
It’s Snowing Move Your Car ~ I Need A New Hair-Do

“It’s Snowing Move Your Car”

It had been snowing for hours when the announcement came over the intercom.

Will the students who are parked on University Drive please move their cars so that we may begin snow plowing.”.

Twenty minutes later there was another announcement: “Will the twenty-six hundred students who went to move twenty-six cars please return to class.”





Reflections: I Need A New Hair-Do

Last week was my birthday and nothing helps you reevaluate your previous year then a milestone on the calendar.  I knew my birthday was approaching because for the last six months I have been receiving the unsolicited email about buying a burial plot, death insurance, plastic surgery plans and wrinkle removers. Wow, I didn’t think I was that old and thanks for the reminder! Lol.  But to be honest, each year I think about what can be done to stop the progression. LOl

I remember a few years ago on my birthday I thought I would give myself a new look.  Although my hair white now, I thought I would get a color at the drug store and make it a more youthful color.  Wrong! I didn’t leave the color on as long as they suggested, however when all was said and done I had dark blue hair.  I thought I would just go with the flow and try to act like it was a perfectly normal color me.  You know just rock the look! However, my beautiful granddaughter brought me back down to earth when she suggested I add hot pink hairpieces. I think not!

I am 50 + and loving it and my mind has not left me yet, thank goodness.   I read a quote the other day that said,” I would rather be a vivacious, confident, and a young at heart 70 years old, then an old 40-year-old.

I thought it was a funny quote until I started remembering when I was 40.  Do you remember your 40’s?  I was the ranch gopher, cook, mother of 3 teenager daughters, rancher’s wife, hostess, tour guide, chauffeur, and entertainment committee all in one.  I never seemed to have enough sleep. My theme song during those days was the Garth Brooks, song, “I’m too young to feel this damn old.” Do you feel like that?

I love the way God is faithful to his promises through all generations. I have relied on them, held tight to them and believed them, all these years. I know they can be trusted because God himself is trustworthy and faithful.©

Isaiah 40: 29-31 NLT

He gives power to the weak
    and strength to the powerless.
 Even youths will become weak and tired,
    and young men will fall in exhaustion.
 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
    They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
    They will walk and not faint.

God gave me the privilege of raising our three wonderful daughters. Then He gave me the courage to let them fly the nest, and become the special women that God planned for them to be. I am eternally thankful for His promises that have sustained me all these years.

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me. I love you all and am praying for you this week. 
Lovingly, Karan

Christmas at Grandma’s ~ Humbug!

 Christmas at Grandma’s


Christmas at Grandmother’s little Jimmy asked, her how old she was.  

She responded, “I’m thirty-nine and holding.”

The little tyke thought for a moment,  then said, ” How old would you be if you let go?






Christmas Has Been Canceled

It’s all YOUR fault!

You told Santa that you were GOOD this year…







Reflections:  Humbug! 

Each year at the holiday season our family watches “A Christmas Carol”. We love the black and white version with Alabaster Simms, as Ebenezer Scrooge. As the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future each pay their nightly visit to Ebenezer; he is traumatized by his nightmares.                                                                         

However, in the morning daylight, things don’t look so grim, and he rejects the nightmares, saying: Bah, humbug, I think the reason I love “A Christmas Carol” is because it causes me to reflect on my own past, present and future

The smell of Christmas baking, the glowing tree with the Angel on top, I would love to keep the tree up all year long if I could. It is so relaxing to sit under the glow of lights and meditate and reflect on the past years. And reflect on God’s love and grace to me.

Over the year, there have been many tears, frustration and fears as I have tried to learn God’s love lessons in patience. I think patience is going to be a lifelong pursuit for me because I seem to be such a slow learner. I am so thankful that God doesn’t give up on me, as he lovingly helps me to understand his purposes for my life.

As I reflect on this last year, I am reminded of all the love, encouragement and prayers of family and friends. What an extraordinary year. I read a little quote that said, “Dark fears flee in the light of God’s presence”. What a beautiful thought of comfort and peace God brings to us as we look forward to 2018.©

Praying you have a wonderful Christmas season with your family and friends.

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your time with me today.

What is your favorite Christmas Traditions?

Sending love to you all, Merry Christmas.

Lovingly, Karan

“It’s The The Journey that matters.”

  “It’s The The Journey that matters.”

This last week I drove to Northern Saskatchewan for an event in Prince Albert.  The weather was beautiful as I witnessed the shades of fall in all its majesty. I think fall is my favorite season.

With autumn comes a gentle calm in the fields after all the fast-paced spring planting, summer harvest, and marketing of the year’s bounty.  All is now waiting for the winter to refresh the land with moisture and a time of rest. Looking at God’s handiwork gives me lots of time to contemplate all the blessings he has given us.

It is during those times when I am alone, quietly listening, that God shares his plans with me. But even in those peaceful moments, I feel the need to remind God that I have a few projects of my own I need to finish.  

Some days I feel overwhelmed with my own plans and goals I haven’t completed.  And interruptions just cause me to fall further behind. Do I choose my time and plans wisely? Are they necessary to my home, business, and ministry? Or is it more like, my way, my wants?  Asking God, “Do you see my busy schedule?  Do you care how tired I am?”  Have you ever felt like that?

Will I accept God’s plan for me, stepping out in faith to trust Him for my day? Am I willing to allow him to be my travel guide for a great adventure? Serving Him is to enjoy all He has planned for me, and knowing I can trust him gives me great joy.

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you.

He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

Deuteronomy 31:8 (NLT)

What Great travel insurance God has given us?  Enjoy the Adventure!  Hugs ©


I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour if we only will tune in.”

George Washington Carver

 What is your favorite season of the year?  Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.

Have a wonderful weekend. HUGS,

Lovingly, Karan

Attention: ***** If you would like to receive our entire letter please subscribe and have it delivered to your mailbox each week, and don’t miss out on the fun stories, blonde jokes, and encouragement with a dash of warmth. 

Can I Give You A Smile?

Can I Give You A Smile?

Some days I find myself in a place of discouragement. Bewildered by the world we live in, with so many hurting people looking for hope, encouragement and a smile. My heart aches for all the families that have gone through the hurricanes the last few months and the massacre in Las Vegas last night. 

Sometimes the way forward seems complicated and challenging, and I’m not even sure I have even enough energy to finish the tasks God had given me.  

I have often heard,” Instruction does much, but encouragement is everything.” Many times a kind word of encouragement, a smile or a simple touch can lift a heart out of sadness, grief, exhaustion or despair.

An act of kindness encouraging others and lets them know you care about them, and they are not alone. It also gives us the opportunity to show God’s love as we touch the lives of others. Encouragement gives hope and inspires determination to keep moving forward when life gets tough, and we become weary of the struggles.

Many times I have asked God to encourage my heart with his love, compassion, and guidance. Asking Him to give me a new perspective and passion for the task He had given me.When I become tired, His promises and love lessons come just in time in sweet ways of encouragement from others. God is not finished with the dreams and goals He has placed in my heart, and he is not finished with me either.

Isaiah 40:31 NLV

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

LIFE can be tough, and the struggles of life and ministry can be harsh. With God’s encouragement, we can remember His promises and rely and lean on Him. The journey will be brighter for us and others as we stand together building one another up with encouragement.©


Have you felt more stressed in the last few months, how have you coped with the daily events?

Attention: ***** If you would like to receive our entire letter please subscribe and have it delivered to your mailbox each week, and don’t miss out on the fun stories, blonde jokes, and encouragement with a dash of warmth. 

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs to all.

Have a great week, HUGS
Lovingly, Karan

Good Afternoon Officer, Anything Wrong?

Good Afternoon Officer, Anything Wrong?

I have struggled with time management over the years and usually, thinking I have more time than I do. And yes my heavy foot has caused the highway patrol and I have our discussions over several tickets. Sometimes as I hurry down the highway occasionally my California roots bust out and I envision myself at a Nascar race. Lol.

I always try to be respectful but sometimes I grumbled about the tickets I didn’t think I deserve. Although in my heart I know I deserved far more tickets than I actually received. How about you? I remembered a time when I was on my way to a speaking engagement and a police officer pulled me over.

For once I knew I had not been speeding (thank goodness for the speed control) and surprised to learn my taillight was not working.

The officer walked back to his patrol car and check my registration and data. As I watch him walk back a thought occurred to me, how thankless his job must be. I couldn’t imagine many people are grateful for their tickets. I sure wasn’t!

When the officer came back to my car he handed me my license, insurance card, and a new ticket. I thanked him for his service, for my ticket and for the good job he does to make our highways safe. He was speechless for a moment and then, thank me and said no one had ever said that to him before. How sad. As I drove away I giggled and wished I had taken a picture of his face. 

Makes me want to do it again. LOL. Isn’t it fun to honor someone else and you get the joy in the deepest part of your soul?

The Bible says:        Lord, we show our trust in you by obeying your laws; our heart’s desire is to glorify your name.”

Isaiah 26:8 NLT

I am so glad that I didn’t react like I felt I wanted to. After all, I was in a hurry to do God’s work. But while I am here on earth, I am to trust the Lord, obey his laws and the laws of the land. And to bring honor and glorify His name. That is my true purpose as I walk daily close to him. ©

If you don’t learn to laugh at trouble, you won’t have anything to laugh at when you’re old.’
Edgar Watson Howe 

Attention: ***** If you would like to receive our entire letter please subscribe and have it delivered to your mailbox each week, and don’t miss out on the fun stories, blonde jokes, and encouragement with a dash of warmth. 

Lovingly, Karan

Thank you, dear friends, for spending your time with me.
Have a wonderful weekend.