How to Determine Your Body Shape # 1

   Loving our Shape, Nobody is Perfect shapes

          Accentuating The Positive

Since I have worked in the fashion and image business, I have noticed as women, we often struggle with our body image. I believe women and teens struggle with these issues because of the Celebrity and media culture that they face dailyWe are confronted with a narrow view of what is beautiful, inspiring, intelligent, kind and perfect.

When it comes to looks and physical appearance we are our toughest critics. Over the years I have seen how women become excessively concerned with the way they look and their appearance striving for perfection. The truth is no one is perfect.  If each of us had a stylist like the famous, or the software which print media uses to airbrush pictures, erase the wrinkles and make us taller and thinner would we like our body image any better?  

Willing to Choose?


When I sit quietly and listen, I can hear God whisper his plans for me.

But I feel I need to remind God, I’ve made my own plans for the day.

“God can you see my busy agenda?”

Some days I have so many plans and goals I don’t want to have my day interrupted.

Have you ever felt like that?


Do I choose my plans which are important and vital to my business and ministry?

Or choose God’s plan for me, stepping out in faith to trust Him.

Serving Him is to enjoy the great adventures He has planned for me,

and knowing I have obeyed his call gives me great happiness.


He is my peace and safe place, the one who loves and protects me.

Could I offer him anything less than my obedience choosing to follow Him?

He is Enough for ME!

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Thank you for dropping by and sharing your time with me. 

Do you ever have interrupted plans?  I would love to hear from you.

Have a great week! 

Lovingly, Karan

It’s A Small World

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As a young woman visiting Disneyland in California my favorite ride was “It’s a Small World”. The exhibition of dolls dressed in different costumes from faraway countries and places were incredible.  That display gave me a hunger to study and dream of the cultures I had never seen.

My childhood dreams have continued, becoming a driving force in my life today.  Giving me a sincere love and curiosity for other people’s values, beliefs and customs. In a small way those early years formed my life’s perspective of my world view.  Learning to appreciate others and delight in our diversity is a joy, and lovingly serving others through friendship is a gift.

Father, let me see the world and others through your eyes, not my own. Let your love shine through me.


Dear Lord, may I be willing to be hidden and unknown today, yet ready to speak a word to those who are weary.  May your Spirit touch my words and make them Your words that enrich and refresh others. 


Thank you for sharing your time with me today dear friend.

What brings delight and Joy to your life?  

would love to hear your thoughts as we share our journey.

Lovingly, Karan

Am I Ordinary


God uses the old, the broken and the ordinary people of this world to show us His great love and compassion.  How many times have I felt the sting of Satan’s whispering lies, “That I am unworthy or not good enough to serve a Holy God.”  Would I cover my face in shame and hide from the God who knows me best and still loves me?

Like Moses who spent 80 years trying to find meaning for his life, God brought him to a burning bush moment and gave him both meaning and purpose in serving him. I am so glad God can use ordinary, broken people to share His Good News and love to a broken and hurting world.

Father, help me stand with open hands before you, submitting to your will. I want my ordinary life to be extraordinary for you.

Christ paid a price we could never pay, to give us life we did not deserve. 

We are truly loved.

Do you ever feel like you are too old, to broken or flawed to be usable to God? Do you think it’s too late for you?  I would love to connect, let me hear your thoughts.

 Lovingly, Karan