Let Freedom Ring!

Let Freedom Ring!



 Aesop said many years ago,

 “No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted.”

All over the world, our soldiers are not only sacrificing, but also serving honorably in acts of kindness and compassion.  They are showing people a better way of life. 

Some people say we fight for oil, money, and power.  In our country, there are numerous divisions of opinions on how our government and military should run.  And how our foreign policy should look in countries that are far away and remote from our everyday lives.  Have we forgotten what life would be like for us if this war were fought here in America?

However, something happens when our soldiers leave that will outlast the fear, killings, and the submission that insurgents demand of their people. American soldiers give them something better, kindness instead of selfishness, hope instead of despair, and laughter instead of sorrow.

The enemy may beat, blow-up, and torture people to push their evil agenda, but those people have seen something else.  When our soldiers were out on patrols, or on their days off they give away their food, water, candy, and friendship.  Some even spent their time off helping the people to rebuild their lives, homes, and schools.  These acts of kindness, hope, and compassion are qualities that people of the Middle East will not soon forget!

May God bless the men and women of the military who serve quietly, unselfishly, giving their time and extras to bringing a better life for someone else?  To allow the people to see what real freedom is.  

Every Country, even our own has had to pay a large price for freedom, and our Middle East friends are learning what that cost is with their own suffering also.  Freedom has a high price, but once you have had a taste of freedom you cannot stop until you have it for yourself, your families, and your country.  As they are finding out for themselves.

This is our the American spirit, which is the heart and soul of our soldiers, and the people of in these countries will never be able to forget them.©

“Freedom is never free; it has a price.”

“God Bless America, Land of the Free because of the Brave.”

Lovingly, Karan


What Makes A Dad ~ Fathers’ Day

What Makes A Dad 


God took the strength of a mountain, 
The majesty of a tree, 
The warmth of a summer sun, 
The calm of a quiet sea, 

The generous soul of nature, 
The comforting arm of night, 
The wisdom of the ages, 
The power of the eagle’s flight, 

The joy of a morning in spring, 
The faith of a mustard seed, 
The patience of eternity, 
The depth of a family need, 

Then God combined these qualities, 
When there was nothing more to add, 
He knew His masterpiece was complete, 
And so, He called it … Dad

~ Author Unknown





Reflections:  Fathers’ Day

As a child growing up, I always wondered about the father I never knew. Did he have blonde hair, was I like him? My mother never talked about him, and I never inquired because it caused her great sadness to discuss that time in her life.

For years, I would think about meeting him, and dream about our wonderful reunion. But that scenario would not happen. I had found out that he had passed away many years before I had started to look for him. I was so disappointed, all my questions would go unanswered.

I remember at church the minister talked about how much God cares for each of us, and he knows our pain and hurt in the secret places where only he can see. And he quoted a Bible verse that I never forgot:

God in His holy house is a father to those who have no father.

And He keeps the women safe whose husbands have died.

God makes a home for those who are alone.

                                      Psalm 67:5 & 6a

I found great comfort in that verse but wondered if it would happen for me.

Little did I know that God had prepared a father for me in Alberta, Canada. When I married Lyle, I not only got a husband but a new father who became my dad.

Trygve was a kind, loving and humble man who loved life and loved me. As the years passed by it amazed me, how much alike we were. We both loved books, collected funny stories and loved humor. He loved to sing, loved people and most of all loved God.

Trig passed away in 2000; there is not a day that goes by that I don’t reflect on all the times we spent together. We would both cry through “Little House on the Prairie”, sad movies and touching books. We liked to laugh, sing in the car, go shopping, eating out and share the important family stories and our walk with God. How I loved and miss him.

I am thankful for the great privilege to call Trygve my DAD.

God gave me the desire of my heart, and his timing is perfect.

Thank you, Lord, for your wonderful gift.©

Happy Fathers’ Day!

Do you have special memories of your Dad?  I would love to hear them. Hugs

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
Have a wonderful Fathers’ Day weekend. Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan

The Easter Eggs


Happy Easter Everyone!


  The Easter Eggs: 


Philip was born with Downs Syndrome. He was a pleasant child . . .happy it seemed . . . but increasingly aware of the difference between himself and other children. Philip went to Sunday school faithfully every week. He was in the third grade class with nine other eight-year olds. 

You know eight-year olds. And Philip, with his differences, was not readily accepted. But his teacher was sensitive to Philip and he helped this group of eight-year olds to love each other as best they could, under the circumstances. They learned, they laughed, and they played together. And they really cared about one another, even though eight-year olds don’t say they care about one another out loud. 

But don’t forget. There was an exception to all this. Philip was not really a part of the group. Philip did not choose, nor did he want to be different. He just was. And that was the way things were. 

His teacher had a marvelous idea for his class the Sunday after Easter. You know those things that pantyhose come in . . . the containers that look like great big eggs? The teacher collected ten of them. The children loved it when he brought them into the room and gave one to each child. 

It was a beautiful spring day, and the assignment was for each child to go outside, find the symbol for new life, put it into the egg, and bring it back to the classroom They would then open and share their new life symbols and surprises, one by one. 

It was glorious. It was confusing. It was wild. They ran all around the church grounds, gathering their symbols, and returned to the classroom. 

They put all the eggs on a table, and then the teacher began to open them. All the children gathered around the table. He opened one and there was a flower, and they ooh-ed and aah-ed. He opened another and there was a little butterfly.

“Beautiful!” the girls all said, since it is hard for eight-year old boys to say ‘beautiful.’ He opened another and there was a rock. And as third-graders will, some laughed, and some said, “That’s crazy! How’s a rock supposed to be like new life?” But the smart little boy who’d put it in there spoke up: “That’s mine. And I knew all of you would get flowers and buds and leaves and butterflies and stuff like that. So I got a rock because I wanted to be different. And for me, that’s new life.” They all laughed. 

The teacher said something about the wisdom of eight-year olds and opened the next one. There was nothing inside. The children, as eight-year olds will, said, “That’s not fair. That’s stupid! Somebody didn’t do it right.” 

Then the teacher felt a tug on his shirt, and he looked down. “It’s mine, Philip said. It’s mine.” 

And the children said, “You don’t ever do things right, Philip. There’s nothing there!” 

“I did so do it right!” Philip said. “I did do it right. The tomb is empty!” 

There was silence, a very full silence. And for you people who don’t believe in miracles, I want to tell you that one happened that day. From that time on, it was different. Philip suddenly became a part of that group of eight-year old children. They took him in. He was set free from the tomb of his differences. 

Philip died last summer. His family had known since the time he was born that he wouldn’t live out a full life span. Many other things were wrong with his little body. And so, late last July, with an infection that most normal children could have quickly shrugged off, Philip died. 

At his memorial service, nine eight-year old children marched up to the altar, not with flowers to cover over the stark reality of death . . . but nine eight-year olds, along with their Sunday School teacher, marched right up to that altar, and laid on it an empty egg . . . an empty, old, discarded pantyhose egg.  Author unknown

And the tomb is empty!

I wanted to share with you one my favorite Easter story, I have loved this one since the first time I heard it.

It is a constant reminder that the Grave is empty, and Jesus lives and He is alive. I know that my hope, salvation and constant care comes from Him. He loves me, forgive me and helps me.  He is my security, He is Enough!

Happy Easter, He Has Risen!

Lovingly, Karan

Thank you for sharing your time with me today dear friend. What brings delight and Joy to your life? Do you have a favorite Easter story?

I would love to hear your thoughts as we share our journey.


Are You Aging with Humor? – A New Address

Are You Aging with Humor?

I’ve sure gotten old! I’ve had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes.

I’m half blind, can’t hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts.

Have bouts with dementia. Have poor circulation; hardly feel my hands and feet anymore.

Can’t remember if I’m 85 or 92. Have lost all my friends.

But, thank God, I still have my driver’s license!


Reflections: A New Address

I would like to share a deeply personal story that our family has journeyed through over the last eighteen months. After my Cancer surgery at the end of June 2015; in August, my dear son-in- law learned of his Cancer diagnoses.

After many highs and lows, starts and stops, joys and disappointments our family learned there was nothing else they could do for Kerry.

I can’t explain how confused my heart and mind felt for my daughter and her beloved husband. They had a beautiful family and a true love story marriage. Why?

Our family prayed and cried together, trying to understand this new territory we were traveling.

Many times, as I would sit and visit with Kerry, he was always more of an encouragement to me than He will ever know. As people came to visit or call him, he would pray with them before they said goodbye.

I remember our discussions about heaven and the amazing gift of God’s love and grace. Kerry’s peace was God given. And when we cried together, he would remind me the God he loved knew the number of his days before he was born. God’s promises gave him great comfort. The verse is;

Psalm 139: 16 NLT

16 You saw me before I was born.

Every day of my life was recorded in your book.

Every moment was laid out

before a single day had passed.

Our beloved son-in-law Kerry Kurtzweg passed away this last week, he changed his address from Foremost, Alberta to Heaven on February 20, 2017. Just two days before their 25th wedding anniversary.

He will be greatly missed and he was dearly loved.©

How sweet is rest after fatigue!
How sweet will heaven be when our journey is ended

– George Whitefield –

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me and all your prayers for our family.
Have a wonderful weekend. Have a great week, HUGS
Lovingly, Karan

A Holiday Road Trip?

A Holiday Road Trip?

While on a road trip, an elderly couple stopped at the roadside restaurant for lunch.  After finishing their meal, they resumed their trip.

Unknowincouple-1002gly, the woman left her glasses on the table and didn’t miss them until they had been driving about twenty minutes.

By then, to add to the aggravation, they had to travel quite a distance before finding a place to turn around.  

All the way back, the husband fussed and complained and scolded his wife.  As she got out of the car and hurried inside to retrieve her glasses, he yelled to her, “While you’re in there, you might as well get my hat and credit card!”








Reflections: Will I ever get done?

I have often put my life on hold using one little word,

AFTER.  I wonder if others do the same.  See if any of my excuses are ones you can relate too.

    • After the office is clean, I will have time to write.
    • After the house is clean, I will invite company for dinner.
    • After I lose weight, I will buy a swimsuit.
    • After my children are out of school, I will have more time to study the Bible.
    • After I catch up on all my TV series, I will have time to visit friends.
    • After I clean the garage, I will have a place to park the car.
    • After I get a treadmill, I will start exercising.


Recently, I had a few light bulb moments, or a blonde epiphany, (is that legal?) 

    • The office will never be clean enough.
    • The house will never be perfect enough.
    • No matter how much weight I lose or gain, I will NEVER buy a swimsuit.
    • When your children finish school, marry, and have children of their own we will never have time.We will be too busy attending ball games, recitals, soccer, having sleepovers, taking pictures and having fun.  Grandchildren automatically move to top priority.
    • A TV series is never done; there is always another new one to watch.
    • Landscaping and yard work is a weekly task, the weeds and grass just keep growing.
    • If the garage is cleaned out we will have to rent a large storage unit.  Besides the car looks good outside and everyone knows where we live.
    • I will never start exercising when I get a treadmill, bicycle, or the Wii.  If I haven’t started before now nothing else will help. 


I have wasted a lot of time waiting for the “AFTERS” to get done so I could move onto the important tasks.  The Bible says now is the time to use what we have to serve and honor God.  I don’t want my life to get stuck with the afters and never get to the serving of others.  I want to keep moving forward, onward and upward, running the race well.©

Philippians 2:16 (NLT)

Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.

    1 Corinthians 9:16
Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize?
So run to win!      
Dear Friends, thank you for stopping by and spending your time with me today, I love each of you. 

What are your favorite “after” excuses?  I would love to hear from you and get your opinion on these thoughts

Hugs to All, Lovingly Karan