The Special Speaker
A long-winded speaker was continuing to deliver his dry and lengthy speech. He had long run over his assigned time for the presentation. The master of ceremonies tried to get him to stop, but couldn’t get his attention.
Finally, in desperation, he picked up his gavel and fired at the speaker. He aimed it low trying not to attract too much attention from the audience.
However, he missed the speaker and hit the man in the first row. The poor man slumped down in his chair and groaned, “Hit me again, I can still hear him.”
Reflections: The Workout?
My friend loves physical exercise and thinks she has not had a workout unless she is sweating buckets. My idea of a good workout is a color coordinated sweat suit, 1-inch gold flip-flops, and pearls, full makeup, hairdo—the works. (In case I run into someone, I might know). Besides, I never sweat, I mist!
Taking a walk with us is an experience in comic relief. Dee wears sensible shoes and clothing, charging ahead, getting the workout over in record time, with as much sweat as possible; while I leisurely walk along, trying not to get all misty, carefully stepping over rocks, puddles, and other debris.
It is great having a friend to talk to; someone in whom I can confide my secrets, even if she is jogging circles around me so she can keep her heart rate up.
But the greatest comfort about my friend is the assurance that our friendship is secure. I know she loves me even with all the fluff and glitter, blonde hair and pearls.
I also have another friend who thinks I am special, allows me to the freedom to be myself and I never have to impress him. God is cheering for me and wants me to be all I can for him. His love and grace are forever, unchanging and constant. Even when times are hard, I am secure in his care.©
Psalm 63:8N (NLT)
I cling to you;
your strong right-hand holds me securely.

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs to all.
Lovingly, Karan