33 Outfits Out of a small overnight bag.


One Month Travel Pack



I thought you would enjoy have this “One Month Travel Pack” I call it 33 outfits out of a small overnight bag.  As we go into the spring and summer, and have to deal with high baggage charges this is a great way to have lots of options and save some money too. Wouldn’t it be great to pass up the baggage claim crowd at the carousel?

I have taught this trick for years, it can be adapted for a man’s “Travel Pack” also.  I decided to share it with you dear friends, Hope you find it helpful. If you have any questions let me know. Hugs

Lovingly, Karan 


33 outfits out of a briefcase 2

I Assume You Know!

 Can I Assume?

10143868 airportLast week I heard about a traveler who, between flights at an airport, bought a small package of cookies.  She then sat down in the busy snack shop to glance over the newspaper.  As she read the paper, she became aware of a rustling noise.  Peeking above the newsprint, she was shocked to see a well-dressed gentleman sitting across from her, helping himself to her cookies.  Half angry and half-embarrassed, she reached over and gently slid the package closer to her as she took one out and began to munch on it. 

  A minute or so passed before she heard more rustling.  The man had gotten another cookie!  By now there was only one left in the package.  Though flabbergasted, she didn’t want to make a scene so she said nothing.  Finally, as if to add insult to injury, the man broke the remaining cookie into two pieces, pushed one piece across the table toward her with a frown, gulped down his half, and left without even saying thank you. 

She sat there dumbfounded.  Sometime later when her flight was announced, the woman opened her handbag to get her ticket.  To her shock, there in her purse was her package of unopened cookies.  And somewhere in that same airport was another traveler still trying to figure out how that strange woman could have been so forward and insensitive. Author unknown


Assumptions are shaky foundations to rely on; and circumstances are not always as they appear to others. Difficulties, situations and the events in our lives are not usually what we readily would share on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Isn’t it funny how we can get a wrong impression about people or circumstances and assume we know all the facts?  I confess I have been guilty of this myself, and embarrassed to find out how wrong I had been.    

How many times have I put on a mask to hide from others what is happening in my life? You know that little survival kit, full of special occasion masks we use to get us through a particular crisis.  

When I walk out of the house, hear the screen door slam behind me, I can even pretend to be someone else for a time.  I could be happy, funny, shy, or confident; or try to become whatever I thought other people wanted me to be.  Never allowing others to see the fear and insecurity in my own life.

I could also try to place all my emphasis on outward appearance, material wealth and personal importance too.  Or would it still be a mask of a different kind?  I had a perfect mask and wanted people to think I had a perfect life too. I would just wear a smile!

I was afraid if they saw the real me, they wouldn’t like or accept me.  I am so thankful there is a God who Loves me and likes me just the way he made me.  He sees “The good the bad and the ugly” and loves me anyway. Thank goodness.

What a precious and wonderful gift that He has given me.  The gift of grace.  I don’t have to pretend that life is perfect, and afraid of what others think of me, I am fee to be Me!  I know God is enough for any situation that comes my way.  

IMG_1429@                Thank You dear friends for sharing you time with me.                                                      I count it a privilege.  

Lovingly Karan 

Discussion Question:  Why do you think we make assumptions about people, I would love to hear what you think. Hugs!

Where’s The Party?


Clipart Illustration of a Bunch Of Floating Party Balloons WithThis week I will have another birthday, nothing helps you to reevaluate your previous year then a milestone on the calendar.  I knew my birthday was approaching because for the last six months I have been receiving unsolicited email about: buying a burial plot, death insurance, plastic surgery plans and wrinkle removers.  Wow, I didn’t think I was that old and thanks for the reminder! Lol.

Last week I thought I would give myself a new look.  Although my hair is blonde the top and side are getting white now. I thought I would get a color at the drug store and make it all one color.  Wrong! I didn’t leave the color on as long as they suggested, however when all was said and done I had dark blue hair.  So for the last few weeks, I thought I would just go with the flow and try to act like it was a perfectly normal color me.  You know just rock the look! However my beautiful granddaughter brought me back down to earth, when she suggested I add hot pink of red hairpieces. I think not!

I am 50 + and loving it and my mind has not left me yet, thank goodness.   I read a quote the other day that said,” I would rather be a vivacious, confident, and a young at heart 70 year old, then an old 40 year old.

I thought it was a funny quote until I started remembering when I was 40.  Do you remember your 40’s?  I was the ranch gopher, cook, mother of 3 teenager daughters, rancher’s wife, hostess, tour guide, chauffeur, and entertainment committee all in one.  I never seemed to have enough sleep. My theme song during those days was the Garth Brooks, song, “I’m too young to feel this dam old.” Do you feel like that?

I am sure God must have a sense of humor, looking down on me. With all the wild, crazy misadventure of life, I’ve made it so far. He gave me the privilege of raising our three wonderful daughters. Then He gave me the courage to let them fly the nest, and become the special women that God planned for them to be.  It is hard to believe there were times when I wished everyone would hurry and grow up.  Have you ever felt like that?

I have news for you; the best is yet to come! 


I recently read a bumper sticker that said,

“Grandchildren are so much fun, I wish I had them first”

Have a great week!

Lovingly, Karan 

Thank you for dropping by and sharing your time with me.  Do you ever feel to tired and weary you forget to enjoy life? I would love to hear from you.


I wouldn’t ride that thing if you paid me!

New Kind of Ride

d5d6244dd4d735d93a4bfec75fed8d14A recumbent bike what’s that.” I asked. My best friend was on the phone telling me of her latest bright idea. “Just think,” she said, “I will be able to get exercise and it won’t hurt my back”. (A point well-taken since she had struggled with back problems for years.) Well if you say so, I reluctantly encouraged. Dee researches everything so she must know her bikes.

What is a recumbent bike? I had never heard of it (probably because I don’t ride bikes, I fall off, I can’t coordinate my hands, feet, brain and mouth at the same time.)

However, after our conversation, I rushed to the computer to look at this biking wonder. Looking at this contraption, I was not sure how a person would ride it. It looked like a “lazy Boy” recliner at full tilt with two wheels, handlebars, and peddles. I was sitting there trying to imagine my friend on that bike, lying down with her feet in the air, leisurely peddling along on two wheels. (I am not sure I would ride that bike even if it had six wheels!) Secretly I was hoping she would not get her bike, it looked dangerous!

At Christmas she received her ‘Electric Blue’ recumbent bike, a fancy “high speed” cycling outfit, complete with matching gloves, shoes and a racing helmet (with arrear view mirror no less). You go Girlfriend. My theory in life is if you are dressed for the occasion, and look the part, you can do the job. She sure looked the part of a speed racer, why she could have been on the cover of Biking digest!

For a week she practice and I thought she did well she only crashed a few times in an effort to get out of the drive way. While she tried to find her perfect balance on that two wheeled “lazy Boy” recliner. As her friend, I could cheer her on, but I would not have tried to ride that bike if you paid me.

After a week of wobbling around the neighborhood, she finally mastered the technique. Dee was full of confidence, had found her balance, and felt she was ready to let the world see her new ‘Electric Blue” recumbent bike, complete with a matching outfit. What a sight.

However, she was having a few problems with the fancy helmet. She could not get the mirror to set right, and the chinstrap was a little

Cowgirl Up!

Cowgirl Up!


When this California beach bunny met my Canadian Cowboy, it was like “John Wayne meets California Bling queen” two different worlds collided.  My idea of a rancher’s wife was somewhere between “Dolly Parton” and the television show “Dallas.”  In my world if you were dressed for the occasion you could do any the job.

My new husband sent me out to get some cowboy boots and jeans. I guess he didn’t think the go-go boots and hot pants would work! Lol  

I was excited to go shopping, after all I liked the boots “Dolly” wore with beautiful design’s, colors and sparkles.  Now to find the perfect boot, which in my mind I thought should be both fashionable and practical.  I couldn’t wait to see Lyle’s face when I brought them home.

Modeling my new 3-inch-heeled cowgirl boots and seeing the look on Lyle’s face, I knew he wasn’t as appreciative of the boots as I was.  I think it was somewhere between bursting out into gales of laughter and I can’t believe it!