Getting Some Music Lessons


Getting Some Music Lessons

A drummer tired of being ridiculed by his peers decided to learn how to play some “real” musical instruments.  

He went to the music store, walked in, approached the store clerk and said, I’ll take that red trumpet over there and that accordion.”

The store clerk looked at him a bit funny, and replied, “Okay, you can have the  fire extinguisher, but the radiator’s got to stay.” Author unknown




I must confess I have been on a controlled eating and dieting plan for the last few month with disappointing results.  The exercise program I picked has me swinging and jumping to the beat of, “Country Heat.” Didn’t help much either. I’m sure if I did the routine every day like I was supposed to, I would be in better shape.

I received a wonderful Fitbit and am wearing it faithfully, only to find out I don’t walk enough (Really?) and my sleep patterns are off. Every night I give myself a scolding and feel guilty I haven’t done better. Who new 10,000 steps was the magic Number.  I thought I walked a lot every day????

I have been reflecting on my diet and exercise hysteria and how I am driving myself nuts, as well as everyone else. Is it insecurity, or the feeling of not measuring up? Who says what is beautiful, acceptable and lovely anyway?

With the constant barrage of the media, celebrities, and fashion magazines our self-esteem can erode fast.  I just read that a poll By Dr. Raj Persuad a Psychiatrist, said looking at magazines for 60 minutes lowers the self-esteem of young women by 80%.  Astonishing.  

I started to wonder why I even buy magazines knowing the reality we see is the perfecting imagery of a Photoshop expert and illusions of technical imagery.  After all if they can make a one-hundred year old woman look 24 again, they can do anything!

All this stress and wanting perfection, I know it is only vanity. In my heart I wanted to feel acceptable and secure in how I looked.  Instead of being grateful, I get all caught up in the physical instead of relying on the one who knows me best. I forgot how much He loves, I am already special and perfect in His eyes.©

Genesis 1:27 
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

We Are Love by God!

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan

Do you find your getting discouraged too? What self talk do you do?

Out Of Gas!

Out Of Gas!

Sister Theresa who works for a  health care agency was out making her rounds when she ran out of gas. As luck would have it there was a station just down the street. She walked to the station to borrow a can with enough gas to start the car and drive to the station for a fill up. 
The attendant regretfully told her that the only can he owned had just been loaned out, but if she would care to wait he was sure it would be back shortly.      

Since Sister Theresa was on the way to see a patient she decided not to wait and walked back to her car. After looking through her car for something to fill with gas, she spotted a bedpan she in the back. Always resourceful, she carried it to the station, filled it with gasoline, and carried it back to her car. 

As luck would have it Sister Theresa started tipping the gas into the fuel tank, the traffic light turned red and she had quite a large audience witnessing the spectacle.

Just when she finished pouring in the last drops of gas a fellow opened up his window and hollered, “I swear! If that car starts I’m becoming a religious man!” Author unknown





A praying child one evening said; Dear God, I hope you’ll also take care of yourself if anything happens to you; we’d be in an awful fix…

I’m sure we all feel like that these days, when the world is in so much turmoil, and distress.

I have struggled for years trying to have a consistent prayer life that seems so often to be more hit and miss, than anything else.

  • I have felt guilty, that I did not pray enough, or long enough.
  • I have felt not good enough, why would God listen to me, I have failed him so many times.
  • I don’t have enough time; I have been told that you have to spend hours in a quiet place. I have family, work, I hardly have time sit down, and when I do I fall asleep.
  • We all know that the only time to pray is early in the morning,

I’ve been told.  However, I’m not an early bird, I just stare at my open bible then fall asleep.  Only to feel guiltier.

Then discouraged I give up, God why did you make me like this? I can’t even stay awake in the morning for prayer, I must be your worst child, One who doesn’t deserve your constant, eternal, forgiving love and graciousness.

I spent money on seminars and books that would help me to try and get it right, so many formulas and how it should be done. But it never was personal to me until I heard a story about the mother of John & Charles Wesley, Susanna who raised 19 children and still had time to pray.

With a busy family, Susanna found it difficult to find quiet time to pray. Her life was hard, but she realized the importance of praying for her family.  The children soon learned that any time of the day when their mother had her apron flipped up over her head that she was praying. So they quietly left the room leaving her disturbed.

I love this story about Susanna Wesley, it has taught me that it doesn’t matter where you pray or when.  I just need to talk to God like a dear friend, anytime or anyplace, he is only a prayer away.  Have you struggled with finding the right time or place to pray? ©

” We are put on this earth, not to see through one another,
But to see one another through.”

Smile, God Love You

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend.

Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan



I Don’t Want To Complain, But…

I Don’t Want To Complain, But…

Two elderly women were out driving in a large car – both could barely see over the dashboard. As they were cruising along, they came to an intersection.

The stoplight was red, but they just went on through. The woman in the passenger seat thought to herself “I must be losing it.  I could have sworn we just went through a red light.” After a few more

After a few more minutes, they came to another intersection and the light was red again. Again, they went right through. The woman in the passenger seat was almost sure that the light had been red but was really concerned that she was losing it. She was getting nervous.

At the next intersection, sure enough, the light was red and they went on through. So, she turned to the other woman and said, “Mildred, did you know that we just ran through three red lights in a row? You could have killed us both!” Mildred turned

Mildred turned to her and said, “Oh, crap, am I driving?” Author unknown





Reflections:  Wrong delivery!

With my clothes piling up and wearing my last pair of pants I needed to look for a new washer and dryer.  I searched furniture stores for the perfect laundry set that would fit both our needs and budget.  After comparing prices, we made were our decision.  I liked the plain white set with burgundy lettering, (I thought it would match our other furniture) I know it’s not going in the living room) besides, it had a wrinkle free cycle which appealed to me.The salesman was anxious and jumpy and talked incisively.  He assured me I had come to the right place, gotten the best price, best deal and best warranty of any other customer he had had that day.

They were going to deliver the washer and dryer on Saturday morning around 9:00 am. Saturday morning came and no washer and dryer. I started panic we needed to wash some clothes and be at another appointment across town at 2:00 pm.  Finally, I received a call telling me they were running late and would be there at 1:00 pm.I knew this would be cutting my time short, mentally figuring out how I was going to make my next appointment, take a shower and have clean clothes. At this point, I was in extreme meltdown mode.

At 1:10 pm the crew showed up and let me know they didn’t have time to set everything up. “It was easy, you could do it all by yourself,” Jr. said, giving me the thumbs up as he raced out the door. Now I don’t know about you, but when someone tells me it’s easy, red flags start flying. Now, Jr. had no way of knowing that I am mechanically delayed and seemed to have confidence in my ability to swing a wrench. Lol, I remember thinking that the washer and dryer looked different than I had remembered. However, I didn’t have time to spend on that thought as we rushed to our next appointment

After a stressful afternoon, arriving home and looking at the washer and dryer, I realized the top of my new set was the wrong color. Instead of white with burgundy letters across the top, it was baby blue enamel 50’s look. I checked serial numbers, did research on the internet, and could not find anything to match.  I was sure that the company had ripped me off and sent me a relic from the back of the warehouse.  I finally fell asleep at 4:00 am worn out and upset.  And I still had no clothes washed!!!

Off to church, we went, but I must tell you I was not in a church going frame of mind.  Later I decided to go to the furniture store and have a chat with the salesman.  Praying I would be kind but firm, I walked in and asked for Harold.   All the while explaining to another salesperson about my predicament. He wasn’t at all sympatric telling me those things often happen. (I was not feeling cared for at that moment.)

Here comes Harold, and I explained my difficulty.  He told me he had never seen a washer and dryer with Baby blue on it.  He even suggested that I might have been lucky and received a newer model.   We walked through the warehouse, and there was nothing like it on the store computer either.

He was beginning to sweat, talking a mile a minute, I thought I needed to take matters into my own hands.  I was firm and told Harold that I wanted the company to come a get the baby blue laundry set, and I would cancel my order, and buy it somewhere else.  Harold wanted to discuss the matter further and asked me to sit down.

All of a sudden he sat up straight in his chair as if a bright idea just hit him.  He said,” did you remove the blue plastic from your washer and dryer? Shocked I squared my shoulder, and indigently said I felt the top and it was enamel. Harold told me sometimes the plastic is hard to remove.  My mind was racing, and I let him know I would go right home and check, but I was positive it was enamel.

Running out of the store, and racing home, I saw my distress salesman coming out of the store lighting up a cloud of smoke, (I suppose to calm his nerves,)  pacing back and forth talking to himself.  I think I ruined his day.

Hurrying into the house, I grabbed a coin and scratched at the enamel, and it started to peel off.  Wow, am I embarrassed!  As I peeled off the baby blue plastic, there was my beautiful white Laundry set, with burgundy letters.  I tried to call poor Harold back, but he wasn’t accepting calls, I wonder why?

Do you ever make embarrassing mistakes and beat yourself up for the foolish error, I often do. I have had to confess my folly many times. In  Psalm 86:15 it says: “God is compassionate, gracious, and slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” I love that God always hears my prayers and loves me, no matter my circumstances. ©

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me. Have a wonderful weekend. HUGS,
Lovingly, Karan

Schooling the Teacher?


Schooling the Teacher?

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales.

The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small.

 The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.

 Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible.
 The little girl said, “When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah”.  The teacher asked, “What if Jonah went to hell?”
The little girl replied, “Then you ask him.”

I have always loved people; their diverse cultures, colors, accents, and humor. Our humanity binds us together. We share times of laughter, brokenness, insecurity, and doubt.

I am so glad that God chose ordinary people of this world to show his great love and compassion. How many times have I felt the sting of Satan’s whispering lies; “That I am unworthy or not good enough to serve a Holy God.” Would I cover my face in shame and hide from the God who knows me best and still loves me?

Like Moses who spent 80 years trying to find meaning for his life, God brought him to a burning bush moment and gave him both meaning and purpose in serving him. I am so glad God can use ordinary, broken people to share His Good News and love to a broken and hurting world.

In 1 Corinthians 1:27 it says,

God purposely chose what the world considers nonsense in order to shame the wise,
                                                  and he chose what the world considers weak in order to shame the powerful.                                                     
Father, help me stand with open hands before you, submitting to your will. I want my ordinary life to be extraordinary for you.
Christ paid a price we could never pay, to give us a life we did not deserve.
We are truly loved.
Lovingly, Karan


Do you ever feel like you are too old, too broken or flawed to be usable to God?
Do you think it’s too late for you?
I would love to connect, let me hear your thoughts.

Let Freedom Ring!

Let Freedom Ring!



 Aesop said many years ago,

 “No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted.”

All over the world, our soldiers are not only sacrificing, but also serving honorably in acts of kindness and compassion.  They are showing people a better way of life. 

Some people say we fight for oil, money, and power.  In our country, there are numerous divisions of opinions on how our government and military should run.  And how our foreign policy should look in countries that are far away and remote from our everyday lives.  Have we forgotten what life would be like for us if this war were fought here in America?

However, something happens when our soldiers leave that will outlast the fear, killings, and the submission that insurgents demand of their people. American soldiers give them something better, kindness instead of selfishness, hope instead of despair, and laughter instead of sorrow.

The enemy may beat, blow-up, and torture people to push their evil agenda, but those people have seen something else.  When our soldiers were out on patrols, or on their days off they give away their food, water, candy, and friendship.  Some even spent their time off helping the people to rebuild their lives, homes, and schools.  These acts of kindness, hope, and compassion are qualities that people of the Middle East will not soon forget!

May God bless the men and women of the military who serve quietly, unselfishly, giving their time and extras to bringing a better life for someone else?  To allow the people to see what real freedom is.  

Every Country, even our own has had to pay a large price for freedom, and our Middle East friends are learning what that cost is with their own suffering also.  Freedom has a high price, but once you have had a taste of freedom you cannot stop until you have it for yourself, your families, and your country.  As they are finding out for themselves.

This is our the American spirit, which is the heart and soul of our soldiers, and the people of in these countries will never be able to forget them.©

“Freedom is never free; it has a price.”

“God Bless America, Land of the Free because of the Brave.”

Lovingly, Karan