
Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?

cookingA man feared his wife wasn’t hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem.The Doctor told him there is a simple, informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.

Here’s what you do,” said the Doctor, “stand aboutn40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response.”

That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, “I’m about 40 feet away, let’s see what happens.” Then in a normal tone,he asks, ‘Honey, what’s for dinner?” No response. So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about30 feet from his wife and repeats, “Honey, what’s for dinner?”

Still no response. Next, he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, “Honey, what’s for dinner?”

Again he gets no response. So, he walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. “Honey, what’s for dinner?” Again there is no response.

So he walks right up behind her. “Honey, what’s for dinner?”

She said, “Ralph, for the Fifth time, Chicken !”



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womensAs a young woman visiting Disneyland in California my favorite ride was “It’s a Small World”. The exhibition of dolls dressed in different costumes from faraway countries and places were incredible. That display gave me a hunger to study and dream of the cultures I had never seen.

My childhood dreams have continued, becoming a driving force in my life today. Giving me a sincere love and curiosity for other people’s values, beliefs and customs.

In a small way, those early years formed my life’s perspective of my world view. Learning to appreciate others and delight in our diversity is a joy, and lovingly serving others through friendship is a gift.

Father, let me see the world and others through your eyes, not my own. Let your love shine through me.

Dear Lord, may I be willing to be hidden and unknown today, yet ready to speak a word to those who are weary. May your Spirit touch my words and make them Your words that enrich and refresh others.

Thank you for sharing your time with me today dear friend.

What brings delight and Joy to your life?

I would love to hear your thoughts as we share our journey together.

Lovingly, Karan


Hold On!

Hold On!

Eleven peoplhelicoptere were hanging on a rope under a helicopter, ten men, and one woman.

The rope wasn’t strong enough to carry them all. They decided that one had to leave because they were all going to fall.

They weren’t able to name that person, until the woman gave a powerfully, touching speech.

She said that she would voluntary to let go of the rope. Because, as a female, she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids, or for men in general.

And she always made sacrifices for others and never expected anything in return for her efforts.

As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started clapping their hands…….






holding-hands (1)A While Back I found myself in a place of discouragement. Wondering if the goals and dreams God had placed in my heart were achievable anymore. The way forward seemed so complicated and the challenging, I wasn’t sure I had the enough energy to finish.

Johann W. Von Goethe once said,” Instruction does much, but encouragement is everything.” Many times a kind word of encouragement, a smile or a simple touch can lift a heart out of sadness, grief, exhaustion or despair.

An act of kindness encouraging others and lets them know you care about them, and they are not alone. It also gives us the opportunity to show God’s love as we touch the lives of others. Encouragement gives hope and inspires determination to keep moving forward when life gets tough, and we become weary of the struggles.

One morning as I was reading my Bible and praying I asked God to encourage my soul with his love, compassion and guidance. Asking Him to give me a new perspective and passion for the task He had given me. I had become tired. And His promises and love lessons come just in time. I received emails that afternoon of encouragement and confirmation; God is not finished with the dreams and goals He has placed in my heart.

Jeremiah 29:11

I say this because I know the plans that I have for you.” This message is from the Lord. “I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future.


LIFE can be tough, and the struggles of life and ministry can be harsh. With God’s encouragement, we can remember His promises and rely and lean on Him. The journey will be brighter for us and others as we stand together building one another up with encouragement.©


Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs to all.

Have a great week, HUGS
Lovingly, Karan

Did I Miss My Ride?

Did I Miss My Ride?

hitchhikerFor our anniversary, my husband and I decided to travel outside Canada. We spent months getting our passports in order and making sure we had all the right documentation. My husband, Lyle, is Canadian, but I am a U.S. citizen with landed immigrant status, which allows me to live, work (and pay taxes) in Canada.

When my new American passport arrived with a picture reminiscent of Phyllis Diller, Lyle drove me to the Canadian consulate to have it stamped.

“I’ll pick you up in forty-five minutes,” he said, as he dropped me off across the street from the consulate, “I’ll drive by, and you can jump in.”

Finding the right department at the embassy and getting my passport stamped took most of my forty-five minutes.

I rushed outside, crossed the street, and spotted our gold Lincoln coming my way. I began waving frantically, but he just passed by. Fortunately, as he neared the light, it turned red.

Sprinting across the four-lane street in my three-inch heels, I prayed the light would not change as I made the final charge. I jerked open the car door and breathlessly jumped in. Fumbling for my seat belt, I looked up into the horrified face of the driver who was not my husband. By now, the light had changed to green, and we just sat there. “Am I being carjacked?” He asked.

I let go of my seat belt, said my apologies, and assured him it was a mistake. I was not a carjacker! I jumped out just in time to see my husband drive up. He had seen the whole escapade and was driving like a wild man in case he had to rescue me.

“What on earth are you doing? Don’t you know what our car looks like?” He said. All I could do was laugh. My knight in shining armor came rushing in to save me, and the poor man in the other car will most likely never drive his car again without having the doors locked. ©


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Isn’t it funny how we can get the wrong impressions about people or circumstances and assume we know all the facts?  And harsh conditions and crises events are not usually what we would share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram. I confess I have been guilty of making assumptions myself and embarrassed to find out how wrong I have been.

How many times have I put on a mask hiding from others what is happening in my life? You know that little survival kit, full of special occasion masks we use to get us through the hard stuff.

When I walk out of the house, hear the screen door slam behind me, I can often pretend to be someone else for a time. Trying to become whatever other people wanted me to be. And never allowing others to see my own fear and insecurity.

I placed all my emphasis on outward appearance, material wealth and personal importance. I had a perfect mask and wanted people to think I had a perfect life too. I would just wear a smile!

I was afraid if they saw the real me, they wouldn’t accept me. I am so thankful there is a God who Loves me and likes me just the way he made me. He sees “The good the bad and the ugly” and loves me anyway. Thank goodness.

What a precious and wonderful gift that He has given me. The gift of grace. I don’t have to pretend that life is perfect, and afraid of what others think of me, I am free to be Me! ©

Do you feel like hiding behind masks too? Why do we feel we need to smile when life is tough?

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Hugs to each of you.

Lovingly, Karan


Happy Valentines Day Mom!

Happy Valentines Day Mom!

missingSix-year-old Jimmy was so excited to go shopping with his dad for a Valentine gift for his mother. After picking the right card telling her how much they loved her, they headed for the candy store. Jimmy and his dad found a beautiful heart-shaped box with bows, ribbon and lace on top, and one pound of his mother’s favorite chocolates.

As they headed home, they discussed where to hide the gift until tomorrow morning. Jimmy ask if he could keep it in his room under the bed, and dad agreed. Jimmy could hardly wait for the next day to surprise her. After all, she loved chocolates.

The next morning after breakfast Jimmy and his dad presented her with their lovely Valentine gift. Excitedly she opened the box and realized one piece of candy was missing from the center.

Noticing an elegant gold label written in calligraphy which said, “Packed especially for you by Selina.” Still confused about the missing chocolate, Jimmy mother turned the paper over her saw a hand-printed message saying, “ tested by Jimmy!”



I love shoe sale’s, How about you?




forrest-gump-suitcase-bench-tom-hanksMama always said:
“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” Forest Gump

I always love Valentine’s Day, especially the chocolate, I think Chocolate makes everything better, don’t you? Have you ever noticed when you are feeling a little off, depressed, or just plain grumpy, chocolate helps immediately. Even if I’m feeling fat, Chocolate helps. Lol, What is that?

I remembered many years ago; I tried to wean myself of a secret chocolate habit. Attempting to be firm I would self-talk listing all the pro’s and cons of learning to control my sweet tooth. However once in a while, I would secretly make a whole recipe of fudge just for me, eating the entire batch out of the pot. It would never get to the pan and have time to set.

My husband would drive me crazy; he could have one piece of chocolate at a time and save the rest for weeks. While I would eat mine at one setting, and then want him to share with me.

Now after all these years he often brings us home some chocolate bars in a bag of groceries, and we both sit down and enjoy them. No guilt, no worries, just pure enjoyment of a special moment together.

When I look back I think that quote is right, Life is like a box of chocolates, and we never know what you’re going to get.

We hit times of crises, and circumstances we don’t understand, that seems to be the world we live in these days. But through these time, we can stand firm knowing that we have a God, who loves, cares and protects us from the storms we face. I read this quote the other day that puts everything in perspective for me it says:

“We can endure life’s wrongs because we know that God will make all things right.”

What a relief, He is in Control!

We Win!

Lovingly, Karan

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day Sunday. Hugs to all

The month After Christmas

Twas the Month After Christmas

I don’t know if anyone is feeling like me today, but after eating my way through the Thanksgiving holidays, then back to Canada and eating my way through Christmas, I feel like the stuffed turkey!

My poor scale has rebelled and says I need to lose a little stuffing.

Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house
Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.
The cookies I’d nibbled, the eggnog I’d taste
At the holiday parties had gone to my waist.

When I got on the scales there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).
I’d remember the marvelous meals I’d prepared;
The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,

The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese
And the way I’d never said, “No thank you, please.”
As I dressed myself in my husband’s old shirt
And prepared once again to do battle with dirt—

I said to myself, as I only can
“You can’t spend a winter disguised as a man!”
So—away with the last of the sour cream dip,
Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip

Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
“Till all the additional ounces have vanished.
I won’t have a cookie—not even a lick.
I’ll want only to chew on a long celery stick.

I won’t have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie,
I’ll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.
I’m hungry, I’m lonesome, and life is a bore—
But isn’t that what January is for?

Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!

Author unknown




It has been a four-month run on food for me. Living in Alberta Canada Thanksgiving here is in October, being Americans we also celebrate the American Thanksgiving in November. Then we head into the Christmas season with all the baking and goodies and finish with New Years.

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I have eaten way too much and been on a continuous sugar high for months. The diet fell apart in October somewhere between the marshmallow sweet potato casserole and the New Year’s fruitcake, Almond Roca candy.

After New Year’s, I feel like I don’t want to see any food at all. Even making a decision about planning another meal was hard. When someone asked me, “what’s for dinner? I reply, “How about just plain old cereal or soup.” I think January should be an every man for himself month lol, how about you?

I am so glad that God doesn’t feel like that towards me, telling me He’s too tired and doesn’t want to be bothered. Where would I be without Him? He’s the one who knows all about me, sees my frustration, weariness and concerns.

And even when I fail or fall behind, He continually reminds me I am His. God encourages me to reach for the goals he has put in my heart. Inspiring me to try again. I love the verse in the Bible in Jeremiah 29:11

I say this because I know what I have planned for you,” says the Lord. “I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future.

How can I lose with God on my side helping me, loving me and protecting me, I can only say Thank You and I love you.


Pray that 2016 will be yout best year ever with many Blessings. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your time with me today

Lovingly, Karan