Running Out Of Gas!

Running Out Of Gas!

nun1Sister Marry was truly a religious woman. Besides for her duties as a nun, she was also very active in various hospitals visiting sick patients and taking care of all their needs.

So it was no surprise that one day when she ran out of gas, the only container she could find to put the gas into was a bedpan. Sister Mary happily walked two blocks to the closest gas station filled up the bedpan with gas and headed back to her car.

Luck would have it that as Sister Mary started tipping the gas into the fuel tank, the traffic light turned red and she had quite a large audience witnessing the spectacle.

Just when she finished pouring in the last drops of gas a fellow opened up his window and hollered, “I swear! If that car starts I’m becoming a religious man!” Author unknown





A few years ago I had a Dr.’s appointment in Calgary, Alberta Canada. It was a freezing day with lots of snow. In my younger years, I would never let the weather dictate my fashion style, no matter how silly it was.

When I think back, I am embarrassed to tell you that day I went strictly for fashion. Now picture this, black pants, black ski jacket, black 4-inch high spiked-heeled snow boots hot pink gloves. Fashionable yet warm. I had to park two blocks away from the doctor’s office, so I had to maneuver the drifts, ice, and traffic to get to the office on time.

bootiesWhen I arrived the office, it was filled to capacity. The nurse who greeted me seemed more like a sergeant yelling orders to her troops as I approached the desk.

She loudly commanded me to get a pair of bright blue surgical booties from a basket and, put them on over my 4-inch heel snow boots. She didn’t want the floor to get dirty she said. Now getting those on was quite an ordeal, as everyone in the office watched to see how I would fit them over my fashion boots, I felt ridiculous.

I soon forgot about my little blue booties, after my appointment, I walked out of the Dr.’s office with them still one. The people driving by were laughing, pointing and waving; so I just smiled and waved back. There sure seemed to be a lot of friendly people around.

I was walking down the street when suddenly the Sergeant Nurse leaned out the office doors and yelled, “You forgot to take your booties off.” Please bring them back! Lol, no wonder people were laughing. “Pride certainly came before the fall and was on full display that day. Do you ever have days like that?

I ‘m sure God was shaking his head in laughter that day. I have a great verse underlined in my Bible for occasion just like this, it says,

When pride comes; disgrace follows, but with humility comes wisdom. Psalm 11:2

This verse is a reminder to me that I constantly need God’s help for His wisdom and humility.

After all I’m not the Good News, Jesus is! ©


God grants with each burden the strength to bear it…
seldom more, never less.


Have a great weekend, HUGS
Lovingly, Karan


The Gift That Just Keeps Giving


The Gift That Just Keeps Giving

“Thanks for the harmonica you gave me for Christmas,” little Joshua said to his uncle the first time he saw him after the holidays. “It’s the best Christmas present I ever got.”

“That’s great,” said his uncle. “Do you know how to play it?”

“Oh, I don’t play it,” the little fellow said. “My mom gives me a dollar a day not to play it during the day, and my dad gives me five dollars a week not to play it at night.”








Someone received some glue-on mustaches for Christmas in their sock, so we thought we would try them out, How do we look? lol. I am so glad that we can laugh at ourselves and with our family. It has been a tough year.

Catherine Pulsifer said,:

“When we remember a special Christmas, it is not the presents that made it special, but the laughter, the feeling of love, and the togetherness of friends and family that made that Christmas special.”

Would You Follow?

How many would follow the star tonight
If it shone past the Milky Way,
Leave comfortable homes and follow it still,
Over the hills and away.

How many would open their doors tonight
For a weary and shabby pair?
Make room at hearths for a Stranger-Child,
Though the Infant be wondrous fair?

How many would give of their goods tonight,
The best they possess and more,
For their faith in a star and an angel choir
And a King forevermore?

We criticise the folk of a bygone time
For indifference to Mary’s plight.
How many would do any better now?
Would you follow the star tonight?

The Hope of all the world was born that night In Bethlehem.

Thank you for the privilege of calling you friends, you bless me more than you will ever know.

I am sending you a special Christmas wish as you celebrate this joyous season with families and friends.

Lovingly Karan

Christmas or Crises?

Christmas or Crises?

Spain-airports-to-start-luggage-cart-feeNine years ago when my husband and I were living in California for a while. We stayed with our daughter whose husband deployed to Iraq for fifteen months.

We decided to fly back to Canada for Christmas, to be with our daughters and their families. And finding a great flight at a discount price was a bonus. I thought it would be fun to bring some special treats back for everyone, especially the Jelly Belly jelly beans. So the Christmas shopping began.

As it happened, the Jelly Belly factory was located in the next town. And can you believe it when I arrived the Jellybeans was on sale! I could buy one bag and get two free. I love a bargain) I bought four bags, with my free bags I ended with 12 bags, 2pds each which = 24 pounds of candy. I was so into the Christmas spirit (I forgot I had to pack them in a suitcase) I then decided to buy three boxes of See’s Candy that added five more pounds. My poor husband was wondering how we would get it all in our suitcases.

I went into my ostrich mode, k so- rah, sur-rah, what will be, will be.

The night before we left for the airport, we made plans to leave at 5:00 a.m. Our flight left at 8:00 a.m. I stayed up half the night packing, trying to decide how to make our luggage lighter. At one point, Lyle couldn’t even lift the luggage off the floor, so I decided to add another suitcase.

After a few hours’ sleep, we carried or should I say dragged our luggage to the car. Three large suitcases, two larger overnight bags, one computer, and book bag. And a huge purse and tote. I was excited; everything fits into our luggage. Although I had to sit on it to get it shut! To be honest, I jump up and down on it is more like it. Lol. Hi-Ho-Hi-Ho. Christmas here we go.

Our daughter dropped us off at the airport and headed home. We couldn’t handle all the luggage ourselves so we hired someone with a cart to help us. I was afraid Lyle, or I would have a stroke if we had to carry it all. (So much for flying light)

I couldn’t wait to get to Calgary and get to our hotel room, and get a good night sleep before we traveled south to see our family. I was feeling a little tired, from all the stress, excitement, and Christmas preparation. Only 15 days left.

With tickets and passports in hand, we moved slowly towards the airline desk, and the man pushing our luggage cart was straining to keep up. He helped us put our luggage on the weight scale, and I held my breath. I was heavy (imagine that) the airline agent looked at me and said she was sorry, she couldn’t check us in now?

I pulled out my e-ticket showing her that we were on the 8:00 a.m. flight. She replied,” we don’t check people in 12 hours early. Your flight leaves at 8:00 p.m. (No wonder the fight was so cheap!) At that moment a picture was worth a thousand words when I looked at my husband’s face. His mouth dropped open, and had that distinctive look that said I have to do all this again tonight? And no way am I sitting in this airport for 12 hours.

I called my daughter who was happily enjoying her quiet drive home and told her of our circumstances. To which she replied, “I knew it was too easy, you and dad never fly anywhere without something unusual happening.

After leaving our Airport at 8:30 p.m. we found ourselves delayed in Salt Lake until 1:30 a.m. Arriving in Calgary at 4:30 p.m. Lucky for us I had booked a hotel room near the airport and had guaranteed the room. So at 5:15 we headed for our room, dragging all our luggage and promising ourselves we would make sure we checked the times of arrivals and departures before we ever bought another airline ticket.

And to add insult to energy, as we climbed into bed and turned out the lights we received a call from the front desk. Notifying us it was our good morning wake-up call, I must be dreaming! I assured him he had made a mistake. After all, we just climbed into bed!©


Restlessness is characteristic of our generation today. In these days of confusion and turmoil from life’s activities. We become so exhausted that we miss the sweet rest and peace that the Christ of Christmas wants to give us. Our lives become so busy; we get distracted and worn out leaving us no time for those we love. Our families, friends and God. Why?

Over this last year, there have been illness and hard lessons to learn, but God in faithful. He is showing me that the things in my life are not as important as the people in my life. Especially, when we are suddenly faced with the facts that there may not be any tomorrows. It’s funny how our priorities change. Suddenly spending time with God, and talking to him seemed more important than all my busy-ness for him.

Jesus knows about all of activity in our lives because he made us. He also knows that we need times of rest both—Physically and spiritually. One night long ago God in his love, gave Himself to man in the person of Jesus Christ. Angels announced his birth to the shepherds in Bethlehem on a beautiful starry night. We still celebrate His birth today; we call it Christmas.

And Thirty-three years later, Jesus Christ continued loving me when He willing took the punishment I deserved, by giving His life on the cross in order that I might have my sins forgiven. He is the only source for perfect peace and complete rest for our souls, especially at this busy time of year.

What will you be doing when you hear His name.

The shepherds accepted Him

The wise men expected him

The King rejected him

The innkeeper neglected him

And you? —-Do you have room for him?


Thank you for sharing your time with me I love the privilege of hearing for each of you. You bless my life. Have a wonderful weekend with the ones you love.

Lovingly, Karan

Coffee With Grandma ~ The Cinnamon Dolce Latte

Coffee With Grandma ~ The Cinnamon Dolce Latte

lineGrandma and I have a special bond; she’s one of my best friends, and I couldn’t imagine our relationship being any more or less blonde.

I remember our many shopping trips, road trips, and excursions and not surprising, after a long day of walking, and shopping, we both just wanted to sit rest our feet and have something to drink.

Not Grandma. Now most people who know Karan will have already learned her quirks, habits, and acquired tastes, but I was one of a select few chosen to expand my mind and develop a strong skill to remember how she took her coffee.

We both love Starbucks, and when faced with a multitude of decisions for other coffee shops, we would always pick Starbucks. I would order something simple, like a Chai Latte or just a Latte. Grandma, on the other hand, would wreak havoc!

“I’ll have a venti, Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte with six pumps, Extra Hot, no whip and no foam. Oh, can I have that in a to-go cup with an extra-long straw?” Most baristas would ask her to repeat such an order at least Three times before we got the desired drink. And if they didn’t ask more than two times, chances are they got it wrong.

Again I reiterate, I was one of a few entrusted with remembering such an order.

When Grandma and I go for coffee, she will pick a table for us, and I’ll go order. In my mind, I know what’s coming as the barista tries to understand what exactly the order is. I simply apologize and say, it’s not for me. And as if there is some mental game going on between the ever growing line behind me and the
baristas in front of me, I can feel those customers all saying, “Yeah right, hurry up.”

In life, we all have our personal ideas and individual tastes. Regardless of how long it takes, or how difficult it is to put it together, we all want it a certain way. Most of the time there is no guarantees to “make it again if you don’t like it”. It’s one chance and one shcoffeeot to get it right.

To put this into perspective, now if God were to go to Starbucks, he would have his perfect drink order pre-planned and ready to go. God knows, if he orders a latte, it’s a simple task, a simple request that even Grandma could cope making it. But, if he were to order something more difficult, how many times would we complain and argue about how hard it is and make a mistake.

God gives us these opportunities on a daily basis, and he may put an opportunity in front of us to show us a bit of compassion, or practice some patience. He may tell you that he has other plans for your life different than the ones you have planned. Something a bit more life altering. How many times have we said, “That’s too hard, I’m happy with what I’m doing now,” and then make a wrong decision.

I read a great story in my last devotional,

“I had a fulfilling job, a regular paycheck and my name on the office door. But God said, “I’m finished with you here.” “How could that be?” I wondered. I continued to work where I was for a full year after God told me to leave, and that year was miserable. I did not understand why I was so unhappy, why there seemed to be no grace to do what I had the great grace to do in previous years. Finally, one morning, I cried out to God, “What is wrong?” He spoke to my heart, “I told you a year ago to leave and your still here.” That was all he said” –

Joyce Meyer.

God is merciful, if he has placed a difficult task on your heart or asked you to do something for him, you may decide it’s too hard and will choose to take the easier road. Eventually, you’ll find it is all wrong, and you’re reaping the consequences. But again, God is merciful, and he will give you that chance to try again. He Loves you!

And if anyone runs into Karan at the coffee shop, be prepared for a Starbucks order of the century, and if it’s during the summer, make it iced. © 2015 ~ Caitlyn Rose




I hope you enjoyed my granddaughters story, she is an excellent writer and I am so proud of her.

Thank you for sharing your time with me I love the privilege of hearing for each of you.

You bless my life. Have a wonderful weekend with the ones you love.

Lovingly, Karan

What is your favorite coffee, have you a particular order? Hugs




“These are a few of my favorite things”


download notes“These are a few of my favorite things”



Maalox and nose drops and needles for knittin‘, Walkers and handrails and new dental fittin’s, Bundles of magazines tied up with string, These are a few of my favorite things.

Cadillac’s, cataracts, hearing aids, glasses, Polident, Fixodent, false teeth in glasses, Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings, These are a few of my favorite things. When the pipes leak, When the bones creak, When the knees go bad, Then I remember my favorite things. And then I don’t feel so sad.

Hot tea and crumpets, and corn pads for bunions, No spicy hot food nor food cook’d with onions, Bathrobes and heat pads and hot meals they bring, These are a few of my favorite things.

Back pains, confused brains, and no fear of sinnin’, Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin’. And we won’t mention our short shrunken frames When we remember our favorite things.

When the joints ache, when the hips break, When the eyes grow dim, Then I remember the great life I’ve had, And then I don’t feel so sad. THEN I REMEMBER THE GREAT LIFE I’VE HAD AND THEN I DON’T FEEL SOOO BAD! Author unknown




Quilting Reflections from a Novice:

QuiltI have often admired the beautiful quilts that people make and all the intricate patterns and colors they use. When I sewed my first quilt it was many years ago, it was called a rag quilt. It was so easy I never made another one. Lol.

But as time passed, I decided to help my granddaughter make a T-shirt quilt. She is a T-shirt expert and loves each T-shirt she buys and wears. So for her, having her favorite T-shirts near was comforting. We cut, spliced, pieced and sewed blocks all the while trying to keep everything squared. It was difficult because I didn’t know what I was doing and was trying to learn how to quilt from the internet.

Working on this quilting project, I talked to some wonderful quilters in our area who were encouraging and helpful. And seeing some of their beautiful quilts and pictures I started to become a little wobbly in my abilities. I wondered if my quilt would look alright and be acceptable. In my heart I knew it would not win any prizes, all I could see was the flaws. I worried about everything on that quilt. Could I do the binding right, would my hand stitches be even, would anyone even notice?

Do you ever doubt your abilities when you look at others and admire their talents and perfection? Only to find yourself grumbling how your talent doesn’t measure up to their perfection. Instead of thanking God for the privilege that he gave you to serve him in your special way, and enjoying the process.

When my son-in-law came for a visit and helping me to square the quilt preparing it for the binding. He helped me to see a new quilt perspective. Pointing out all the flaws and mistakes I had made, he said,” it adds character, everyone will know it is an original homemade quilt made with love.”

Thank you, Lord, for those words of wisdom to remind me that love can transcend time and eternity because of you. My son-in-law was right, every stitch began with the love for a special granddaughter. And it was fun to see the process unfolded. I wonder if God loves to see the process of our lives unfold too. ©

Lovingly, Karan

How do you deal with doubting your abilities and comparisons to others? Let me know if you do that too.

Thank you, dear friends for sharing your time with me today, Wishing you a wonderful weekend with your friends and family. Hugs to all!