You Are Like our Mother!




You are Like Your Mother!

Throughout my life, people would often say, “You are like your mother” and I would cringe. Those were not the words I wanted to hear. I wanted to be a supermom – you know, the woman that did and had it all. I would be organized, clever, and smart about life – no traumatic crisis for me.

My mother came from a harsh background. From my perspective, she spent her life trying to work through the difficulties she encountered as a child. She strived to be understanding and kind towards others and, unlike her parents, she achieved her goal. Even though there were painful personal and emotional struggles, as well as great highs, my mother was always optimistic. Her motto was: “Tomorrow’s a brand-new day.”

Although we were poor, I can’t say that we ever thought we were. My mother worked hard to put a roof over our heads and food on the table, never giving up or expecting handouts. We always had enough and when we outgrew our shoes and clothing, she made sure we had something new to replace the old. Reflecting on my childhood, I realized she went without so my sisters and I would have more opportunities and a few extras.

My mother, Francis, had so many wonderful characteristics. She loved a good deal, so thrift shops, garage sales, and flea markets were thrilling, and she was skilled at discovering the ultimate bargain. She also loved her flowerbeds and gardening much better than house cleaning and often said she felt closer to God outdoors.

Inside she loved reading books, sewing, and listening to the radio. Wherever she went she had many bags of good deals, a plethora of interesting books she checked out at the library, and Christian broadcasting blaring from her radio.

In her daily life, we knew mother loved us and loved God too. She trusted Him, leaned on Him, and believed His promises would sustain her. She taught us daily about God’s grace, forgiveness, and love. We could see through her life how God faithfully protected and cared for our needs. The wonderful memories of my dear mother are worth far more than silver and gold.

Now when I hear “You are like your mom,” I say thank you. Following my mother’s legacy, I pray that my children will know how much I love them and see the light of God’s love in my life.  ©

I am humbled and quiet in your presence. Like a contented child who rests on its mother’s lap,

I’m your resting child and my soul is content in you. 

Psalm 139:13 TPT

Dear friends, thank you for sharing your time with me.

In this season of reflecting on our mothers and what it means to be a mother,

please share a special memory of your mother in the comments below.

Happy Mother’s Day! 

Lovingly, Karan


Do You Hear Me, God?



Do You Hear Me, God?

A child’s evening prayer. “Dear God, please take care of my daddy and my mommy and my sister and my brother and my doggy and me. Oh, please take care of yourself, God. If anything happens to you, we’re gonna be in a big mess.”

I’m sure we all feel like that these days when the world is in so much turmoil and distress. I have struggled for years trying to have a consistent prayer life that seems to be more hit and miss, than anything else.

I have felt guilty; I did not pray enough, or long enough.

I feel like I am not good enough, why would God listen to me, I have failed him so many times.

I don’t have enough time; I have a family, my work, and rarely sit down, and when I do I fall asleep.

We all know that the only time to pray is early in the morning.

However, I’m not an early bird. I just stare at my open bible then fall asleep, then feel worse…

Only to become discouraged and give up.  God, why did you make me like this? I can’t stay vigilant in the morning for prayer, I must be your worst child, one who doesn’t merit your constant love and grace.

I invested money in seminars and books that would help me get it right, so many formulas on how I should pray. But it never was intimate for me until I discovered a story about Susanna Wesley who raised 19 children and yet found time to pray.

With a busy family, Susanna found it challenging to find private time. Her life was hard, but she recognized the importance of praying for her family.  The children soon understood that any time their mother’s apron was over her head she was praying. So they left the room leaving her undisturbed.

This treasured story taught me it doesn’t matter where you pray or when.  I just need to talk to God like a dear friend, anytime or anyplace, he is only a prayer away.  Have you struggled with finding the right time or place to pray?©

Mark 11:24 (NLT)

 I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.

” We are put on this earth, not to see through one another,
But to see one another through.

Smile, God Love You

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend.

Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan

We Will Not Forget!

We Will Not Forget!

“Build me a soldier,

O Lord,

who will be strong enough to know when he is weak,

and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid,

one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat,

and humble and gentle in victory.”

General Douglas MacArthur  
1880 – 1964





“There are no extraordinary men… just extraordinary circumstances that ordinary men
are forced to deal with.”
Fleet Admiral William F. Halsey Jr.

This weekend is Memorial Day. And like you I have known many soldiers who have served our county.  I love and honor each one. I often wonder what makes them sacrifice their lives or time for others.

When I see them I try to shake their hands and tell them how much they are loved and appreciated. Where would we be as a nation without their faithfulness and valor?

I wrote this devotional for a soldier friend a few years ago and thought I would share it with you on this special weekend. As we remember our soldiers in America and Canada.


But I am trusting you, O Lord, saying,“You are my God my future is in your hands.”

Psalm 31: 14-15
I am secure in your love for me, I know I can trust you regardless of my circumstances no matter where I am.

You are always with me.

There are people who want to harm me as I serve my country, but my future is in your hands.
You chose to love me and I choose to love and trust you with my life. 


It is so good to know that I can trust you as I serve you and my country.  I know my life, family, and future are in your care.  Please protect from the dangers of this war.

Hugs to you all,
Have a great Memorial Day weekend 

See you next week!
Lovingly, Karan


Happy Mother’s Days ~ Hero’s Come In All Sizes

Happy Mother’s Days!





Hero’s Come In All Sizes

Hero’s come in all sizes, my hero came from a harsh background; I think she spent her life trying to work through the difficulties she encountered as a child. She strived to be understanding and kind towards others. Unlike her parents, she achieved her goal. There were painful personal and emotional struggles in her life, as well as great highs. Mother was always optimistic no matter what life handed her. Her motto was: “tomorrow’s a brand-new day.”

She worked hard to put a roof over our heads and food on the table, never giving up or expecting handouts. Although others thought we were poor, I can’t say that we ever thought we were. We always had enough, when we outgrew our shoes and clothing; she made sure we had something new to replace the old. I often wondered how she worked her magic with the budget, but as I look back I realize she went without so that my sisters and I would have more opportunities and a few extras.

Mother loved a good deal, so thrift stores, Salvation Army, garage sales and flea markets were thrilling when she found the ultimate bargain.

She loved her flower beds and gardening much better than house cleaning and often said she felt closer to God outside. She loved to spend time talking to Him in the quietness of the morning as the sun rose on a new day.

We knew mother loved us and loved God too. She trusted Him, leaned on Him, and believed His promises would sustain her throughout life. She taught us daily about God’s grace, forgiveness, and love. Through her life, we were able to see how God faithfully protected and care for our needs. My mother has given me a lifetime of wonderful memories that are worth more to me than silver and gold. 

I felt lost when she passed away and wondered what I would do without her wonderful sense of humor and practical wisdom. But as I look back, I can see a long line of the heroes that God sprinkled into my life. Each one pushed, encouraged, and inspired me to become a better person. To reach for my dreams and never stop, and when I slow down and get discouraged, they cheer me on with their prayers.

To have Godly mentors who showed me that loving God, putting him first and serving him would give the greatest joy in life, each one has blessed me.

The Bible says we need to remember all that God has done for us and lean on his promise. ©

Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. 

Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

Psalm 23:4

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 

Lovingly, Karan

“I Know What You’re Doing ~ Guess What I Heard?

I Know What You’re Doing

Sarah, the church gossip and self-appointed arbiter of the congregation’s morals, kept sticking her nose into other people’s business. Several members were unappreciative of her activities but feared her enough to maintain their silence.

She made a mistake, however, when she accused George, a new member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his pickup truck parked in front of the town’s only bar one afternoon. She commented to George and others that everyone seeing it there would know what he was doing.

George, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just walked away. He didn’t explain, defend or deny; he said nothing. Later that evening, George quietly parked his pickup in front of Sarah’s house and left it there … all night. author unknown





Reflections: Guess What I Heard?

I have been reminded these last few years how words hurt. Someone makes an observation about another’s circumstances and shares it their friends. Never bothering to check the facts or find the truth.  I have always wondered why people feel the need to run others down, is it to build themselves up?


My mother used to say, “Gossip is like letting the cat out of the bag one claw at a time.” As a young girl, I thought she was being funny. But as the years went by I saw the damage left behind, by the words others carelessly shared.


I watched as people would treat my mother with so little respect as they assumed they knew all about her situation.  But they didn’t know at all, or how hard she worked to put a roof over our heads and food on the table.  Never giving up or expecting handouts. people made assumptions we were poor, although I can’t say that we ever thought we were.


We always had enough, when we outgrew our shoes and clothing; she made sure we had something new to replace the old. I often wondered how she worked her magic with the budget, but as I look back I realize she went without so that my sisters and I would have more opportunities and a few extras. How we loved and admired her.  


I don’t ever remember her speaking unkindly about others, probably because she had personally known the pain it caused.


I have watched her invite people into her home, feed, care and buy groceries for those who had nothing or no one to care for them. Mother was never judgmental and would accept people just the way they were. But most important, she was never afraid or shy to tell anyone about God’s love. She never gave up, she was a survivor, joyfully serving God and touching lives with kindness and comfort


In her later years she worked in real estate, and at times I would be fearful as she drove around the city, often going into dangerous areas. She always told us not to worry; no harm would come because God was taking care of her. And He truly did.   


Mother never cared about what others thought about her or what they said. She only cared about pleasing and honoring God and doing her best for Him.


Mother left me a wonderful legacy to remember, my heart needs to keep my eyes on the God who loves me, and not worry about hurtful words being shared.©


Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.

Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. Col. 4:5-6

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 
Lovingly, Karan
Have you experienced hurtful and unkind words, how did you get through it?