Mammogram Practice Anyone?

It must be spring; the doctor just made an appointment for me to have my annual mammogram. Now, I don’t know about you, but it is not my preferred procedure. I thought you might enjoy these mammogram preparations. Have you tried them?

Practice For Your Mammogram

rollerMany women are afraid of their first mammogram, but there’s no need to worry. By taking a few minutes each day for a week preceding the exam, and doing the following practice exercises, you will be totally prepared. And you can do this right in your home!

Exercise 1: Open your refrigerator door and insert one breast between the door and the main box. Have one of your strongest friends slam the door shut and lean on the door for good measure. Hold that position for five seconds (while you hold your breath). Repeat, in case the first time wasn’t effective enough.

Exercise 2: Locate a pasta maker or old wringer washer. Feed the breast into the machine and start cranking. Repeat twice a day

Exercise 3: Situate yourself comfortably on your side on the garage floor. Place one of your breasts snugly behind the rear tire of the family van. When you give the signal, hubby will slowly ease the car into reverse. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Now you have nothing at all to worry about when you go for your Mammogram


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I have been in California for almost a month, and have been appreciating the warm weather, and admiring the beautiful flowers. I love to look at and smell all the different flowering plants. And delight at how each one is unique, beautiful and special. Do you know how special you are?

images (52)For years, I was desperately trying to bloom where I was planted to gain love and acceptance from others. In my world things were never as they might have appeared, I was afraid if people saw the real me, they would not love or accept me. I hide behind a mask, which I called a smile, and become whatever I thought other people wanted me to be.

Although I had a husband and family who loved me, my concept of love was flawed. I thought it had to be earned: If you were good, drove the right car, had the right friends, or joined the right country club, you were loved. If you did not have all those things or were not in the right social group, you were not loved. I thought love and acceptance could be given and taken at a moment’s notice.

Do you step into life’s arena everyday wearing masks, striving for the right appearance and performing your best for love, acceptance, and approval? I have news for you.

God sees us without the masks and thinks we are beautiful, he loves and accepts us just the way we are, no conditions.©

The Bible says:

Has anyone by fussing before the mirror ever gotten taller by so much as an inch? If fussing can’t even do that, why fuss at all? Walk into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They don’t fuss with their appearance—but have you ever seen color and design quite like it?

If God gives such attention to the wildflowers, most of them never even seen, don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? Luke 12: 25-28, the Message-

His love is forever, unchanging, and constant, it is unconditional!

Lovingly, Karan


Thank you for sharing your time with me today dear friend. What brings delight and Joy to your life?

I would love to hear your thoughts as we share our journey.


The Mysterious Purse Caper!

The Mysterious  Purse Caper

purse Shoes-pileSometimes during both stressful and exciting times life can go a little sideways or way out of kilter. As I experienced a few months ago. Now I don’t know about you but, realizing I would be going into surgery soon gave me the motivation to do some extra cleaning. I determined the week before to give it the ole gusto and clean out the closets and nooks that had long forgotten items in them.

I have always loved purses and shoes so decided to weed out my stash. It took me four days to go through the closets and decide, putting selected items in the giveaway box. Only to take them out again the next day in indecision. Giving myself a proper talking to and again putting them back in the box. Whew, decisions are hard work!

However, one black purse I finally decided to hold onto for another year. Setting the purse next to the table I inserted my wallet in the pocket, thinking I would use it later in the day.

When, my grandson stopped by to see if I needed anything from the city. I asked if he could take my box to the thrift store for me. As he was carrying the box out the door, I spied the black purse sitting next to the table and in a split second decision I decided to throw it in the box too.
Feeling satisfied that I had been able to stand firm on all my decisions.

It wasn’t until a week later that I needed my Medicare number for the hospital that I couldn’t find my wallet, where did I put it? I remember I put it in that black purse I kept. Where is it? O no could I have thrown it into the giveaway box at the last minute?

I called the thrift store and even stopped by, but the wallet had disappeared. So I started the long procedure of canceling all my bank cards, health cards, driver’s license, and other relevant items. If you have ever gone through this changeover, it takes a while to replace everything. I hope I don’t have ever to do this again because of a careless mistake. I’m not sure I could even classify this one as a “Blonde Days”. Lol

I am so glad that I am not a number to God, he never loses me, always knows where I am and loves me. What a relief to know he cares and understand me and is my strength when I am weak, my shelter when I am afraid and my friend when I need someone to talk too. Even in those stressful and exciting times he walks beside me.

Psalm 18: 32, 33, 35, 36 (ERV)

32 God is the one who gives me strength.
He clears the path I need to take.
33 He makes my feet as steady as those of a deer.
Even on steep mountains he keeps me from falling.

35 Lord, you have given me your shield to protect me.
You support me with your right hand.
It is your help that has made me great.
36 You cleared a path for my feet
so that I could walk without stumbling.


God grants with each burden the strength to bear it… seldom more, never less.

God’s power is unstoppable. He is Enough for me!

Dear friends, have you ever lost something important and had it returned?  

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your time with me. Have a wonderful week, Hugs

Lovingly, Karan