



SENIOR citizens are constantly being criticized for every conceivable deficiency of the modern world, real or imaginary.

We know we take responsibility for all we have done and do not blame others.


HOWEVER, upon reflection, we would like to point out

that it was NOT the senior citizens who took:


The melody out of music,

The pride out of appearance,

The courtesy out of driving,

The romance out of love,

The commitment out of marriage,

The responsibility out of parenthood,

The togetherness out of the family,

The learning out of education,

The service out of patriotism,

The Golden Rule from rulers,

The nativity scene out of cities,

The civility out of behavior,

The refinement out of language,

The dedication out of employment,

The prudence out of spending,

The ambition out of achievement or

God out of government and school.


And we certainly are NOT the ones who eliminated patience

and tolerance from personal relationships and interactions with others!!


And, WE DO understand the meaning of patriotism,

and remember those who have fought and died for our country.


JUST LOOK at the Seniors with tears in their eyes and

pride in their hearts as they stand at attention with

their hand over their hearts!



I’m the life of the party…… even if it lasts until 8 p.m.

I’m very good at opening childproof caps…. with a hammer.

I’m awake many hours before my body allows me to get up.


I’m SMILING all the time because I can’t hear a thing you’re saying.

I’m sure everything I can’t find is in a safe secure place, somewhere.

I’m WRINKLED, saggy, lumpy, and that’s just my left leg.

I’m beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.

Yes, I’m a SENIOR CITIZEN and I think I am having the time of my life!


Spread the laughter, Share the cheer

Let’s be happy, While we’re here. Author unknown


Psalm 100: 1-5 (NLT)

A psalm of thanksgiving.

Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!
    Worship the Lord with gladness.
    Come before him, singing with joy.
Acknowledge that the Lord is God!
    He made us, and we are his.
    We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
    go into his courts with praise.
    Give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good.
    His unfailing love continues forever,
    and his faithfulness continues to each generation.


I pray you enjoyed this funny today and it brought joy to your day.  A sweet friend sent it to me a while back and I was waiting for the right occasion to share it with you.  Thank you, Beth!

THANK YOU for sharing your busy time with me, I LOVE each one, and pray the busyness of the season will bless you and keep you safe.

Have a good week, Lovingly Karan 

A Stuffed Turkey

A Stuffed Turkey

How *not* to stuff the turkey, for Thanksgiving

The turkey shot out of the oven and rocketed into the air, it knocked every plate off the table and partly demolished a chair.

burnt-turkeyIt ricocheted into a corner and burst with a deafening boom, then splattered all over the kitchen, completely obscuring the room.

It stuck to the walls and the windows, it totally coated the floor, there was turkey attached to the ceiling, where there’d never been turkey before.

It blanketed every appliance, it smeared every saucer and bowl, there wasn’t a way I could stop it, that turkey was out of control.

I scraped and I scrubbed with displeasure, and thought with chagrin as I mopped, that I’d never again stuff a turkey…. with popcorn that hadn’t been popped!!  Author Unknown




Reflections from Karan:

As an American living in Canada, I am able to enjoy two Thanksgivings each year.  Our Canadian one is this Monday, October 10th, and the American one is the 24th of November.  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year, and having two is special.  

With all the preparations I find myself racing from one task to another playing catch. Cooking, cleaning, washing, writing, it seems I will never get to the end of my long self-imposed list. “Hurry, hurry, faster, faster you’ll never get it all done!” Run, run.

Where do we find rest? Could I stop the world and get off the race that keeps me always spinning. Or is the rest that I long for in the quietness of the morning.  Sheltered in the word of God as he leads me beside the still waters of his love. 

Calming the turmoil, halting the winds and giving my soul the restful peace to keep moving forward in the daily tasks and uncertain times. Whatever the day my hold, I know God’s rest is only a prayer away. He only asks me to live one day at a time for him, because he holds all my tomorrows. ©



Thank you for sharing your time with me, dear friend. Where do you find times of rest

in the busyness of your daily life? I’d love to hear from you.

Hugs to all, Lovingly Karan