philip died last summer. His family had known since the time he was born that he wouldn’t live out a full life span. Many other things were wrong with his little body. And so, late last July, with an infection that most normal children could have quickly shrugged off, Philip died. 

At his memorial service, nine eight-year old children marched up to the altar, not with flowers to cover over the stark reality of death . . . but nine eight-year olds, along with their Sunday School teacher, marched right up to that altar, and laid on it an empty egg . . . an empty, old, discarded pantyhose egg.  Author unknown

And the tomb is empty!

I wanted to share with you one my favorite Easter story, I have loved this one since the first time I heard it.

It is a constant reminder that the Grave is empty, and Jesus lives and He is alive. I know that my hope, salvation and constant care comes from Him. He loves me, forgive me and helps me.  He is my security, He is Enough!

Happy Easter, He Has Risen!

Lovingly, Karan

Thank you for sharing your time with me today dear friend. What brings delight and Joy to your life? Do you have a favorite Easter story?

I would love to hear your thoughts as we share our journey.


Do We Need The Easter Prayer? ~ I Confess!

Do We Need The Easter Prayer?

Young Ernie and his family were invited to have Easter lunch at his grandmother’s house in Arizona.

Everyone was seated around the table as the food was served.  When Ernie received his plate, he started eating straight away.

‘Ernie, wait until we say grace,’ demanded his father.

‘I don’t have to,’ the five-year-old replied.

‘Of course, you do, Ernest,’ his mother insisted rather forcefully. ‘We always say a prayer before eating at our house.’

That’s at our house,‘ Ernie explained, ‘but this is Grandma’s house, and she knows how to cook.’ Author unknown

Reflections: I Confess

I have always loved chocolate, especially those wonderful pastel eggs full of creamy chocolate. Every year I can hardly wait for the Easter candy to arrive in the stores.

We have a Women @ Women group in our town that meets once a month to visit, laugh and encourage one another. Each month we try to find some fun creative idea to add to the event.

Last month we decided to bring hard-boiled eggs to our April dinner, and get our creative juices flowing to design our egg-sensations. LOL

 One woman volunteered to buy the supplies for our upcoming event, and somehow she thought it was a good idea to give me the bag for safe keeping.  Also letting me know that she had bought a bag of chocolate eggs for our women to enjoy. 

Carrying the bag to my room and hiding it in the closet, thinking I would forget about it.   You know out of sight, out of mind. Not!

One night late at night, I started scrounging around the house looking for something sweet. Chocolate I hoped. In the pantry, in the fridge, the freezer then I remembered the chocolate Easter eggs hiding in my closet.

I’ll only have one or two. Well maybe a few more, sure are good. Before I knew it I was sitting next to an empty bag that I had polished off in fifteen minutes, Now that is scary. Have you ever done something like that?

I confessed made my amends, we bought another bag of Chocolate Easter eggs, and no I am not babysitting them!. Lol

We have laughed about those Chocolate Easter eggs, and I was relieved to hear others have tried the “I’ll only have one or two” and had a similar result.  I love the friendships we have, to be able to laugh, encourage, and to forgive.  How blessed we are.©

The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.  Proverbs 27:9

How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey.  Psalm 119:103

Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume.  2 Corinthians 2:14b

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.

Have a great week, HUGS
Lovingly, Karan

The Special Speaker ~ The Workout?

The Special Speaker

A long-winded speaker was continuing to deliver his dry and lengthy speech. He had long run over his assigned time for the presentation. The master of ceremonies tried to get him to stop, but couldn’t get his attention.

Finally, in desperation, he picked up his gavel and fired at the speaker. He aimed it low trying not to attract too much attention from the audience.

However, he missed the speaker and hit the man in the first row.  The poor man slumped down in his chair and groaned, “Hit me again, I can still hear him.”


Reflections:  The Workout?

My friend loves physical exercise and thinks she has not had a workout unless she is sweating buckets. My idea of a good workout is a color coordinated sweat suit, 1-inch gold flip-flops, and pearls, full makeup, hairdo—the works. (In case I run into someone, I might know). Besides, I never sweat, I mist! 

Taking a walk with us is an experience in comic relief. Dee wears sensible shoes and clothing, charging ahead, getting the workout over in record time, with as much sweat as possible; while I leisurely walk along, trying not to get all misty, carefully stepping over rocks, puddles, and other debris.

It is great having a friend to talk to; someone in whom I can confide my secrets, even if she is jogging circles around me so she can keep her heart rate up.

But the greatest comfort about my friend is the assurance that our friendship is secure. I know she loves me even with all the fluff and glitter, blonde hair and pearls.

I also have another friend who thinks I am special, allows me to the freedom to be myself and I never have to impress him. God is cheering for me and wants me to be all I can for him. His love and grace are forever, unchanging and constant. Even when times are hard, I am secure in his care.©

Psalm 63:8N (NLT)

I cling to you;
    your strong right-hand holds me securely. 

Those who fear the Lord are secure; he will be a refuge for their children.
I am so thankful for God’s promises. They give me peace.

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan

A Real Country Fair Ride?

A Real Country Fair Ride?

George and his wife Bessie went to the county fair every year. It was their “big” event of the year. In fact, it was the closest thing they ever had to a vacation.

And each year George would say to Bessie, “I sure would like to ride in that there crop dusting, acrobatic airplane.” And each year Bessie would say, “I know George, but that airplane ride costs ten dollars. And ten dollars is ten dollars.”

After many years, George and Bessie went to the fair as usual, and George said, “Bessie, I’m 81 years old. If I don’t ride that airplane this year, I may never get another chance.”

Bessie replied, “George that there airplane ride costs ten dollars. And ten dollars is ten dollars.”

The pilot overheard them and said, “Folks, I’ve seen you here year after year. I know you’ve wanted to ride in my airplane all that time. I also know that money is pretty important to you, and you don’t part with it lightly.”

“Tell you what, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll take you both up for a ride. If you can both keep quiet for the entire ride, and not say one word, I won’t charge you a thing. But if you say even one word, it’ll cost you ten dollars.”

George and Bessie agreed. They got in the plane and took off. The pilot did all kinds of twists, turns, rolls, and dives, but he didn’t hear a peek from George or Bessie. He tried his fastest upside roll, and it was still quiet from the back.

When they landed, the pilot looked at George: “Well, I don’t believe it, George, I did everything I could think of to get you to yell, but you didn’t.”

George replied, “Well, I was going to say something when Bessie fell out of the airplane….”

“But, ten dollars is ten dollars.” Author unknown


Where would we be without those dear women we call Girlfriends. The ones we laugh, cry, and shop with who encourage us to become a better woman.

I think of my mother who raised me even when the stigma of being an unwed mother many years ago. (I will not tell you how many) I know that choice caused her many hardships in her adult life.

Mother was never judgmental of people and would accept them just the way they were. But most important, she was never afraid or shy to tell anyone about God’s love. Mother never gave up, she was a survivor, joyfully serving God and touching lives with kindness and comfort.

How I miss her laughter, her wonderful smile, and beautiful green eyes. I admired her strength and accomplishments against insurmountable odds. Mother often said,“With God nothing is impossible.”

Mrs. Mitchell, my third-grade teacher who spent extra time with me, teaching me to read. When I repeated third grade, she never made me feel inferior. To this day, I can still remember her face and the sweet smell of her perfume. I wanted to be her when I grew up. I still cherish her memory and kindness to a struggling little girl.

Hedevig my Danish mother-in-law taught me about hospitality and cooking. (neither of which I knew hardly anything about) She was a tall, kind, and a gentle Danish woman who loved her home and family. She taught me how to cook, clean, bake those wonderful Danish pastries and pies.There was never anyone turned away from home, generous hospitality, delicious meals, and beautiful table settings.

She endured great physical pain and showed grace throughout the illness. Always knowing God loved her, and had faith he had a perfect plan for her life. She was a wealth of knowledge and made learning fun. She became my second mother, mentor, and friend.

Over the years as I look back I remember the beautiful women who have walked through my life filling it full precious gifts of their generosity and grace. I have a lifetime of wonderful memories that are worth more to me than silver and gold. I am blessed.©

Psalm 119:72 (NLT)

Your instructions are more valuable to me than millions in gold and silver.

John 15:13 (NLT)

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.


I want to thank all the Girlfriends in my life who daily encourage me to be the best I can be for the Lord. You are loved. Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan