Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, I don’t know that person at all???


So You Think You’re The Mother Now?


Little Alice was allowed to sit in her mother’s place at the dinner table one evening when her mother was absent

Her slightly older brother, disapproved of the arrangement, sneering he asked, “So you’re the mother tonight.” All right, how much is two times seven?

Without a moment’s hesitation, Alice replied nonchalantly, “I’m busy. Ask your father.”.







Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, I don’t know that person at all???

HAVE YOU had sleepless nights, got up in the morning checked the mirror and thought, “I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get it together today?” Was your hair standing on end? Are there bags under your eyes, not to mention the dreaded puffed eyelids? Thank goodness for eye cream and concealer! Some mornings, looking in the mirror can almost stop your heart. Which often happens at my house.

mirror 6Have you fallen off your diet in a major way? Enjoyed an incredible weekend full of carbohydrates, sugars, and fat overload? Now feeling guilty, bloated and 10 pounds heavier than when you started your week. You know, the weekend where you ate everything you could get your hands on just because you couldn’t stand another carrot stick? I have, and I give myself a good scolding too. I usually feel so guilty and miserable I promise myself never again. Well, maybe that’s a little hasty, I hear a little Chocolate is good for you!

Perhaps you’ve had a dispute with your husband, friend or even the kids, and you’re on your last nerve. Possibly you’re saying, “I need to run away for a while or take a cruise, ” or if you’re like me, you just stay in bed and cover your head. I’ve even considered a week at a rest home, wouldn’t that be heavenly. There I could sit on the porch in a rocking chair and sing “Be Still my Soul “and mean it.

Some day’s life does not go the way I expect. I can write lists, make my plans and try to get some sense of order, yet life does not stop because I have had a bad day. Have you ever felt like that?

I am thankful that as each new day comes, I can choose to find something to be thankful for. I am learning how to find joy in the moments. Which has been a lifelong journey for me, I am not a fast learner. How about you?

My life isn’t always perfect, but I have a friend who loves me through the circumstances of life. He is the shield which blocks the sting and protects me in his perfect will. Nothing touches me that does not go through the cross first.

Although I will always have my share of bad hair days, bags under my eyes, blow my diet and lose my temper. I am safe and secure in the knowledge that God’s love, forgiveness are constant, unconditional and forever. He is my Friend. He is faithful. ©

How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.

Psalm 36:7


Thank you for sharing your time with me.

How do you cope with bad days? I would love to hear What You do.

Have a great weekend! Hugs

Lovingly, Karan

Remembering the past, looking to the future”

Remembering the past, looking to the future”patric









Although I am an American, who lives in Canada now, I have never gotten over the thrill and pride at seeing the American Stars and Stripes flying over a country I love and cherish. It still brings tears to my eyes as I sing God Bless America and the National Anthem. What a joy and a privilege to live in a country with an incredible heritage.

And when I see the Canadian Maple Leaf flag I am reminded how blessed we are to have the opportunity to live in both countries where we enjoy the freedom that others have bravely fought for.

girlyMy heart filled with respect and admiration as I consider what would cause a person to volunteer so freely to serve his country and willingly go into harm’s way for others. To stand and fight for people he does not know so they can enjoy safety and freedom too. Is it the brave determination of character to serve God and to do what is right because he loves his country and family?

I am forever grateful to those who have and still do served our country with honor and integrity and their families who sacrifice so much.

They say “Freedom is never free,” but there is always a price… physically, mentally and emotionally. I am humbled and honored to say, thank you to the brave soldiers who fight for my freedom. Thank You, You are Remembered!

At this moment, I also am overwhelmed as I remember that Christ did the same for me. He freely gave himself for me so that I could have an everlasting inheritance with him.

“Christ paid a price I could never pay to give me life I did not deserve.” I am loved and blessed.

Thank You to all who serve, I am praying for you!

Do you have those who are serving or have served, I would love to hear from you?


Lovingly, Karan

Can You Hear the Music?

Can You Hear the Music?

ols-man-singing1I guess you could say he’s a fixture ’round town they all knew his name. And every time the church bells rang Uncle Jesse, he up and came.

He always sat in the very same pew humming in a voice loud and rough, when it came to the Antioch Church House Choir Uncle Jesse never heard enough.

You see, he always wanted to sing in the choir, but he couldn’t sing a lick don’t you know, he tried out for the Antioch Church House choir 34 years in a row

He always got to the try-outs early he wanted to try out first, but instead of his singing getting any better every year it just got a little worse.

And he’d say, Please let me sing in the choir in the choir, Please let me sing in the choir. I can lift my voice just as high as yours… maybe just a little higher…  Please let me sing in the choir, in the choir, please let me sing in the choir. One old man can’t be all that bad, won’t you please let me sing in the choir.

One cloudy Sunday morning, I remember it was raining some… The church bells rang, and everybody came except Jesse, He didn’t come. Everybody started getting worried, but the figured they’d start anyhow.

Just as they did Jesse’s voice came booming down from Heaven, and I don’t know how… He said I’ve found me a choir that’ll let me sing; now I’m singing in the choir. I can lift my voice just as high as yours, maybe just a little higher.

I’ve found me a choir that’ll let me sing now I’m singing in the choir… You folks down there can’t hold me a light because I’m singing in the heavenly choir…      Words and music by Darrel Holt



menion 151



Every time I hear the song sung above, I get tears in my eyes. I think about my voice that is a little off-key.  I remember at one time Lyle, and I were asked to sing for an evening event, I was scared to death. 

scared-woman-revMy husband comes from a musical family and has a wonderful voice.  We practiced for weeks.  But when we stood on stage in front of all those people I froze, and couldn’t remember the words or even find my note. 

My dear husband tried to encouragement after our song, but I knew it didn’t go well.  As we were leaving a lady rushed up to encourage me and said, “ Well after you went up and down the scale a few times to find your note, I think it was OK.” So much for my singing career! LOL

Although I am not as a singer, I do love to sing. I like to sing out loud, and I’m sure others wish I would stop. But hey, the Bible says let us make a joyful noise, and I want to do my part.

I was born to sing the song God placed in my heart.  I think each of us has a special song given to us to share. Sometimes I struggle to sing my song joyfully, feeling like it might not be good enough.  Or I look at others and wish I could be like them and sing their song.

There have even been times I could not sing my hearts song at all. Those are times I need God, and another’s to wrap their wings of love around me and hold me tight. We all are born to sing our special songs

Like a small bird needing to fly and feel the wind lift me higher, I know God has placed a special song in my heart that I must sing to a hurting world… Jesus Loves You!  That is my song©



Psalm 100
A psalm of thanksgiving.

1 Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!
2 Worship the Lord with gladness.
Come before him, singing with joy.


Thank you for dropping by and sharing your time with me.

Do you have a song to sing? I would love to hear the song God has given you.

Have a great week! Hugs

Lovingly, Karan

You Know You’ve Been Gardening too Long When . . .


You Know You’ve Been Gardening too Long When . . .

GARDENER 2** When someone steps on your lawn and alarms go off, and a voice says,”Please step away from the grass.”
** When you visit a friend’s home and start pulling their weeds.
** When you butt in & correct the staff at the nursery when they give incorrect advice to customers.
** When looking at your compost pile makes you feel all warm inside.
** When “multiculturalism” means planting flowers among your vegetable.
** When you say hello to your garden before you go into the house after a vacation.
** When the local garden centre sends you Christmas and Birthday cards.
** When the ER doctor comes in with your X-rays, and you ask him how poorly the daisies were hurt when you fell into them.
** When you prefer seed catalogues to Victoria’s Secret catalogue.
** When your friends and neighbours all hide as soon as the zucchini appear.
Reflections :

Spring has finally come to Alberta, although the evenings and mornings are cool, everyone is starting to plant their gardens. So this year I decided to plant a few vegetables. Many years ago I did try to grow a small garden and despite my lack of knowledge, some plants did grow. Lol. My mother was so talented and loved flowers and could grow any plant. I always loved my plants too much, I either watered them to death or not enough.

0004776-R1-013-5They say that talents often skip a generation, and I’m sure that must be the case because my daughters each have their grandmother’s green thumb.

Last Friday we worked all afternoon planting. By evening I could hardly walk, I had used muscles I didn’t remember I had, everything hurt. It’s an actual reality check when you suddenly realize not as young and agile as I use to be. In fact, I don’t even bounce like I use to either! My backside was so painful, the only satisfaction for me was the thought I might get a little lift from the exercise. At my age, any lift is good since everything else is moving south. LOL

When life gets so busy, it is a comfort to be able to take the time to spend in God’s creation enjoying the peacefulness of each day. When I am quiet and listen, I can hear God whisper his plans for me. But so many times I feel I need to remind God, I’ve made my plans for my day. “God can you see my busy agenda,” Sometimes I have so many plans and goals I don’t want to have my day interrupted. Have you ever felt like that?

Do I choose my plans which are essential to my business and ministry? Or choose God’s plan for me, stepping out in faith to trust Him. Serving Him is to enjoy the great adventures He has planned for me and knowing I have obeyed his call gives me great happiness.

He is my peace and safe place, the one who loves and protects me. Could I offer him anything less than my obedience choosing to follow Him? Each new day gives us a reason to love and praise God.©


Thank you for dropping by and sharing your time with me. Do you ever have your plans sidetracked or interrupted?

How have you learned to cope, I would love to hear from you.

Have a great week! Hugs

Lovingly, Karan

Remembering Mother’s Day

A Working Mother



Any mother who gets out of bed!

Happy Mother’s Day!



My Mother Kept A Garden

My Mother kept a garden,
a garden of the heart,
She planted all the good things
that gave my life it’s start.

She turned me to the sunshine
and encouraged me to dream,
Fostering and nurturing
the seeds of self-esteem…

And when the winds and rain came,
she protected me enough-
But not too much because she knew
I’d need to stand up strong and tough.

Her constant good example
always taught me right from wrong-
Markers for my pathway
that will last a lifetime long.

I am my Mother’s garden.
I am her legacy-
And I hope today she feels the love
reflected back from me                                                                                                                                  
Author unknown




I have wonderful memories of an extraordinary woman who loved, encouraged and shared her life with me, my Canadian my mother-in-law. Although she was opposite to my mother, the one bond they each had in common was their love of God, and for me.

As I have gotten more mature, I can see more clearly how God has made impossibilities, possible. He had a plan before I was born, and knew what I would need to grow closer to Him.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

He saw me and loved me when others thought I was a mistake; He had a plan. He knew the mother I need to help me through life. (Although when I hit my teens, I was sure he had given me someone else’s mother.) He also knew who my dear mother-in-law would be too.

mom gleddie2Hedevig was a tall, kind, and a gentle Danish woman who loved her home and family. She taught me how to cook, clean, bake those wonderful Danish pastries and pies. I learned to can food, make jams, jellies, pickles, and how to freeze and blanch vegetables. I learned how to garden too.

There was never anyone turned away from her home, generous hospitality, delicious meals, and beautiful table settings.

Our homes were on the same property, and we would see each other daily. She was a wealth of knowledge and made learning fun. She became my second mother, mentor, and friend.

As the years past, three daughters were born to our family, and they loved their grandmother very much. In fact, every day after school they would stop at Grandma’s for cookies and tea, play a game of Sorry or Trouble, and then come home. She always had a listening ear and encouraging word and many hugs. It was as though it was their particular time to have Grandma all to themselves.

Over the next few years, she endured severe illness, and like the family, we rode the roller coaster of extreme disappointments. My daughters would still visit Grandma after school every day; however they would set the cookies on the table, make the tea, set the games up, and she would come and set with them and watch as they played. Over a cup of tea, sweetened with laughter they enjoyed their time together

Hedevig was a beautiful pianist, organist, and singer. And that gift was passed on to her children and grandchildren. I loved to listen as she sat and played the piano for hours in her home. I would go over to her house on the corner of ranch yard and quietly enjoy my own concert. It always brought comfort to her soul as well as mine.

She endured great physical pain and showed grace throughout the illness. Always knowing God loved her and had faith he had a perfect plan for her.

My mother’s gifts, have given me a lifetime of wonderful memories that are worth more to me than silver and gold. I have been blessed.©

Wishing every one a wonderful weekend as we remember our mother’s. Hugs

Lovingly, Karan

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend. I would love to hear your special memories of your Mother.

Hugs to all.