I Need A Vacation Away From My Vacation!

Every year when summer arrives I tell myself that this is the summer I am going to take it easy, relax and take time to smell the roses. However, when the summer ends, I need a vacation away from my vacation. I have on occasion toyed with the idea of booking a room at the retirement lodge for a month to recuperate: there I could sit uninterrupted in my rocking chair singing,”Blessed Quietness.” When your life feels out of control, have you ever felt like running away?

My life has been a roller coaster for the last two month, and when my to-do list hits overflow, I become overwhelmed.

At this point, I feel guilty and decide not to look at my list any more. (No, I’m not feeling better yet) Throwing the to-do list away now becomes a real option. I could start a new list, and forget how far behind I am.

The problem is, I often cannot face failure of rejection. I would rather not try than risk failure. I want to see the big picture and know success is certain. However, nothing in life has guarantees.  When financial prospects are bleak, job markets are uncertain, and health issues persist, it is easy to become overwhelmed with life.  Sometimes, I wish God would send me an e-mail, or memo, as a quick reminder that he is still in control. Why is it so easy to trust God for other people’s needs, but when it comes to our own needs we don’t have much faith?  Isn’t God enough to take care of all our needs, big and small?

Psalm 46:1-2  says,”

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. so we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. He is my strength, and light in a troubled world, I will not fear?

Father, I choose your strength, love and promise, I will not fear as long as you walk with me lighting my way. I choose to trust you.

Lovingly,  Karan 

“Laughter is an instant Vacation.”  ~ Milton Berle