I Need A Little Help From My Friends!

I Need A Little Help From My Friends!


2016 Readers Survey

As I write my blog each week I think of each of you as my friends. By doing this, it helps put a personal touch on my writing.

Instead of me writing and sending something out into cyberspace for just any random person to stumble across, I want to have you in mind. Offering real encouragement, thoughtful discussions, and transparent hope as we share together.

I am eager to make my blog better and more relevant to your needs and interests. But to do that, I need to know more about Y0u.

This is why I created my 2016 Survey. This short survey will help me to better know who I’m writing to. I will be able to make my blog posts, emails, and resources more interesting, and relevant to you.

Your input is very important to me. The survey is easy to fill out and will take less than three minutes to complete. The results are completely anonymous, and I will not share your results with anyone. Just click below.

I Would Love to Help. Take me to the Survey!

Thanks in advance for your help.


Lovingly, Karan

A Stuffed Turkey

A Stuffed Turkey

How *not* to stuff the turkey, for Thanksgiving

The turkey shot out of the oven and rocketed into the air, it knocked every plate off the table and partly demolished a chair.

burnt-turkeyIt ricocheted into a corner and burst with a deafening boom, then splattered all over the kitchen, completely obscuring the room.

It stuck to the walls and the windows, it totally coated the floor, there was turkey attached to the ceiling, where there’d never been turkey before.

It blanketed every appliance, it smeared every saucer and bowl, there wasn’t a way I could stop it, that turkey was out of control.

I scraped and I scrubbed with displeasure, and thought with chagrin as I mopped, that I’d never again stuff a turkey…. with popcorn that hadn’t been popped!!  Author Unknown




Reflections from Karan:

As an American living in Canada, I am able to enjoy two Thanksgivings each year.  Our Canadian one is this Monday, October 10th, and the American one is the 24th of November.  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year, and having two is special.  

With all the preparations I find myself racing from one task to another playing catch. Cooking, cleaning, washing, writing, it seems I will never get to the end of my long self-imposed list. “Hurry, hurry, faster, faster you’ll never get it all done!” Run, run.

Where do we find rest? Could I stop the world and get off the race that keeps me always spinning. Or is the rest that I long for in the quietness of the morning.  Sheltered in the word of God as he leads me beside the still waters of his love. 

Calming the turmoil, halting the winds and giving my soul the restful peace to keep moving forward in the daily tasks and uncertain times. Whatever the day my hold, I know God’s rest is only a prayer away. He only asks me to live one day at a time for him, because he holds all my tomorrows. ©



Thank you for sharing your time with me, dear friend. Where do you find times of rest

in the busyness of your daily life? I’d love to hear from you.

Hugs to all, Lovingly Karan

Did You Get The Video?


Did You Get The Video?

bukks 4One of my grandsons has decided to take up bull riding as an occupation, which makes my hair stand on end. Last year when my grandson began riding bulls, I went to a few rodeos so I could be an encouragement and make videos of the ride. Because the arena had no light and delays in the program, I pointed my camera at the noise and prayed I could get a picture, no luck. Just a black video and loud yelling.

Three days later I was at another rodeo with him.  Sitting and waiting for the bull riders to start, I noticed the bulls were a lot wilder than the previous day before.  They were meaner with longer horns. I began to get nervous about him riding; the other cowboys I thought were a lot more experienced.  And they were not having much luck on the bulls either.

As I was sitting in the stands as a grandmother knowing how dangerous this sport can be.  I felt almost compelled to go racing back around the rodeo chutes, and grab him by the ear and drag him off to safety. Now can you see the look on all the cowboys faces to see short blonde hair lady dragging a 6’2” man off to the car? Scolding him about the dangers of life in the rodeo arena?  No wonder I am going white!

Alas, I got a grip on myself. I sat waiting for him to ride his bull, prepared to take the video as any loving grandmother would do. However inside I was a wreck. Do you know how long 8 seconds is when you are trying to stay on a bull named demon?  For me, those 8 seconds took a lifetime.

However, I didn’t let my emotions get the best of me, and I didn’t embarrass my grandson, family or myself. Thankfully, common sense took over.  But I will admit at my grandma moment I wasn’t thinking about how anyone else felt, I just wanted him to be safe.

I wonder if God ever looks at us the same ways as we precariously walk through life, going our own way.  Or if he ever feels like grabbing us by our ears trying to get our attention, so he can show us a better way or show something important.

Sometimes I get in such a hurry I can run in the wrong direction, forgetting to ask God what his plans are for me. I love this verse in

Isaiah 41: 9b & 10 I read this morning, which is one of God’s promises for each of us to hold on too.

For I have chosen YOU, and will not throw you away. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you

God is always watching over us, wanting to love, help and care for each one. Can we ask for anything more? ©

Do you ever think God feels like grabbing us by our ears trying to get our attention?






Love, Whatever

Once, while riding in the country, I saw a farmer’s barn with a weather vane on top. And on the arrow was inscribed these words: “God Is

I turned in at the gate and asked the farmer, “What do you mean by that?

Do you think God’s love is changeable; that it veers about as that arrow turns in the winds?” 

The farmer said, “Oh, no! I mean that whichever way the wind blows, God is still love.”

© Charles H. Spurgeon


 Hugs to all.


Thank you, dear friend’s for spending your time with me, Hugs

Lovingly, Karan

Do You Know the Senior Citizen Texting Codes


Do You Know the  Senior Citizen Texting Codes

man4ATD – At The Doctors
BFF – Best Friend Fell
BTW – Bring The Wheelchair

BYOT – Bring Your Own Teeth
FWIW – Forgot Where I Was
GGPBL – Gotta Go Pacemaker Battery Low

GHA – Got Heartburn Again
IMMO – Is My Hearing-Aid On
LMDO – Laughing My Dentures Out

OMMR – On My Massage Recliner
ROFLACGU – Rolling On Floor Laughing and Can’t Get Up
TTYL – Talk To You Louder……..Author unknown






I am constantly aware that the world we live in seems out of control, and demanding of our time. With extra pressure at home, with our children, our social and work obligations, It is no wonder we have a lot of stress in our lives. We need to find ways to de-stress, and find strength and calm in the midst of all the chaos. I love that verse in the Bible that says,

“For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.”

Philippians 4:13, NLB

It gives me great comfort to know that God’s telephone line is never busy, he will never put me on hold, and He does not have an answering service or voice mail. He takes all my calls quickly and personally.

There have also been times when he has not answered me right away, and sometimes he has even said no. I also recognize there will be times in my life when I will never know all the answers. Those are the why questions, the one’s I don’t understand.

I think one day when I get to heaven all those unanswered prayers will not matter. I will know the why’s as God shows me how he protected me from my plans and wishes.

Can I love him and trust him enough to accept the answers He gives me?©

Do you get discouraged when you have unanswered prays like I do sometimes?

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend be safe.

Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, I don’t know that person at all???


So You Think You’re The Mother Now?


Little Alice was allowed to sit in her mother’s place at the dinner table one evening when her mother was absent

Her slightly older brother, disapproved of the arrangement, sneering he asked, “So you’re the mother tonight.” All right, how much is two times seven?

Without a moment’s hesitation, Alice replied nonchalantly, “I’m busy. Ask your father.”.







Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, I don’t know that person at all???

HAVE YOU had sleepless nights, got up in the morning checked the mirror and thought, “I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get it together today?” Was your hair standing on end? Are there bags under your eyes, not to mention the dreaded puffed eyelids? Thank goodness for eye cream and concealer! Some mornings, looking in the mirror can almost stop your heart. Which often happens at my house.

mirror 6Have you fallen off your diet in a major way? Enjoyed an incredible weekend full of carbohydrates, sugars, and fat overload? Now feeling guilty, bloated and 10 pounds heavier than when you started your week. You know, the weekend where you ate everything you could get your hands on just because you couldn’t stand another carrot stick? I have, and I give myself a good scolding too. I usually feel so guilty and miserable I promise myself never again. Well, maybe that’s a little hasty, I hear a little Chocolate is good for you!

Perhaps you’ve had a dispute with your husband, friend or even the kids, and you’re on your last nerve. Possibly you’re saying, “I need to run away for a while or take a cruise, ” or if you’re like me, you just stay in bed and cover your head. I’ve even considered a week at a rest home, wouldn’t that be heavenly. There I could sit on the porch in a rocking chair and sing “Be Still my Soul “and mean it.

Some day’s life does not go the way I expect. I can write lists, make my plans and try to get some sense of order, yet life does not stop because I have had a bad day. Have you ever felt like that?

I am thankful that as each new day comes, I can choose to find something to be thankful for. I am learning how to find joy in the moments. Which has been a lifelong journey for me, I am not a fast learner. How about you?

My life isn’t always perfect, but I have a friend who loves me through the circumstances of life. He is the shield which blocks the sting and protects me in his perfect will. Nothing touches me that does not go through the cross first.

Although I will always have my share of bad hair days, bags under my eyes, blow my diet and lose my temper. I am safe and secure in the knowledge that God’s love, forgiveness are constant, unconditional and forever. He is my Friend. He is faithful. ©

How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.

Psalm 36:7


Thank you for sharing your time with me.

How do you cope with bad days? I would love to hear What You do.

Have a great weekend! Hugs

Lovingly, Karan