
Too Busy?

Too Busy?





Too Busy?  My Calendar for the month.

Have you ever felt like you are too busy to keep up with your basic chores? When this happens, I become exhausted, disorganized and absent-minded. I soon recognize the need to step back and re-access my schedules.

Last week I had a Doctors appointment.  Getting ready to start my one-hour trip to the city, I spotted my heart rate on my Fitbit again.  154 is a little high I thought; I take blood pressure medication; did I forget to take it the night before?

Buy the time I ran out the door it had reached up to 164, so I swallowed two aspirins and wondered if I should go to the emergency room or straight to my appointment. I decided to head straight for my doctor.

Speeding down the highway, I checked my Fitbit once more, my blood pressure had risen to 192, I promptly took another aspirin. By the time I reached Lethbridge, my heart rate was at 290. At that moment, I figured my Fitbit was out of whack.

Seeing my physician and finding out my blood pressure was it’s regular 114, calmed me down. It was later I realized I had been reading my daily steps, not my heart rate. 

Sometimes we are so busy we barely have a chance to take a breath. I have felt like that these last few years. I’m uncertain if it’s because of my age, or my bounce is a little slower. lol

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
    will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
    he is my God, and I trust him.

Psalm 91:1-2

These last few years I have learned to lean and rest on God promises. According to one account, there are 3573 promises in the Bible.  A promise for every need. We are blessed.

He is the one who fully knows me and unconditionally loves me. He makes my life complete. I love you, Lord.

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 
Lovingly, Karan

Everyday Heroes

Everyday Heroes



Reflections: Everyday Heroes

Every year, as we celebrated Memorial Day, I honor those who have to serve and all who continue their service. My heart is full of respect and admiration as I looked at these fine men and women in our military.

I wonder what would cause them to volunteer to serve his country and go into harm’s way for others. To stand and fight for people he does not know so they can enjoy the safety and freedom he loves.

In our country, we with various opinions on our government and military, we often debate about sending our soldiers to countries that are far away from our everyday lives.  Have we forgotten what life would be like for we fought here in America?

Is it the strong determination of character to serve God and to do what is right because he loves his country and family? They say, “Freedom is never free,” but there is always a price… physically, mentally and emotionally. I am humbled and honored by these brave soldiers who fight for my peace and freedom.

May God bless the men and women of the military who serve quietly, unselfishly, giving their time and extras to bringing a better life for someone else?  To allow people to see what real freedom looks like.  

       Aesop said many years ago, “No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted”

This is the American spirit, which is the heart and soul of our soldiers and the people in these countries cannot ever forget them. ©

 “Christ paid a price I could never pay to give me life I did not deserve”. I am loved and blessed.

Thank You to all who serve, I am praying for you!

Thank you all for stopping by, have a great weekend. Hugs

Lovingly, Karan




 Who Are You? I Don’t Think I Recognize You

 Who Are You? I Don’t Think I Recognize You


Nothing at all, We’ve got this!



I Don’t Think I Recognize You

Have you had sleepless nights, got up in the morning checked the mirror and thought, “I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get it together today?” Was your hair standing on end? Are there bags under your eyes, not to mention the dreaded puffed eyelids? Thank goodness for eye cream and concealer! Some mornings, looking in the mirror can almost stop your heart. Which often happens at my house.

Have you fallen off your diet in a major way? Enjoyed an incredible weekend full of carbohydrates, sugars, and fat overload? Now feeling guilty, bloated and 10 pounds heavier than when you started your week. You know, the weekend where you ate everything you could get your hands on just because you couldn’t stand another carrot stick? I have, and I give myself a good scolding too. I usually feel so guilty and miserable I promise myself never again. Well, maybe that’s a little hasty, I hear a little Chocolate is good for you!

Perhaps you’ve had a dispute with your husband, friend or even the kids, and you’re on your last nerve. Possibly you’re saying, “I need to run away for a while or take a cruise, ” or if you’re like me, you just stay in bed and cover your head. I’ve even considered a week at a rest home, wouldn’t that be heavenly. There I could sit on the porch in a rocking chair and sing “Be Still My Soul “and mean it.

Some day’s life does not go the way I expect. I can write lists, make my plans and try to get some sense of order, yet life does not stop because I have had a bad day. Have you ever felt like that?

I am thankful that as each new day comes, I can choose to find something to be thankful for. I am learning how to find joy in the moments. Which has been a lifelong journey for me, I am not a fast learner. How about you?

My life isn’t always perfect, but I have a friend who loves me through the circumstances of life. He is the shield which blocks the sting and protects me in his perfect will. Nothing touches me that does not go through the cross first.

Although I will always have my share of bad hair days, bags under my eyes, blow my diet and lose my temper. I am safe and secure in the knowledge that God’s love, forgiveness are constant, unconditional and forever. He is my Friend. He is faithful. ©

How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 36:7

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and I am praying. 

Lovingly, Karan

Mouth Engaged

Mouth Engaged



Reflections: Mouth Engaged

Does your mouth often engage before your brain does? I will admit mine does. Thinking back to a time when we stopped for fast food with my girls, and a young man took our order. He had trouble remembering my order and getting it put into the computer.

In my mind, I suspected he was a few Fries short of an order. As the line grew longer the people behind me we are getting restless with this never-ending comedy of errors. I was on my last nerve and almost told this guy what a nitwit I thought he was. However, I thought it.

Looking up from the register with a huge grin of recognition on his face, he said, “like your dog-tags, I have one too.” In shock, I recalled I had my “WWJD” (What Would Jesus Do) dog tag on, and he then showed me his tag. I stood with my mouth open as he described how his youth group at church were all wearing “WWJD” tags to remind them to be kind and look for ways to serve others. He also told me how excited he is about getting his new job, it’s his first day!

As I left, with my order I smiled and thanked my young server and felt convicted about my sour attitude. Thanking God for keeping me from saying what I was thinking. I am sure I would not have pleased Him at all. Have you ever felt like God just slapped you across the face with a rebuke so strong that you never forget that moment or how you felt?

Remembering the day I bought the necklace and thought it was a good reminder for me to watch my words and actions so I could honor the God I love. I need to find the necklace again, and put it back on and remind myself God cares how I represent Him, and I should too. We live in a world where people desire to see God’s love. If we were the only Bible people read, I wonder what their opinion of Him would be.©

True love doesn’t consist of holding hands… It consists of holding hearts.

Psalm 42: 1, 11

As the deer longs for streams of water,
    so I long for you, O God.
I will put my hope in God!

  I will praise him again—
    my Savior and my God!

Dear Friend, thank you for spending your time with me. 

What has God been teaching you this last year? 


Lovingly, Karan



A New Year’s Resolution



Reflections: A New Year’s Resolution

As I start a New Year, I like to take stock of the past year’s goals. Trying to refocus on what priorities are important to me in 2019. Last year’s list was ambitious, I became discouraged and felt guilty because I couldn’t keep up the pace, I had set for me.

I often wonder why we put such pressures on ourselves. Is it the fast-paced world we live in that makes us feel like we need to charge forward, chasing those elusive dreams and goals of our lives?

However, as I look back at 2018, I realize the best love lessons came only with complete dependence and contentment in God. Also, the prayers of wonderful friends and family who encouraged loved and cared me when I was not so lovely myself.

Looking forward to 2019, the most important choices affecting my life, are this moment and eternity. I ask myself one question, “Then What?

Then What?

When I get a car, Then what?

When I get a job. Then What?

When I am married and start raising a family. Then What?

When I make lots of money, Then What?

When I retire. Then What?

When I spend my retirement years doing a lot of resting and relaxing. Then What? What then is left?

What legacy will I leave behind? Will others want to follow? Or will they remember something else? 

 Jeremiah 31:3

The Lord appeared to us in the past. He said, “I have loved you with a love that lasts forever.

I have kept on loving you with a kindness that never fails.

He knows what each day holds for us and loves and cares about every detail. I am able today, to remember the past, be thankful for the present, and look forward to the future because I have a living Savior that walks with me through life. I love you, Lord, thank you for Christmas, for a New Year, a Savior and a future. © Karan Gleddie

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 

Happy New Year, Hugs to All

Lovingly, Karan