
Sweating to the Oldies ~Are we Having Fun Yet?

Are we Having Fun Yet?


A retired couple decided that they should walk two miles a day to stay in shape.

They chose to walk a mile out on a lonely country road so they would have no choice but to walk back.

At the one-mile mark on their first venture, the man asked his wife, “Do you think you can make it back all right, or are you too tired?” “Oh, no,” she said. “I’m not tired. I can make it okay.”

“Good,” he replied. “I’ll wait here. You go back, get the car and come get me.” 


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Reflections:   Sweating to the Oldies

For years, my daughter and I faithfully watched an exercise diva on television. Imagine our excited when we learned she would be making a visit to our town, and appearing at the local Gym. The advertisement invited everyone to come, meet her, ask questions, and spend a few hours joining her in one of her great workouts. Although we were beginners, we decided to join the excitement and learn some new exercise techniques.

images (7)Always wanting to dress properly for any occasion, I decided to wear legging, an oversize t-shirt (to cover any bulges) and a headband so people would think I knew my way around the gym. My daughter wore her shorts and a cute top; I figured we looked like an ordinary twosome off to the gym.

At my office all morning, we were a little late arriving for the starting session. Laughing and excited we stopped on the stairs and gazed over the class of women doing a rapidly paced step aerobics, in their fancy, well-matched, small, tight, outfits. I was starting to have that big bird feeling in my oversize t-shirt. I realized my comfortable outfit was not going to look great for pictures as we were all exercising, especially from the backside…

The instructor delegated us to the back row (thank goodness) and said, “Please put on your aerobic shoes.” To which I replied, “We didn’t bring any, we’ll just wear our socks.”At that point, she stopped the class and educated everyone on the hazards of not wearing the right aerobic shoes. She acted as if we were not serious enough to be in her class; I wonder what gave her that idea!

The music started up again at a rapid pace, moving at disaster speed for me! I could hardly keep up, huffing and puffing. “O’ my goodness I’m overdoing it,” I thought, “I’m sweating I had better slow down, or my makeup will melt off.” At that point, I fell to the floor in a heap; my youngest daughter was starting to slow down too. The teacher yelled, “Keep the burn going, let’s maintain the pace, especially those in the back row.” Which was only the two of us?

Our predicament now seemed incredibly funny, and all I could do was laugh, my daughter was laughing too. The louder the instructor yelled, the harder we laughed; there we lay in hysterics on the floor. We embarrassed ourselves that day; but as we now look back, we realize we were making memories. Isn’t that what life is all about? Enjoying the journey of life we are on. ©

I believe God has a sense of humor too, After all, he made us!

Psalm 126:2 (NLT)

 We were filled with laughter,
    and we sang for joy.
And the other nations said,
    “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.”


Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me,

Have a wonderful weekend be safe. Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan

Moses Has a Walkie-Talkie.

Moses Has a Walkie-Talkie?

Nine-year-old Kyle was asked by his mother what he had learned at Sunday school.

moses“Well, mom, our teacher told us how God sent Moses behind enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.”

When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely.

Then he used his walkie-talkie to radio headquarters for reinforcements.  They sent bombers to blow up the bridge and the Israelites were saved.

“Now, Kyle, is that really what your teacher taught you?” his mother asked.

“Well, no. But if I told it the way the teacher did, you’d never believe it!”





This week I will have another birthday, nothing helps you to reevaluate your life than a milestone on the calendar.  I knew my birthday was approaching because for the last six months I have been receiving emails about burial plots, death insurance, plastic surgery plans and wrinkle removers.  Wow, I didn’t think I was that old and thanks for the reminder! Lol.

I am 50 + and loving it and my mind has not left me yet, thank goodness.   I read a quote the other day that said,” I would rather be a vivacious, confident, and a young at heart 70 year old, then an old 40-year-old.

I thought it was a funny quote until I started remembering when I was 40.  Do you remember your 40’s?  I was the ranch gopher, cook, mother of 3 teenage daughters, rancher’s wife, hostess, tour guide, chauffeur, and entertainment committee all in one.  I never seemed to have enough sleep. My theme song during those days was the Garth Brooks, song, “I’m too young to feel this damn old.” Do you feel like that?

I am sure God must have a sense of humor, looking down on us. With all the wild and crazy misadventure of life, we are still here.

God gave me the privilege of raising our three wonderful daughters. Then He gave me the courage to let them fly the nest, and become the special women that God planned for them to be.  It is hard to believe there were times when I wished everyone would hurry and grow up.  

I have news for you; the best is yet to come! ©

Psalm 18:30 (NLT)

 God’s way is perfect.
    All the Lord’s promises prove true.
    He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.

Have a great week!

Lovingly, Karan 

Thank you for dropping by and sharing your time with me.  Do you ever feel too tired and weary you forget to enjoy life? I would love to hear from you.


A Holiday Road Trip?

A Holiday Road Trip?

While on a road trip, an elderly couple stopped at the roadside restaurant for lunch.  After finishing their meal, they resumed their trip.

Unknowincouple-1002gly, the woman left her glasses on the table and didn’t miss them until they had been driving about twenty minutes.

By then, to add to the aggravation, they had to travel quite a distance before finding a place to turn around.  

All the way back, the husband fussed and complained and scolded his wife.  As she got out of the car and hurried inside to retrieve her glasses, he yelled to her, “While you’re in there, you might as well get my hat and credit card!”








Reflections: Will I ever get done?

I have often put my life on hold using one little word,

AFTER.  I wonder if others do the same.  See if any of my excuses are ones you can relate too.

    • After the office is clean, I will have time to write.
    • After the house is clean, I will invite company for dinner.
    • After I lose weight, I will buy a swimsuit.
    • After my children are out of school, I will have more time to study the Bible.
    • After I catch up on all my TV series, I will have time to visit friends.
    • After I clean the garage, I will have a place to park the car.
    • After I get a treadmill, I will start exercising.


Recently, I had a few light bulb moments, or a blonde epiphany, (is that legal?) 

    • The office will never be clean enough.
    • The house will never be perfect enough.
    • No matter how much weight I lose or gain, I will NEVER buy a swimsuit.
    • When your children finish school, marry, and have children of their own we will never have time.We will be too busy attending ball games, recitals, soccer, having sleepovers, taking pictures and having fun.  Grandchildren automatically move to top priority.
    • A TV series is never done; there is always another new one to watch.
    • Landscaping and yard work is a weekly task, the weeds and grass just keep growing.
    • If the garage is cleaned out we will have to rent a large storage unit.  Besides the car looks good outside and everyone knows where we live.
    • I will never start exercising when I get a treadmill, bicycle, or the Wii.  If I haven’t started before now nothing else will help. 


I have wasted a lot of time waiting for the “AFTERS” to get done so I could move onto the important tasks.  The Bible says now is the time to use what we have to serve and honor God.  I don’t want my life to get stuck with the afters and never get to the serving of others.  I want to keep moving forward, onward and upward, running the race well.©

Philippians 2:16 (NLT)

Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.

    1 Corinthians 9:16
Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize?
So run to win!      
Dear Friends, thank you for stopping by and spending your time with me today, I love each of you. 

What are your favorite “after” excuses?  I would love to hear from you and get your opinion on these thoughts

Hugs to All, Lovingly Karan

Thank You, Dear Friends

Thank You, Dear Friends







Your Insights From my October 15, 2016 Survey

I promised to summarize my results from my survey, which I sent out on October 15, 2016. I want to share the conclusions I have as a result of the data. Thank you to each one who took the time to respond. It has helped me to understand who my readers are and to write what interests you.

serveyI love to write and laugh, but ultimately I want to bring a little sunshine and laughter to your world also.

As a point of reference, I had eight brave souls complete the survey so far. The survey was anonymous and each person was a number. I like surveys like that so people feel that they can give an honest opinion about the questions. If you haven’t taken the survey, I will add the link at the end of today’s blog and give you the opportunity to do so. It is not too late, and I value your thoughts.

Based on my readers’ comments, here are some of those conclusions:

Q 1. The average age of my readers are:

  • 45 to 54 – 12.50%
  • 55 to 64 – 00%
  • 65 to 74 – 00%
  • 75 or older – 12.50%


Q 2. In what country do you currently reside?

  • United States – 50.00%
  • Canada – 37.50%
  • Other (please specify) – 12.50%


  • 7 months in Canada…5 months in Arizona. 11/1/2016 5:12 PM


Q 3. How often do you log into social media networks (e.g. Facebook, Google+, etc.)?

  • Less than a few times a month 50%
  • A few times a month – 0.00%
  • A few times a week – 25.00%
  • About once a day – 25.00%
  • More than once a day – 37.50%

Q4. How did you hear about my blog and website?

  • Friends – 25.00%
  • Family – 37.50%
  • Other (please specify) – 37.50%


  • I don’t remember. Maybe through someone in Stonecroft? 11/1/2016 5:12 PM
  • From you. 10/16/2016 8:43 PM
  • Saw it online & realized I knew you, Karan! 10/16/2016 12:24 PM


Q 5. Compared to our competitors, is our blog and website quality better, worse, or about the same?

  • A great deal better – 0.00%
  • Quite a bit better – 42.86%
  • About the same – 14.29%
  • Somewhat worse – 0.00%
  • Quite a bit worse – 0.00%
  • A great deal worse – 0.00%
  • Don’t know – 42.86%


Q 6. How likely is it that you would recommend our blog and website to a friend or colleague?

  • 96% – 11/1/2016 5:12 PM
  • 95% – 10/30/2016 3:20 PM
  • 85% – 10/16/2016 8:43 PM
  • 50% – 10/16/2016 12:24 PM
  • 99% – 10/16/2016 11:08 AM
  • 64% – 10/16/2016 8:04 AM
  • 73% – 10/16/2016

Q 7. What changes would most improve our blog and website?

  • I have sent it on or friends I thought would enjoy it. I can’t think of any changes. 11/1/2016 5:12
  • Results from readers when you ask their opinions. 10/30/2016 3:20 PM
  • Better proofreading – some grammatical errors and misspellings. 10/16/2016 12:24 PM
  • Maybe you could have encouragement to memorize scripture, a passage a week cause we all need to know Gods word, have it in our hearts and minds especially now when our Christian faith is being challenged in the laws of our country and persecution of our beliefs is rapidly becoming the norm. 10/16/2016 11:08 AM
  • Newer jokes. Have heard most of them. 10/16/2016 7:47 AM

Q 8. What do you like most about our blog and website?


  • You’re down to earth anecdotes, the bible quotes, and Auntie Acid for a bit of humor. Also the blond jokes. 11/1/2016 5:12 PM
  • Bringing God’s Word into each situation. 10/30/2016 3:20 PM
  • The stories. 10/16/2016 8:43 PM
  • Uplifting and encouraging. LOW stress! Lovely Christian encouragement. 10/16/2016 12:24 PM
  • Your stories and encouragement, sharing your heart and applicable scriptures. Love the humor, things that make me laugh out loud. 10/16/2016 11:08 AM
  • Funny and inspiring. 10/16/2016 8:04 AM
  • Friendly, loving. 10/16/2016 7:47 AM


Q 9. What topics would you most like to learn about or discuss at our blog and website?


  • Humor and Inspiration – 50.00%
  • Image and Fashion – 0.00%
  • Both = 50.00%
  • Other (please specify) – 0.00%

Q 10. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns about our website, writer or content?


  • Thank you for doing it! 11/1/2016 5:12 PM
  • Yes, the writer is such a pretty lady! 10/16/2016 11:08 AM
  • Refreshing. 10/16/2016 7:47 AM


I am praying that I will be able to make my blog posts, emails, and resources more interesting, and relevant to you. Thank you to each of you dear friends.

If you feel you missed out on the survey, you can still take the survey and add your comments. The results are completely anonymous, and I will not share your results with anyone. Just click below.

I Would Love to Help. Take me to the Survey!

Have a great weekend, Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan

Lost In A Snowstorm!

Lost In A Snowstorm!

A woman got lost while driving in a new England snow storm. However, she knew that if she waited for a snowplow, she could follow it and get to safety.

Before too long, a snow plow came by, and she followed it. In fact, she continued to drive behind the plow for nearly and hour.

Finally, the driver got out and asked her what she was doing. Upon her reply, the driver nodded and said, “Well, I’m done with Wal-Mart now. You can follow me over to Sears if you want to!” Author unknown





On Thursday at about 7:30 am my husband was taken by ambulance to our area hospital with what looked like a mini stroke. Sometimes called a TIA-Transient-Ischemic-Attack.

ambulenceToday as I write the Dr. is still unsure what happened and what caused the episode. We are still waiting for more tests. As I have thought about the last few days I also remember the first stroke he had and how unprepared I was and how little I knew about them.

Would you recognize the symptoms of a stroke in your family, with friends or co-workers? Or is a stroke something that happens to others. I thought I knew all about the symptoms of a stroke, until the day 20 years ago when he had his first stroke.

On a hot day in July after spending the day on his horse, sorting and moving cattle Lyle came home tired, grumpy, and generally out of sorts.

I asked him if he was alright and he said he ached all over. I noticed he was walking a little slower but thought he had just had a rough day. He took a bath and went to bed without supper because he was tired.

The next morning he was out early to move more cattle and do some more sorting. He moved slower, his face was very red, he told me it was just a sunburn. He said he was fine, quit worrying

When he came home he didn’t look well at all. His face drooped, his speech was slurred  and he was dragging his left leg. He still insisted he was fine, but had a headache and blurred vision from the sun. 

After threatening him with his life I finally got him in the truck and off to the hospital as he argued all the way there, still insisting  he was fine.

At the hospital, his blood presser was up to 260 and said he would be going home in a few hours. He saw a Neurologist in Calgary who said he should have died. With two brain hemorrhages and one behind his eyes, his 20/20 vision had been damaged.

The DR. told me that when a person is in this state they don’t realize what is happening.

I have always felt that I should have been more aware of those symptoms sooner. Fortunately for our family, my husband has made a remarkable recovery.

Did you know that stroke is the # 3 death and a leading cause of serious, long-term disability in North America?

It occurs when a blood vessel brings blood and oxygen to the brain and gets blocked, or ruptures so the brain cells don’t get the blood flow they need.

They say, “Time Lost is Brain Lost.” The faster we recognize the symptoms the less damage is done.©

Psalm 139: 17 & 18 says:

Your thoughts are of great worth to me, O God. How many there are!

If I could number them, there would be more than the sand. When I awake, I am still with You.

I thought I would share with you what I learned. I pray it will help others who find themselves in a similar situation. Check out the heart and stroke brochures at the website. Canada: America:

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend.

Have a great week, HUGS

Lovingly, Karan