
A Bad Dream~Be Kind to Yourself

A Bad Dream?

Martha was taking an afternoon nap on New Year’s Eve before the festivities.

After she woke up, she confided to Max, her husband, ‘I just dreamed that you gave me a diamond ring for a New Year’s present.

What do you think it all means?’

‘Aha, you’ll know tonight,’ answered Max smiling broadly.

At midnight, as the New Year was chiming, Max approached Marhta and handed her small package. 

Delighted and excited she opened it quickly. There in her hand rested a book entitled: ‘The meaning of dreams’.

Author unknown





Reflections: Be Kind to Yourself

As another  New Year approaches it can be a stressful time. With all the changes in our lives over the last few years, it is hard to imagine what is ahead for 2018.

Over the years I have learned when life is tough I need to focus on the rich treasures of my life instead of the circumstances that would drown me. God’s love, my family, and friends who encourage and pray for me are a constant joy,

The lessons I have learned about myself over the years are revealing. Struggling to do better with God’s help, I see that I still fail to rest fully on him.  I sometimes feel like I don’t want to bother God with my little problems when he has the whole world to take care of. 

Many times I run ahead of him trying to help him out, and make a mess, waiting is hard for me.  But, you know what God doesn’t need help, He is my shelter and rock. When there is no place else to run. Do you have some of those same feelings?

This year I want to be faithful in these areas;

1.  I need to learn to be a better friend and family member by keeping closer contact and letting each person know how much I love and appreciate them.

 2.  I need to be more faithful in my accountability to writing, which I know God has called me to do.

3.  I need to answer emails quickly. I am a procrastinator, then I feel embarrassed because time has slipped away from me. (To those who have written please forgive me, it was not intentional, I am just embarrassed) I will do better.

4.  I need to have more faith and trust God as I march into the future. (He sees the BIG picture I don’t) I’m a memo girl, but unfortunately, God doesn’t send memos.

5.  I need to be kind to myself, it has always been easier for me to forgive others failures, but I tend to browbeat myself with my own.  If God has forgiven me and extended his grace to me, I need to give myself a little grace also.

“The best New Year gifts of all is the presence of our families and friends all wrapped up in love for one another.” I believe that is true, no matter what our circumstance or need.

This year as we come into the New Year, there will be joy and expectation knowing we have the presence of our loved ones and friends. And as we wrap our love around each one, we will lovingly remember those who could not be with us.

I wish each of you a Happy New Year and pray that the Christ of new beginnings will bless your homes as you welcome 2018.©

Galatians 1:3   May God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.

Lovingly, Karan Gleddie

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me,

Have a wonderful weekend be safe. Hugs to all


Exercising for Seniors ~ Directions Please?

Exercising for Seniors

Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side.

With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them as long as you can, then relax.
Each day you’ll find you can hold this position longer. Try to reach a full minute.

After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags and then 50-lb potato bags. Eventually, you will be able to lift 100-lb potato bags and hold your arms straight for a full minute. (I’m at this level now).

After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag.







Reflections: Directions Please?

When spring and summer arrive the planning for vacations and extra traveling is exciting. I love road trips and if I get lost, O’ well it’s a new adventure. However, Lyle likes to stick to the plan with no variations. My husband also does not like to ask for directions, he thinks if he keeps driving we will eventually get there.

While, I have been known to roll the window down at a stop light, and holler at the person next to me about directions.  I was inquiring about directions with the lady next to us, the light changed, we took off down the road, the lady hung out the window of her car and handed me her map, waved and was gone.My husband was so embarrassed, “ I could have found it.” He said I assured him that our vacation was not that long!!!

                                                    Why are men and women’s driving directions so different?

If a man gives directions, it goes like this; Go three miles, turn left, go seven miles, turn right, then go a quarter of a mile and you will see it on your right, you can’t miss it! Now I am blonde and a creative thinker, is there a three-mile sign, how will I know? With these directions I could end up in someone’s cow pasture, never to be seen again.

I drive by landmarks, go to Target, turn left, go down to the Dairy Queen, and turn right. Drive to Starbucks, turn into parking lot, the place is right next to the shoe store that is having a huge sale, 70% off. You can’t miss it. (Now that is my kind of directions)

Thankfully we decided to get a GPS for the car, saves Lyle and I a lot of time, him from driving all over the country trying to find an address, and me from getting lost. However, in my creative moments, I have been known, to second guess the GPS system, and go a different way because it didn’t look right to me. Only to get lost, have the satellite locate me and turn me around.

It gives me great security and peace in my life to know that I am never off of God’s radar system. He always knows where I am, and even if I wander off, his eye on me. ©  The Bible says: 

Psalm 139:16 NLT

 You saw me before I was born.
    Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.


To know that God saw me and knew me before I was born and loved me, and has recorded the number of the days of my life in His book. Gives me the freedom to trust Him and not to worry, because my days are in His hands.  His loving care sustains, guides, and protects me; I just need to follow his directions. ©


What are your summer plans?

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan


What Makes A Dad ~ Fathers’ Day

What Makes A Dad 


God took the strength of a mountain, 
The majesty of a tree, 
The warmth of a summer sun, 
The calm of a quiet sea, 

The generous soul of nature, 
The comforting arm of night, 
The wisdom of the ages, 
The power of the eagle’s flight, 

The joy of a morning in spring, 
The faith of a mustard seed, 
The patience of eternity, 
The depth of a family need, 

Then God combined these qualities, 
When there was nothing more to add, 
He knew His masterpiece was complete, 
And so, He called it … Dad

~ Author Unknown





Reflections:  Fathers’ Day

As a child growing up, I always wondered about the father I never knew. Did he have blonde hair, was I like him? My mother never talked about him, and I never inquired because it caused her great sadness to discuss that time in her life.

For years, I would think about meeting him, and dream about our wonderful reunion. But that scenario would not happen. I had found out that he had passed away many years before I had started to look for him. I was so disappointed, all my questions would go unanswered.

I remember at church the minister talked about how much God cares for each of us, and he knows our pain and hurt in the secret places where only he can see. And he quoted a Bible verse that I never forgot:

God in His holy house is a father to those who have no father.

And He keeps the women safe whose husbands have died.

God makes a home for those who are alone.

                                      Psalm 67:5 & 6a

I found great comfort in that verse but wondered if it would happen for me.

Little did I know that God had prepared a father for me in Alberta, Canada. When I married Lyle, I not only got a husband but a new father who became my dad.

Trygve was a kind, loving and humble man who loved life and loved me. As the years passed by it amazed me, how much alike we were. We both loved books, collected funny stories and loved humor. He loved to sing, loved people and most of all loved God.

Trig passed away in 2000; there is not a day that goes by that I don’t reflect on all the times we spent together. We would both cry through “Little House on the Prairie”, sad movies and touching books. We liked to laugh, sing in the car, go shopping, eating out and share the important family stories and our walk with God. How I loved and miss him.

I am thankful for the great privilege to call Trygve my DAD.

God gave me the desire of my heart, and his timing is perfect.

Thank you, Lord, for your wonderful gift.©

Happy Fathers’ Day!

Do you have special memories of your Dad?  I would love to hear them. Hugs

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
Have a wonderful Fathers’ Day weekend. Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan

Are You Going My Way? ~ Are You Someone’s Hero?


Are You Going My Way?

A truck driver was hauling a load of Penguins going to the San Diego Zoo when his refrigeration truck breaks down on the freeway. The driver got out of the cab and was looking at the engine when a second truck driver stopped and asked if he needed any help.

The Penguins’ driver explained that he is taking the penguins to the zoo and asked if the other man could take the penguins to the zoo for him. He also agreed to give him $500.00 for extra expenses.

Some hours later, the second truck driver drove past the first one, who was still waiting on the freeway for help to come. The Penguins, however, were still on the truck!

“I thought I asked you to take those penguins to the zoo,” shouted the first driver. The second replied, “I did, but I had some money left, so we’re going to the movies.  Author unknown




Reflections: Are You Someone’s Hero?

Over the last few weeks, as we celebrated Memorial Day, I have thought about the different seasons of life and the Heroes I looked up too. How the heroes and faces have changed for me as I enter each New Year.

When I was a young girl, my mother was the most important person in my life, and I wanted to be just like her. But soon I was in third grade and met the beautiful Mrs. Mitchell.  She was kind, patient, and recognized the heart of a wounded child.  How I loved her, I was going to be a teacher just like her.

However, roads bend and turn taking us on new adventures to find out who we are, and what we will become. And exciting time but also a fearful time for me.  I loved to laugh, sing, dance and wanted to be popular in high school that is what would make me happy. Friends, lots of friends.

I didn’t think much about heroes in my life then because I was too busy, trying to please and keep up with everyone else.

As I look back, I can see a long line of the heroes that God sprinkled into my life. Each one pushed, encouraged, and inspired me to become a better person. To reach for my dreams and never stop, and when I slow down and get discouraged, they cheer me on with their prayers.

To have Godly mentors who showed me that loving God, putting him first and serving him would give the greatest joy in life, each one has blessed me.

The Bible says we need to remember all that God has done for us and lean on his promises.©

Psalm 77:11

I remembered the works of the Lord: for I will be mindful of thy wonders from the beginning.

Joel 1:3

Tell your children about it in the years to come, and let your children tell their children. Pass the story down from generation to generation.


Who are some of your heroes? I would love to hear from you.

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.

Have a great week, HUGS
Lovingly, Karan

You’re a Mom When …

 You’re a Mom When

  • Your feet stick to the kitchen floor…..and you don’t care.
  • You can’t find your cordless phone, so you ask a friend to call you, and you run around the house madly, following the sound until you locate the phone downstairs in the laundry basket.
  • Your favorite television show is a cartoon.
  • You’re willing to kiss your child’s boo-boo, regardless of where it is.
  • Your baby’s pacifier falls on the floor and you give it back to her after you suck the dirt off of it because you’re too busy to wash it off.

  • Your kids make jokes about farting, burping, pooping, etc. and you think it’s funny.
  • You’re so desperate for adult conversation that you spill your guts to the telemarketer that calls and HE hung up on YOU!


The closest you get to gourmet cooking is making Rice Crispies bars

  • You are out for a nice romantic meal with your husband, enjoying some real adult conversation when suddenly you realize that you’ve reached over and started to cut up his steak.


  • You spend a half hour searching for your sunglasses only to have your teenager say, “Mom, why don’t you wear the ones you pushed up on your head?”
  • You weep through the scene in Dumbo when his mom is taken away, not to mention what Bambi does to you.
  • You can never go to the bathroom alone without someone screaming outside the door.


  • You find yourself humming the Barney song as you do the dishes.
  • You hear a baby cry in the grocery store, and you start to gently sway back and forth, back and forth. However, your children are still at school! Author Unknown





Reflections:  Are You Like Your Mother”                                                                      

People would say, “You’re just like your mother” and I would cringe. At the ripe old age of 15, 20 and 28, those were not the words I wanted to hear. I wanted to be a super mom, you know, the woman that did and had it all. I was going to be organized, clever and insightful at life. No traumatic crisis for me.

My mother came from a harsh background; I think she spent her life trying to work through the difficulties she encountered as a child. She strived to be understanding and kind towards others. Unlike her parents, she achieved her goal. There were painful personal and emotional struggles in her life, as well as great highs. Mother was always optimistic no matter what life handed her. Her motto was: Tomorrow’s a brand new day.”

She worked hard to put a roof over our heads and food on the table, never giving up or expecting handouts. Although others13 thought we were poor, I can’t say that we ever thought we were. We always had enough, when we outgrew our shoes and clothing; she made sure we had something new to replace the old. I often wondered how she worked her magic with the budget, but as I look back I realize she went without so that my sisters and I would have more opportunities and a few extras.

Mother loved a good deal, so thrift stores, Salvation Army, garage sales and flea markets were thrilling when she found the ultimate bargain.

She loved her flower beds and gardening much better than house cleaning and often said she felt closer to God outside. She loved to spend time talking to Him in the quietness of the morning as the sun rose on a new day.

We knew mother loved us and loved God too. She trusted Him, leaned on Him, and believed His promises would sustain her throughout life. She taught us daily about God’s grace, forgiveness, and love. Through her life, we were able to see how God faithfully protected and care for our needs. My mother has given me a lifetime of wonderful memories that are worth more to me than silver and gold. 

Now when I hear “You’re just like your Mother,” I say thank you. I pray that my children will know how much they are loved and that they would see the light of God’s love in my life too.©


 Thank you for sharing your time with me dear friend, what are your special Mother’s Day memories of your mother?

Happy Mother’s Day!

Lovingly, Karan