
The Messy Look


Sorry I couldn’t resist this one!


The Messy Look

I stopped at Costco to pick up a few staples and as I wandered up and down the aisles, I became aware of a man who was staring at me. “I like your hair, he said.  “I know what it’s called, it’s a messy bun.”

I felt suddenly self-conscious and thought the messy look was not what I was aiming for. He then explained he had seen a young woman with the same hairdo, and she told him it a messy bun.   I thanked him for his comment, but in my heart, I was feeling insecure about my thinning hair.

Last year when I returned from a vacation in California, I was so overwhelmed and fatigued and unable to get enough sleep. Along with sleeping problems, I noticed a large amount of hair falling-out. After visiting my doctor and tests taken, he confirmed it was Lupus.

During the time it took to find the right medication, I watched my hair go from a ponytail to a miniature tuft.  Seeing the balding and thinning at the sides and back of my head was traumatic.

I now spend time searching the web and watching YouTube videos on how to find a good wig, extensions or a great hat. Lol

After I left Costco, I reflected on my hair problem. The thought of people looking at my missing hair had made me anxious and fearful when in reality no one likely noticed. My insecurity became so severe I didn’t want to go anywhere or see people and I just stayed home and felt sorry for me.

And then, at my lowest moment, someone mentioned they admired my hairstyle. Thank you, Lord. You knew just what I needed, a new perspective! God delivered a gift at Costco that afternoon.

For almost a year, I put so much emphasis on this problem and it robbed me of joy. I am so thankful God is gentle in leading us to consider new perspectives when we lose our way.

God uses the old, the broken and the messy lives of ordinary people to show us His great love and compassion.  How many times have I believed the sting of Satan’s lies? “Telling me I am unworthy and not good enough to serve a Holy God. The lies we believe take our joy and confidence, so we stay home.”

What are the lies that you believe that steals your joy?

Should we hide in shame from God? He is the one who knows us best and will always love us?

I am so glad God uses ordinary, broken and hurting people to share His Good News and love to a broken and hurting world.

Philippians 4:13      For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength

Jeremiah 1:7    Don’t be afraid of the people, for I, the Lord, will be with you and see you through.”

Father, help me stand with open hands before you, surrendering to your will. I want my ordinary life to be extraordinary for you.©

Do you ever feel you are too old, too broken, flawed or wounded to be usable to God? Do you think it’s too late for you?     I would love to connect, let me hear your thoughts.

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
I love you all and am praying. 

 God loves you,

Lovingly, Karan



Grandma’s Makeup Routine ~ Computer Hero’s

Grandma’s Makeup Routine

Grandma was in the bathroom, putting on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young

granddaughter as she’d done many times before.

After she applied her lipstick and started to leave, the little one said,

“But Gramma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!” Unknown





 Reflections: Computer Hero’s

I love my computer and learning all the different programs and research that I can do with it. It is like traveling the world, visiting family and friends and never leaving the house. How our world has changed over the years.

However, I am not very good with the technical side of the computer, if something goes wrong, I am stumped. And when the Internet specialist starts talking Technical terms they might as well be speaking Greek. My eyes just start to glaze over.

I must confess though I have a secret weapon, my son-in-law. He can fix anything that I mess up. And you guessed it I took my computer to the states this last month because it was in a desperate need of an intervention.

I am always amazed when my hero the Specialist sees me carrying my computer under my arm that he doesn’t run in the opposite direction fast. He is gracious, understanding and kind. I am so thankful for him and the many talents he has been given.

While I find this technology age so amazing, nothing can compare to what God has done for me in my life. When I remember over the years how he has come to my rescue, always ready to help me when I make a mess. And I know He is near ready to protect, comfort and hear to me, I am so thankful for His patience.

Where would I be without his love and constant care? Like my favorite computer technician, he takes control of my life if I allow him and fixes the area’s that need work and replaces the broken pieces gently with his healing love.© Ephesians 3:20 says,

          Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.

I know God’s promises can be trusted because he has been faithful to me through all my years. He is enough for me! ©

Lovingly Karan

Thank you for sharing your time with me I love the privilege of hearing for each of you.

You bless my life. Have a wonderful weekend with the ones you love.


The Traveling Tourist ~ Vacation

The Traveling Tourist

A man was driving along the highway, and saw a rabbit hopping across the middle of the road. He swerved to avoid hitting the rabbit, but unfortunately the rabbit jumped in front of the car and was hit.

The driver, being a sensitive man as well as an animal lover, pulled over to the side of the road and got out to see what had become of the rabbit. Much to his dismay, the rabbit was dead. The driver felt so awful he began to cry.

 A woman driving down the highway saw the man crying on the side of the road and pulled over. She stepped out of her car and asked the man what was wrong. “I accidentally hit this rabbit and killed it.”

 The woman told the man not to worry. She knew what to do. She went to her car trunk and pulled out a spray can. She walked over to the limp, dead rabbit, and sprayed the contents of the can onto the rabbit. Miraculously, the rabbit came to life, jumped up, waved its paw at the two humans and hopped down the road.

50 feet away the rabbit stopped, turned around, waved at the two again, hopped down the road another 50 feet, turned, waved, and hopped another 50 feet.

The man was astonished. He couldn’t figure out what substance could be in the woman’s spray can! He ran over to the woman and demanded,” What was in your spray can? What did you spray onto that rabbit?”

The woman turned the can around so that the man could read the label. It said:” Hair Spray Restores Life to Dead Hair. 

Author unknown



Reflections: Vacation

The middle of April, my sister, Joanna and her husband invited me to enjoy some time with them in the San Juan Islands, Washington. What a beautiful and restful time. We spent time together exploring new restaurants, second hand stores and even found some real bargains

I enjoyed a ride on a float plane from the island to Seattle (my first time) and then on to San Diego, California where my sister lives most of the year.

Although I was born in San Francisco, most of my early years were spent in San Diego.

Going back to the San Diego area and seeing family and remembering the places that I loved as a youth was fun. It was like a blast from the past. It’s funny, things don’t stay the same. Neighborhoods change, people move away, stores close and new ones open. Time truly does march on.

I am now with my youngest daughter and her husband in northern California, enjoying their beautiful home, warm weather and contemplating life. I will be here for a few weeks and then back home to Alberta, Canada.

There are many times in life where I have been blessed beyond words from the generosity of others. Many of you know these last few years have been a difficult time and I know it has been the same for many of you too.

Sometimes it is easy to slide into discouragement, fear and loneliness at our situations. I’ve often said, “It can be a long way from my head to my heart.”  When my head reminds me of all the verses of God’s love and compassion, and my heart still says, “Why?

Have you ever had those days when you wonder about God’s plan for you?  I love Bible verses that I can hold on to tightly and rely on their promises.

Psalm 73: 23-25

Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand.

You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.

Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth.


It has been and continues to be a special time away for me.

I know that God blessed me through the kindness of others, Thank you Lord.

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 

Lovingly, Karan

Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?

cookingA man feared his wife wasn’t hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem.The Doctor told him there is a simple, informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.

Here’s what you do,” said the Doctor, “stand aboutn40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response.”

That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, “I’m about 40 feet away, let’s see what happens.” Then in a normal tone,he asks, ‘Honey, what’s for dinner?” No response. So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about30 feet from his wife and repeats, “Honey, what’s for dinner?”

Still no response. Next, he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, “Honey, what’s for dinner?”

Again he gets no response. So, he walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. “Honey, what’s for dinner?” Again there is no response.

So he walks right up behind her. “Honey, what’s for dinner?”

She said, “Ralph, for the Fifth time, Chicken !”



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womensAs a young woman visiting Disneyland in California my favorite ride was “It’s a Small World”. The exhibition of dolls dressed in different costumes from faraway countries and places were incredible. That display gave me a hunger to study and dream of the cultures I had never seen.

My childhood dreams have continued, becoming a driving force in my life today. Giving me a sincere love and curiosity for other people’s values, beliefs and customs.

In a small way, those early years formed my life’s perspective of my world view. Learning to appreciate others and delight in our diversity is a joy, and lovingly serving others through friendship is a gift.

Father, let me see the world and others through your eyes, not my own. Let your love shine through me.

Dear Lord, may I be willing to be hidden and unknown today, yet ready to speak a word to those who are weary. May your Spirit touch my words and make them Your words that enrich and refresh others.

Thank you for sharing your time with me today dear friend.

What brings delight and Joy to your life?

I would love to hear your thoughts as we share our journey together.

Lovingly, Karan


Mammogram Practice Anyone?

It must be spring; the doctor just made an appointment for me to have my annual mammogram. Now, I don’t know about you, but it is not my preferred procedure. I thought you might enjoy these mammogram preparations. Have you tried them?

Practice For Your Mammogram

rollerMany women are afraid of their first mammogram, but there’s no need to worry. By taking a few minutes each day for a week preceding the exam, and doing the following practice exercises, you will be totally prepared. And you can do this right in your home!

Exercise 1: Open your refrigerator door and insert one breast between the door and the main box. Have one of your strongest friends slam the door shut and lean on the door for good measure. Hold that position for five seconds (while you hold your breath). Repeat, in case the first time wasn’t effective enough.

Exercise 2: Locate a pasta maker or old wringer washer. Feed the breast into the machine and start cranking. Repeat twice a day

Exercise 3: Situate yourself comfortably on your side on the garage floor. Place one of your breasts snugly behind the rear tire of the family van. When you give the signal, hubby will slowly ease the car into reverse. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Now you have nothing at all to worry about when you go for your Mammogram


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I have been in California for almost a month, and have been appreciating the warm weather, and admiring the beautiful flowers. I love to look at and smell all the different flowering plants. And delight at how each one is unique, beautiful and special. Do you know how special you are?

images (52)For years, I was desperately trying to bloom where I was planted to gain love and acceptance from others. In my world things were never as they might have appeared, I was afraid if people saw the real me, they would not love or accept me. I hide behind a mask, which I called a smile, and become whatever I thought other people wanted me to be.

Although I had a husband and family who loved me, my concept of love was flawed. I thought it had to be earned: If you were good, drove the right car, had the right friends, or joined the right country club, you were loved. If you did not have all those things or were not in the right social group, you were not loved. I thought love and acceptance could be given and taken at a moment’s notice.

Do you step into life’s arena everyday wearing masks, striving for the right appearance and performing your best for love, acceptance, and approval? I have news for you.

God sees us without the masks and thinks we are beautiful, he loves and accepts us just the way we are, no conditions.©

The Bible says:

Has anyone by fussing before the mirror ever gotten taller by so much as an inch? If fussing can’t even do that, why fuss at all? Walk into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They don’t fuss with their appearance—but have you ever seen color and design quite like it?

If God gives such attention to the wildflowers, most of them never even seen, don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? Luke 12: 25-28, the Message-

His love is forever, unchanging, and constant, it is unconditional!

Lovingly, Karan


Thank you for sharing your time with me today dear friend. What brings delight and Joy to your life?

I would love to hear your thoughts as we share our journey.
