
Coffee for Grandmother ~ The Election

Coffee for Grandmother

10A little grandmother was surprised by her seven-year-old grandson one morning. He had made her a cup of coffee. She drank what was the worse cup of coffee of her life

When she got to the bottom, there were three of those little green army men, and she asked him why they were there.

Her grandson said, “On television, they say, “the best part of waking up is soldiers in your cup!”





Reflections:  The Election

This last year and especially these last few months I have found the election season very stressful.

votingAs an Americans living out of the United States, Lyle and I were excited to finally get our ballots and have the privilege of voting.

I am constantly amazed how everyone seems so invested here in Canada about this election. And like the US each person has their favorite candidate and a verity of opinions on them. No matter where I go people want to discuss the candidates.

I read an article a few month ago about the “election stress disorder.” It made me laugh, but then I realized I had many of the symptoms too. LOL. I had become distressed and anxious, always checking polls, twitter, and the news every morning and night.

I was telling my friend in South Carolina that I feared I had this “election stress disorder” and she laughed and reminded me I get like this every four years. What are friends for, to give us perspective when we can’t see the forest for the trees and our focus becomes small?

As I was reading my Bible this morning I was telling God how anxious I am  about this whole election process.

Luke 18:27 it says; …”what is impossible from a human perspective, is possible with God”

What a comfort to be reminded again that God is still in charge, and all is well.

Oswald chambers said it well, “Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the one who is leading.”

I am secure in knowing that in this world God is still on the throne.©


Are you feeling anxious and stressed by this election like me?

No matter where you live, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you, Dear friends for spending your time with me.

Have a great week, HUGS

Lovingly, Karan


Dear Friends


Dear Friends,

It has been a tough week this week, and last night we lost one of our family members to Cancer after a short and brave struggle.
My heart is broken, of not only losing a family member, but also a sweet friend. She is with the Lord tonight, and God has freed her from the pain. I take comfort in the Bible that tells me:
And now, dear brothers and sisters, we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope 1 Thessalonians 4:13 
That is a promise that I am resting on today.  We have that hope of seeing each other again one day.
I am sad for our great loss and yet understand Ruby has fought the fight and won the battle. She now is face-to-face with the Lord she loves and enjoying a great reunion with friends and family who have gone on before.  She went home last night… HEAVEN.©

Home Where I Belong© 

They say that heaven’s pretty, And living here is too.
But if they said that I would have to choose between the two.
I’d go home, Going home, Where I belong.
And sometimes when I’m dreaming, It comes as no surprise.
That if you look and see the homesick feeling in my eyes.
I’m going home, Going home, Where I belong.
While I’m here I’ll serve him gladly, And sing him all my songs. I’m here, But not for long.
And when I’m feeling lonely, And when I’m feeling blue.
It’s such a joy to know that I am only passing through.
I’m headed home, Going home, Where I belong.
And one day I’ll be sleeping When death knocks on my door.
And I’ll awake and find that I’m not homesick anymore.
I’ll be home, Going home, Where I belong.

I Am Just Passing Through
Hugs to all, See you next week.
Lovingly, Karan Gleddie

Blonde Logic: The Perfect Diet

 Blonde Logic: The Perfect Diet

A blonde woman goes to her doctor about her weight, so her doctor puts her on a diet. 
“I want you to eat vegetables and grains for two days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for two weeks.  

The next time I see you, you will have lost at least 5 pounds.scale 3

“When the blonde returned, she shocked the doctor by losing nearly 

20 pounds.

“Why that’s amazing!” the doctor said, “Did you follow my

The blonde nodded.  “I’ll tell you, though, I thought I was going 
to drop dead that the third day.”

“From hunger, you mean?”  “No, from skipping.”




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I love beautiful flowers and have long admired people who have a creative eye for designing them.  I use to read garden books and how-to books trying to learn the proper care of plants and how to growing then. My mother could make anything grow. However, the growing and gardening gene missed me somehow.  I either loved my flowering plants too much with water, fertilizer, and conversation or dried them out with not enough. I find it hard to keep anything alive except cactus! 

Because of my lack of talent in the floral department, when we built our home, I decided to have plants and evergreens around the house that grow annually. They looked wonderful but not much color or contrast.  So one spring I went to “Michaels” a craft and hobby superstore to buy some beautiful tall silk flowers in pink and reds.  My conditions were extra tall stems, large flowers and to look real. I was so excited about this bright idea; I couldn’t wait to get home.  Arranging them in the evergreen bushes and flower pots, I felt satisfied with my creativity.

When people drove by they would comment on my beautiful flowers, I was glad they noticed but hoped they wouldn’t get too close and learn my secret to success!

As summer turned to fall, my flowers still were in full bloom. However one evening we had an early winter storm which blew in with heavy sleet, and the wind.  The storm lasted for two days.    It was so cold outside I had forgotten about my flowers.  After the storm was over I  check on my flowers, and they were still standing tall and blooming beautifully; it’s a miracle! My secret had been exposed.

I have learned there are over 230,000 to 270,000 species of flowering plants, and each one is uniquely beautiful and extraordinary in its own way. I think God looks at each one of us as a beautiful flower too, designed perfect, and precious to be loved by him. Each one is important.

Luke 12:28 New Living Translation

And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?

He loves and accepts us just the way we are, no conditions!

Do you know how special you are to Him? ©

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, I would love to hear from you. 

Have a great week, HUGS

Lovingly, Karan

Did You Get The Video?


Did You Get The Video?

bukks 4One of my grandsons has decided to take up bull riding as an occupation, which makes my hair stand on end. Last year when my grandson began riding bulls, I went to a few rodeos so I could be an encouragement and make videos of the ride. Because the arena had no light and delays in the program, I pointed my camera at the noise and prayed I could get a picture, no luck. Just a black video and loud yelling.

Three days later I was at another rodeo with him.  Sitting and waiting for the bull riders to start, I noticed the bulls were a lot wilder than the previous day before.  They were meaner with longer horns. I began to get nervous about him riding; the other cowboys I thought were a lot more experienced.  And they were not having much luck on the bulls either.

As I was sitting in the stands as a grandmother knowing how dangerous this sport can be.  I felt almost compelled to go racing back around the rodeo chutes, and grab him by the ear and drag him off to safety. Now can you see the look on all the cowboys faces to see short blonde hair lady dragging a 6’2” man off to the car? Scolding him about the dangers of life in the rodeo arena?  No wonder I am going white!

Alas, I got a grip on myself. I sat waiting for him to ride his bull, prepared to take the video as any loving grandmother would do. However inside I was a wreck. Do you know how long 8 seconds is when you are trying to stay on a bull named demon?  For me, those 8 seconds took a lifetime.

However, I didn’t let my emotions get the best of me, and I didn’t embarrass my grandson, family or myself. Thankfully, common sense took over.  But I will admit at my grandma moment I wasn’t thinking about how anyone else felt, I just wanted him to be safe.

I wonder if God ever looks at us the same ways as we precariously walk through life, going our own way.  Or if he ever feels like grabbing us by our ears trying to get our attention, so he can show us a better way or show something important.

Sometimes I get in such a hurry I can run in the wrong direction, forgetting to ask God what his plans are for me. I love this verse in

Isaiah 41: 9b & 10 I read this morning, which is one of God’s promises for each of us to hold on too.

For I have chosen YOU, and will not throw you away. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you

God is always watching over us, wanting to love, help and care for each one. Can we ask for anything more? ©

Do you ever think God feels like grabbing us by our ears trying to get our attention?






Love, Whatever

Once, while riding in the country, I saw a farmer’s barn with a weather vane on top. And on the arrow was inscribed these words: “God Is

I turned in at the gate and asked the farmer, “What do you mean by that?

Do you think God’s love is changeable; that it veers about as that arrow turns in the winds?” 

The farmer said, “Oh, no! I mean that whichever way the wind blows, God is still love.”

© Charles H. Spurgeon


 Hugs to all.


Thank you, dear friend’s for spending your time with me, Hugs

Lovingly, Karan

Do You Know the Senior Citizen Texting Codes


Do You Know the  Senior Citizen Texting Codes

man4ATD – At The Doctors
BFF – Best Friend Fell
BTW – Bring The Wheelchair

BYOT – Bring Your Own Teeth
FWIW – Forgot Where I Was
GGPBL – Gotta Go Pacemaker Battery Low

GHA – Got Heartburn Again
IMMO – Is My Hearing-Aid On
LMDO – Laughing My Dentures Out

OMMR – On My Massage Recliner
ROFLACGU – Rolling On Floor Laughing and Can’t Get Up
TTYL – Talk To You Louder……..Author unknown






I am constantly aware that the world we live in seems out of control, and demanding of our time. With extra pressure at home, with our children, our social and work obligations, It is no wonder we have a lot of stress in our lives. We need to find ways to de-stress, and find strength and calm in the midst of all the chaos. I love that verse in the Bible that says,

“For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.”

Philippians 4:13, NLB

It gives me great comfort to know that God’s telephone line is never busy, he will never put me on hold, and He does not have an answering service or voice mail. He takes all my calls quickly and personally.

There have also been times when he has not answered me right away, and sometimes he has even said no. I also recognize there will be times in my life when I will never know all the answers. Those are the why questions, the one’s I don’t understand.

I think one day when I get to heaven all those unanswered prayers will not matter. I will know the why’s as God shows me how he protected me from my plans and wishes.

Can I love him and trust him enough to accept the answers He gives me?©

Do you get discouraged when you have unanswered prays like I do sometimes?

Thank you, dear friends for spending your time with me, Have a wonderful weekend be safe.

Hugs to all.

Lovingly, Karan