Going Fishing ~ Just A Sing-in

Going Fishing

A little boy was going on a fishing expedition with his father, traveling from New Mexico to Colorado. 

Every fifty miles, the excited son asked his father if they were almost there.  The father answered that they had quite a distance to travel yet. So the son waited for a few more minutes and asked his father again.

“Sorry son, we have another hundred miles yet.”

After fifty more miles, the son asked, “Daddy, am I still going to be four years old when we get there?” Author unknown





Reflections: Just A Sing-in

Every time I hear a beautiful song I get teary-eyed, and I think about my own voice that is a little off-key.  I remember at one time Lyle, and I had been invited to sing for an evening event. I was so scared. 

My husband comes from a musical family and has a wonderful voice.  We practiced for weeks.  But when we stood on stage in front of all those people I froze, and couldn’t remember the words or even find my note. 

My dear husband tried to encourage after our song, but I knew it didn’t go well.  As we were leaving a woman rushed up to reassure me and said, “Well after you went up and down the scale a few times you finally found your note, I think it was OK.” So much for my singing career! LOL

Although I am not a singer, I do love to sing. I like to sing out loud, and I’m sure others wish I would stop. One Sunday at church many years ago as I was singing loud and proud, one of my daughters stood close to me and suggested that I might like to hum! But hey, the Bible says let us make a joyful noise, and I want to do my part.

They say, “Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.” I believe those words.

I’ve often said,” It’s a long way between my head and my heart.” When we don’t understand our circumstances and find ourselves in hard places, we often want to rely on our knowledge, experience, and know-how to make everything better. But in our hearts, we feel afraid, worried and confused.

There have been times in these last few years that my head knows all the Bible verses and promises from God’s word, as well as all the praise and worship songs. But my heart still says, why? Have you ever had those feelings??

I have found over the years when I listen to music it lifts my spirits. It is something that gives me energy and joy when I can turn up the volume and sing as loud as I want. I have found a car is a perfect place for my personal concert.

Psalm 13:6 (NLT)

I will sing to the Lord because he is good to me.

Being able to sing lifts my spirit and helps me to delight in the love and care of God.  Singing also reminds me there is no problem or circumstance that is too hard for Him.  When I am singing my heart and head are one and at peace with Him.

And like a small bird needing to fly and feel the wind lift me higher, I know God has placed a special song in my heart that I must sing to a hurting world… Jesus Loves You!  That is my song©

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me. 

Has God given you a song to sing?

Have a great week, Hugs

Lovingly, Karan




It’s My First Day ~ Oh No It’s Her

It’s My First Day!

A blonde was recently hired at an office. Her first task was to go out for coffee.

Eager to do well her first day on the job, she grabbed a large thermos and hurried to a nearby coffee shop.

She held up the thermos and the coffee shop worker quickly came over to take her order.

“Is this big enough to hold six cups of coffee?” the blonde asked.

The coffee shop worker looked at the thermos, hesitated a few seconds, then finally replied, “Yeah. It looks like about six cups to me.”

“Oh good!” the blonde sighed in relief. “I’ll have two regular, two black, and two decafs.” Unknown author



Reflections: Oh No It’s Her 

Being thankful seems like a hard place to be when life is complicated. Many times I have listened as people share a heavy load they carry and admired how they survive the storms of life with thankful hearts. They press on with a confident determination, always seeing a brighter future and moving forward.

There have been many times in my life when I have been heartbroken, disappointed and saddened by life lessons that are hard to understand. I am often reminded when we live our lives touching others we cannot always know the loads they carry or the loneliness they feel.

My husband Lyle had a doctors’ appointment awhile back, and I also required blood tests at the same clinic. I took a number for the lab as the room was full of patients. After an hour I checked with the lab technician to see if I had missed her call for number 23. With a short snip, she told me to sit down and would let me know when she needed me!

As I walked back to my seat I told my husband the technician was a bag and rude; I prayed she would not do my blood work. I sat there and steamed a little, not nice I know but it felt justified. Lol. Do you feel like that some days?

Finally, my number 23 is called, “Oh no it’s her, Mrs. Grumpy pants.”

I sat down and answered her relevant questions, where I lived, name, age and such. I smiled and tried to be nice, and thanked her for her time and effort. As I left she shocked me with a thank you for being so kind and considerate. She said it had been a rough day.

Boy did I feel guilty! How often do I need reminding, “Assumptions are shaky things to rely on: and situations are not always as they appear?”

I am so thankful that God has given me flashpoints in my life to remind me He is faithful to His love and promises. I may get upset, angry and emotional, but when I stand still and look up I know that God is always with me, and continues to love me. I am thankful every day He still teaches me new lessons about myself and others. Even when I fail He is not finished with me yet! ©

Nothing can separate us from God’s Love, What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?

If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Romans 8:31 (NLT)

Yes, I can be thankful, with God I know am never alone.

Thank you for dropping by and sharing your time with me.
Do you ever have doubts about God and his plans?

I would love to hear from you. Have a great week! Hugs to All!
Lovingly, Karan

“I Know What You’re Doing ~ Guess What I Heard?

I Know What You’re Doing

Sarah, the church gossip and self-appointed arbiter of the congregation’s morals, kept sticking her nose into other people’s business. Several members were unappreciative of her activities but feared her enough to maintain their silence.

She made a mistake, however, when she accused George, a new member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his pickup truck parked in front of the town’s only bar one afternoon. She commented to George and others that everyone seeing it there would know what he was doing.

George, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just walked away. He didn’t explain, defend or deny; he said nothing. Later that evening, George quietly parked his pickup in front of Sarah’s house and left it there … all night. author unknown





Reflections: Guess What I Heard?

I have been reminded these last few years how words hurt. Someone makes an observation about another’s circumstances and shares it their friends. Never bothering to check the facts or find the truth.  I have always wondered why people feel the need to run others down, is it to build themselves up?


My mother used to say, “Gossip is like letting the cat out of the bag one claw at a time.” As a young girl, I thought she was being funny. But as the years went by I saw the damage left behind, by the words others carelessly shared.


I watched as people would treat my mother with so little respect as they assumed they knew all about her situation.  But they didn’t know at all, or how hard she worked to put a roof over our heads and food on the table.  Never giving up or expecting handouts. people made assumptions we were poor, although I can’t say that we ever thought we were.


We always had enough, when we outgrew our shoes and clothing; she made sure we had something new to replace the old. I often wondered how she worked her magic with the budget, but as I look back I realize she went without so that my sisters and I would have more opportunities and a few extras. How we loved and admired her.  


I don’t ever remember her speaking unkindly about others, probably because she had personally known the pain it caused.


I have watched her invite people into her home, feed, care and buy groceries for those who had nothing or no one to care for them. Mother was never judgmental and would accept people just the way they were. But most important, she was never afraid or shy to tell anyone about God’s love. She never gave up, she was a survivor, joyfully serving God and touching lives with kindness and comfort


In her later years she worked in real estate, and at times I would be fearful as she drove around the city, often going into dangerous areas. She always told us not to worry; no harm would come because God was taking care of her. And He truly did.   


Mother never cared about what others thought about her or what they said. She only cared about pleasing and honoring God and doing her best for Him.


Mother left me a wonderful legacy to remember, my heart needs to keep my eyes on the God who loves me, and not worry about hurtful words being shared.©


Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.

Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. Col. 4:5-6

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 
Lovingly, Karan
Have you experienced hurtful and unkind words, how did you get through it?

The Fast Lane ~ Flu Season? Not Me I Got My Shot!



The Fast Lane 

The Sunday teacher described how Lot’s wife looked Sodom and was turned into a pillar of salt.

Suddenly Jimmy interrupted.

“My mom looked back once while she was driving,” he announced triumphantly,

and she turned into a telephone pole!” Author unknown





Reflections:  Flu Season? Not Me I Got My Shot!

Every year about September, we start hearing about getting the flu shot which always includes a promise to keep us safe from that particular year’s seasonal virus. I am faithful each year to get my shot because of an Auto-immune disease that I struggle with.  Now Lyle, who never gets the flu shot, thinks it’s a waste of time, besides he never gets sick.

However, after receiving the shot something went wrong.   You guessed it, two days after Christmas I got the flu which lasted about three weeks.  My family decided I would get well sooner if I would try their flu and cold zapping home remedy.  At that point, I was willing to try anything, well almost. 

A cup of hot water, one teaspoon of chopped garlic, one teaspoon of honey and one-quarter cup of lemon juice.  Two cups a day, morning and evening weren’t too awful, and it did seem to help some.  After a few weeks of feeling incarcerated in my home, I was so excited to go to the grocery store and see people. Yeah!  Of course, I was hoping no one would detect the cloud of garlic following me up and down the aisles.

Today I still smell like a garlic bulb, but I think I’m going to make it. Lol

I am still amazed how fast my joy flew out the window.  I moped around the house sniffling and sneezing with my hair uncombed and it even hurt to blink my eyes. My Joy went from 85 to zero in no time at all.  I am embarrassed to even think about it!  Instead of resting on God’s promises I became self-absorbed.                 

Can I choose to be joyful in all circumstances even if I don’t feel like it? Life is a matter of choices and God’s compassion never fails. I  know I will never walk alone.

It helps me remember when I look back and see the journey God has taken me on.  All I see are His promises of faithfulness, love, and grace, what more could I ask for?


 Always be joyful.1 Thess. 5:16

Has the flu come your way yet? How is your joy today? 

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
 I love you all and am praying. 
Lovingly, Karan

It’s Snowing Move Your Car ~ I Need A New Hair-Do

“It’s Snowing Move Your Car”

It had been snowing for hours when the announcement came over the intercom.

Will the students who are parked on University Drive please move their cars so that we may begin snow plowing.”.

Twenty minutes later there was another announcement: “Will the twenty-six hundred students who went to move twenty-six cars please return to class.”





Reflections: I Need A New Hair-Do

Last week was my birthday and nothing helps you reevaluate your previous year then a milestone on the calendar.  I knew my birthday was approaching because for the last six months I have been receiving the unsolicited email about buying a burial plot, death insurance, plastic surgery plans and wrinkle removers. Wow, I didn’t think I was that old and thanks for the reminder! Lol.  But to be honest, each year I think about what can be done to stop the progression. LOl

I remember a few years ago on my birthday I thought I would give myself a new look.  Although my hair white now, I thought I would get a color at the drug store and make it a more youthful color.  Wrong! I didn’t leave the color on as long as they suggested, however when all was said and done I had dark blue hair.  I thought I would just go with the flow and try to act like it was a perfectly normal color me.  You know just rock the look! However, my beautiful granddaughter brought me back down to earth when she suggested I add hot pink hairpieces. I think not!

I am 50 + and loving it and my mind has not left me yet, thank goodness.   I read a quote the other day that said,” I would rather be a vivacious, confident, and a young at heart 70 years old, then an old 40-year-old.

I thought it was a funny quote until I started remembering when I was 40.  Do you remember your 40’s?  I was the ranch gopher, cook, mother of 3 teenager daughters, rancher’s wife, hostess, tour guide, chauffeur, and entertainment committee all in one.  I never seemed to have enough sleep. My theme song during those days was the Garth Brooks, song, “I’m too young to feel this damn old.” Do you feel like that?

I love the way God is faithful to his promises through all generations. I have relied on them, held tight to them and believed them, all these years. I know they can be trusted because God himself is trustworthy and faithful.©

Isaiah 40: 29-31 NLT

He gives power to the weak
    and strength to the powerless.
 Even youths will become weak and tired,
    and young men will fall in exhaustion.
 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
    They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
    They will walk and not faint.

God gave me the privilege of raising our three wonderful daughters. Then He gave me the courage to let them fly the nest, and become the special women that God planned for them to be. I am eternally thankful for His promises that have sustained me all these years.

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me. I love you all and am praying for you this week. 
Lovingly, Karan